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Have you even watched news from Pakistan? During the LM crisis I watched Geo and ARY. If anything they were anti govt.

They talked to Mr.Ghazi on a mobile phone that was provided to him by the Pakistani Authorities, he did this before the raid and DURING the raid itself. Now tell me this, what other country would allow the media to talk to such people during the raid itself or even in the negotiations phase?

You'r right....
Another shocking peace of info.

Mosque survivor 'willing to die'

A female survivor of this month's violent storming by Pakistani forces of Islamabad's Red Mosque has spoken of how she wanted to be a suicide bomber.The 18-year-old told the BBC Urdu Service that she was not held hostage by militants but had willingly remained behind during the week-long siege.

The woman, who asked not to be named, said she was prepared to carry out a suicide attack to defend the mosque.

More than 100 people, including militants and troops, died in the raid.

Soldiers stormed the Red Mosque with its adjacent Islamic school after its clerics and students waged an increasingly aggressive campaign to enforce strict Sharia law in Pakistan's capital.

The survivor said that not only was she inside the mosque of her own will, but she had also been willing to carry out a suicide attack against the government forces outside.

She could not go through with her plan, she said, because there were not any explosives for her to use. She added that other women in the mosque were also willing to die.

"We wanted to carry out suicide attacks. We didn't have enough ammunition to fight face-to-face... Yes, we had a passion and we were willing to go to all lengths."

She said: "Very few girls left because they were afraid - those who left were either minors or they were forced to leave by their parents."

Just one of 30 women to leave the mosque alive, she said her greatest regret was that she had not embraced martyrdom, adding that she was "overcome by grief" when she saw her father again.

She said her ambition now was to set up a new radical seminary that would be dedicated to teaching jihad, or holy war, in Pakistan.

This type of operations could only have been carried out by one not answerable to the people, like Musharraf. Everyone agrees that the people in Lal Masjid were wrong but there was no need for a massacre.

Force doesn't solve problems everytime.
This type of operations could only have been carried out by one not answerable to the people, like Musharraf. Everyone agrees that the people in Lal Masjid were wrong but there was no need for a massacre.

Force doesn't solve problems everytime.

And how else do you think this could have been solved? There was no "massacre". A massacre would have been the storming of the place in February, as some reports coming out now are indicating, or an assault before the almost two thousand students were able to leave. The remaining militants inside could have laid down their weapons instead of fighting it out. That they chose not to is their own fault, not the governments.
I may have none for Aziz bretheren, but I have every possible sympathy for about 1000 people killed. And not to mention the Army personel killed.

Solution you ask? How about negotiations? That may have resulted in a surrender not a bloodbath.

Ah ... I know it is not the place but I am curious about you nick "Agnostic Muslim" dont you think its a paradox.
I may have none for Aziz bretheren, but I have every possible sympathy for about 1000 people killed. And not to mention the Army personel killed.

Your evidence to support the one thousand people killed number?

Solution you ask? How about negotiations? That may have resulted in a surrender not a bloodbath.

Six months of attempts by the government, religious leaders, the Imam-e-Kaabah, CII and no result. In fact, the actions of the Lal Masjid militants became even more criminal. Negotiations during the operation could have only gone on for so long. The people in the area were suffering because of the curfew and stray bullets. There was no reason to believe, after the final negotiations, that Rasheed had any intention of surrendering without also obtaining amnesty for the "foreign militants" holed up with him. Unacceptable conditions for any government.

Ah ... I know it is not the place but I am curious about you nick "Agnostic Muslim" dont you think its a paradox.

I tried explaining that in my intro thread. You are welcome to ask me questions about it there.
after the final negotiations, that Rasheed had any intention of surrendering without also obtaining amnesty for the "foreign militants" holed up with him. Unacceptable conditions for any government.
I was stuck to 3 TV channels for a whole week and I don't think I have missed much so you can't say that Rasheed was trying to obtain amenesty for foreign militants (if there were any and army has still not shown any evidence of their presence) I myself heard him say that he is willing to submit all his associates to the army for inspection and army may arrest anyone found to be foreign.


800 More Body Bags Ordered

JUN 10, 1:00 PM EST - The authorities in charge of "Operation Silence" against militants at Lal Masjid complex ordered today additional 800 coffins and 300 white Chaddars from Edhi, a private TV media reported. The military spokesman while addressing a press briefing said such measures are taken as contingencies.

Police also took over control of all hospitals in Islamabad, July 10. Police have told journalists that no one will be given any information about casualties and whoever is found trying to gather information will be shot.

The military spokesman said, the sweep and mop up operation at the mosque complex will continue through Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The militants are well trained, well stocked with arms and ammo and giving tough resistance to the security forces, he added.

An estimated 4000 to 4500 students were reportedly holed up in the mosque complex. Around 1200 surrendered during the first two days. Another 200 have surrendered. 70 militants have been killed so far. Some 800 to 2500 remain unaccounted for. The army spokesman was unable to answer a related question by a foreign journalist attending his latest press briefing.



Why look at news papers. Truth about blunders like these almost never make its way to the people. Consider the following a brain teaser:;)

1. Initial claims of Government and media sources about students inside the Madrassa never got below 4000.
2. According to the Government 1200 students surrendered including males and females.
3. Again according to the Government about 100 made it out alive after the initial assult was completed.

So can you tell me where are the remaining students?:pop:
I have a simple question

Where are those hostages which allegedly Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi was using as a shield?

How many students were rescued during the operations and were are the details of those rescued?
The faithful in Lal Masjid have refused to offer Friday prayers, when new khateeb of Lal Masjid reached there to lead the prayers.

They chanted slogans of “Al Jihad, Al Jihad” and demanded to bring back Maulana Abdul Aziz. Some of the people started crying on this occasion. Later, security officials rushed to provide cover to Maulana Ashfaq and drove him away.

Talking to Geo News, Maulana Ashfaq said that he had refused to accept the ‘imamat’ of Lal Masjid, but the government made assurances that the prayers would be offered in a peaceful environment. Now, he would never lead the prayers in Lal Masjid, Maulana Asfaq added.

Meanwhile, the angry protestors also expelled MMA leader, Liaquat Baloch from the mosque.
hmm support for that extremist right in the heart of Islamabad.
Blast near Lal Masjid, 7 killed

ISLAMABAD: A powerful blast rocked a hotel near the Lal Masjid in Pakistan's capital on Friday, killing seven persons and injuring several others.

Several people, including many police personnel, were inside the Muzafargarh hotel when the explosion took place.

The blast took place as police and militant students of Lal Masjid fought pitched battles after the mosque was reopened for Friday prayers nearly two weeks after security forces stormed the complex.

The Lal Masjid I knew

Adnan Gill

Many moons ago, I remember looking at the Lal Masjid through the holes in the wall of my junior school, right across the Masjid. Sometimes I would stair at the Masjid for minutes at a time while hanging upside down on the monkey-bars. Sometimes, during the dog days of summer, I used to take refuge in the Masjid from the scorching heat, which was always delightfully cool as the sun would shine through its greenly tinted windows. For some reason, I always found it to be a very peaceful place. I can't remember if it was always painted red, but when I close my eyes, I see it white. In good old-days we used to call it ‘Jamma Masjid’.

In those days, during the regular prayers, barely a row or two used to fill with the devoted worshipers. Even the regular shoppers from -- then known ‘Jumma Bazaar’ -- ‘Itwar Bazaar’ used to barely make a dent in the attendance. However, Jumma prayers always attracted large crowds. So did the Eid prayers. In those golden days, I never remember the Imam issuing calls for Jihad or physical violence. The sermons always focused on the peaceful teachings of the Koran and life of Mohammed (PBUH). When and who transformed the Masjid into a symbol of extremism is not known to me. Luckily, I left Islamabad before the Masjid took a turn for the extremism. At least, I can still revert back to the nostalgic days of Jamma Masjid when the worshipers were more concerned about each other's well-being than the length of their beards.

Fast forward to late 80s. I remember meeting a young and joyful man in the Northern-Areas, which some say depicts the heavens. I still remember exchanging pleasantries with that young man on the lush green lawns of an Army mess as the ‘Megrib’ time fell upon us and as the flying-squirrels started their air-ballet gliding from a tree to tree. I will never forget the time I spent with that young and brave man under the clear blue skies of the Northern-Areas. That young man's name was Captain Haroon Islam. Yes, I am eulogizing Shaheed Colonel Haroon Islam who gave the ultimate sacrifice while breaching the walls of Lal Masjid in an effort to secure the innocent lives of our children stuck inside the Masjid whose Imam time and again refused to order his impressionable students to leave the Masjid; unless, the government agreed to issue him and his mother a full-amnesty. In other words, he was willing to exchange blood of innocent children with a free get-out-of-jail card.

Who is to be blamed for radicalizing, the once, peaceful Masjid to the point where so many innocent lives have been lost is a matter for another debate, but we need to make it loud and clear; that no more we will allow another Imam to brainwash our impressionable children so they can consolidate their power through an army of children. No more we will allow Mosques that are supposed to be places for warship and sources to cleanse one’s souls to become the hubs of extremism. No more we will allow the extremists to hijack our religion whose meaning, and message is peace and welfare for whole creation of Allah.

Let's not forget what the Qur'an has clearly declared:
Whoever killed even a single soul - except being a punishment of murder or that of spreading unrest in the land - is as if he killed the whole of mankind. (Al-Maaidah 5: 32)
Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to resist these radicals (who are spreading unrest in the land) with every fiber of our being so they can no longer corrupt and poison the pristine minds of our children.

Till we take such a strong stand against the extremists, these thieves of peaceful souls will continue hijacking the impressionable minds of our blossoming children, and more and more brave fathers will have to save these children with the gifts of their lives.

I hope, the next time I see the Lal Masjid I will not have to close my eyes to see the peaceful Masjid, I once knew. I also hope, the Masjid to be renamed to ‘Masjid-ul-Islam’ in the memory of the Shaheed Haroon Islam, so we will always remember the price we had to pay to rescue our beloved children. Finally, I hope, the government will no longer get in the business of granting general-amnesties to the murderers of our children.

Rest well, rest well my friend Haroon Islam. May Allah bless you with every reward he has promised to a Shaheed.
A beautiful and moving piece.

Hope it can stir hearts of reason!

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