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Breaking News: one Indian soldier killed in J&K By Pakistan Army

Hmm,so the score so far this year(2013) is:
India 4
Pakistan 3

In 2013 India has killed 4 Pakistani Soldiers(6 Jan,10 Jan,16 Jan and 15 Feb).
In 2013 Pakistan has killed 3 Indian Soldiers(2 on 8 Jan and 1 Today).

I am sure India's score will increase soon.

^The above post was to remind Pakistanis that we are still ahead in the score.

To phir rota ha kia agay agay dekhye hota ha kia.

When you are accepting that India had killed more Pakistanis then why the cry baby attitude then.
Let me put it to you this way. 10, 20 or even 30 terrorists cross over the border after the Pakistan army kills 1 or 2 Indian soldiers to distract their attention. What point do these 10 or 20 or 30 terrorists serve? They come into J&K , they usually get butchered by the Indian armed forces, they can't capture J&K, they can't forment any uprisings by the local people. They serve no strategic point. They are pointless. They are just lambs to the slaughter

They engage in low cost proxy wars to 1) keep the issue simmering, and 2) To cost India money by having security forces on alert 24/7. Plus they need to engage their thousands of Jihaadis somewhere.

Let me put it to you this way. 10, 20 or even 30 terrorists cross over the border after the Pakistan army kills 1 or 2 Indian soldiers to distract their attention. What point do these 10 or 20 or 30 terrorists serve? They come into J&K , they usually get butchered by the Indian armed forces, they can't capture J&K, they can't forment any uprisings by the local people. They serve no strategic point. They are pointless. They are just lambs to the slaughter

Killing Indian army men is their mission. If they achieve that, its success for them.
Hmm,so the score so far this year(2013) is:
India 4
Pakistan 3

In 2013 India has killed 4 Pakistani Soldiers(6 Jan,10 Jan,16 Jan and 15 Feb).
In 2013 Pakistan has killed 3 Indian Soldiers(2 on 8 Jan and 1 Today).

I am sure India's score will increase soon.

Chup bey.........dhakkan
Both Pakistan and India have enough internal problems to warrant them settling the Kashmir issue as soon as possible. Hopefully the new civilian government of Pakistan and the incoming soon to be elected new government of India will be responsible enough to engage in dialogue to settle the issue. It is an unnecessary burden on both countries' resources. It is a pointless exercise for both countries to continuously whack off a soldier or more every now and then on the other side of the border and keep hostilities open. Pakistan is wasting its time sending in rag tag terrorists now and then to either hurl a few grenades or so at civilians and the armed personnel of India based in J&K. The rest of the world regard the J&K dispute in the same light as a neighborhood would pay attention to the ongoing squabbles of a husband and wife. It remains an unnecessary point of conflict between both nations. It is a pointless skirmish
Pak forces started firing at LOC to help the infiltration since the mountain routes started opening in the summer. They are helping the terrorists.
Don't say that too loudly. You'll get banned!! :lol:

But seriously, there's more to come. Snows melting > passes opening > covering fire > infiltration.

That's the same old tactics we've been seeing since the past two decades! Nothing new to see here. Move on.......:smokin:
the militants must be happy.

Let me put it to you this way. 10, 20 or even 30 terrorists cross over the border after the Pakistan army kills 1 or 2 Indian soldiers to distract their attention. What point do these 10 or 20 or 30 terrorists serve? They come into J&K , they usually get butchered by the Indian armed forces, they can't capture J&K, they can't forment any uprisings by the local people. They serve no strategic point. They are pointless. They are just lambs to the slaughter

yes,and there comes the world with human rights issue..also sometimes civilians lose their life too,making it easier for the human rights ppl to point finger at us.. so they are not so pointless after all.
These incidents should stop. These tit for tats are not good for anybody.
Both Pakistan and India have enough internal problems to warrant them settling the Kashmir issue as soon as possible. Hopefully the new civilian government of Pakistan and the incoming soon to be elected new government of India will be responsible enough to engage in dialogue to settle the issue.
You're being naive to think that Indo-Pak relations would improve if the Kashmir dispute is solved. The extremists in Pakistan like Hafiz Saeed and Co will conjure up something else to finger India with like claiming the erstwhile Muslim majority states like Hyderabad and Junagadh.

You see, the ideologies are so different that they will continue to call us Kafirs or infidels - the enemies of Islam who need to be put to the sword. These mullahs who are propagating such hate and poisoning the minds of future generations are a dime a dozen in Pakistan. And sadly a significant minority that is growing by the day, follow them and their obnoxious interpretations like sheeple.

For peace to reign, there needs to be a significant change in the psyche of such people like Hafiz Saeed and his ilk who have an enormous vested interest in keeping hostilities going. It's a business that depends on donations and they wouldn't want that source drying up which would happen if there is peace between India and Pakistan.

Elementary, Dr Watson!
Pak forces started firing at LOC to help the infiltration since the mountain routes started opening in the summer. They are helping the terrorists.

We have no need to, these are just Indian wet dreams that are spewed without any concrete evidence. We are fighting for our lives here in this WOT, the last thing we are thinking about is supporting militant activities inside India. We can barely manage to keep our Army well fed, we don't have the budget to start a war with India. BOTTOM LINE
We have no need to, these are just Indian wet dreams...
Why do you guys always mention 'Indian wet dreams'? Do Pakistanis have 'dry dreams'?? Sheeesh! :what: :rofl:

Seriously, I'm sorta gettin' sick of this phrase, repeated in almost every second thread like a broken record! :hitwall:
We have no need to, these are just Indian wet dreams that are spewed without any concrete evidence. We are fighting for our lives here in this WOT, the last thing we are thinking about is supporting militant activities inside India. We can barely manage to keep our Army well fed, we don't have the budget to start a war with India. BOTTOM LINE

damn..you should have to be in Army's Budget planning dept..you alone can increase PA's budget around 20-30 bil dollar..keep it up..

in the meantime,there are enough body stacking around the border.just search and you'll get how many incursion is attempted that is foiled by IA/BSF and how many got killed..don't be naive.I thought you're think tank.. :cheesy:
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