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For two minutes I was reading it as United Nations(UN) educated mullah:woot: and was rubbing my eyes to see whether I have read it correctly, lol:D

yes you have.
Abdul rashid ghazi worked for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO.


ISLAMABAD (AFP) - As a student, teachers said he showed no signs of Islamic militancy. Now Pakistani cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi sleeps with a Kalashnikov by his bed and has vowed to die in his besieged mosque.

The bespectacled, articulate 43-year-old has led hundreds of pro-Taliban followers since his elder brother Abdul Aziz, the head of Islamabad's Red Mosque, was caught trying to flee the complex in a burqa.

Ghazi's early schooling was at a boys-only Islamic seminary but he never opted for the madrassa lifestyle until the murder of his father in 1998 turned his life upside down.

"He was a normal, moderate student who was well adjusted to a co-educational system," Naim Qureshi, Ghazi's teacher at the history department of Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, told AFP.

Ghazi did his masters in history in 1987-88, and a photo of him and his colleagues still hangs on the department's wall.

"In studies he was okay but I don't remember his grades. I remember that he had a normal beard," he said, comparing it with the bushy, grey, Islamist-style beard that Ghazi now sports.

His teacher said there was little sign of militancy back then. "People do change their lifestyle, after all it's 20 years on now, but it did surprise me," Qureshi said.

Ghazi later married into a moderate family and lived a relatively westernised life. He got a government job in the education ministry and also worked with UNESCO, the UN's culture organisation.

"Ghazi used to share jokes, often spoke in English, moved in mixed company and was an active student," said a university friend who asked not to be named.

His father, Abdullah Aziz, who headed the mosque, was so angry with his lifestyle that he handed over his property to his brother. But Ghazi was not unhappy, the friend said.

However, he completely changed after his father was shot dead inside the mosque by a lone gunmen, thought to be from a rival Islamic group. Ghazi joined his brother, who took over the mosque in 1998 and nominated him as his deputy.

Ghazi also acquired links with Pakistani intelligence services, who earlier used his father and brother to help foster Islamists. The services wanted the Islamists to support the anti-Soviet "jihad" in Afghanistan and the subsequent rise to power of the Taliban.

By the time of 9/11, friends said there was no trace left of the "old" Ghazi. But he also began to move away from his state sponsors.

Security sources said he had close links with pro-Taliban militants and agitated against President Pervez Musharraf's decision to back the US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Colleagues said that in 2004 he survived an attempt on his life and since then had always carried a Kalashinkov with him.

"You always find an AK-47 in his car, with him in the madrassa and even at his bedside," one colleague said.

By 2007 Ghazi and Aziz had become implacably committed towards turning Pakistan into a Taliban-style Islamic state.

"We are not only challenging Musharraf, we are challenging the system," he told AFP in an interview at the mosque in May.

Their students raided music stores and brothels and kidnapped people allegedly involved in "vice". Disastrously for them, these included seven people from Pakistan's closest ally and biggest military supplier, China.

At least 19 people have now died since clashes erupted at the mosque and security forces surrounded it on Tuesday.

Ghazi at one point offered to surrender if he could stay at the mosque with his sick mother.

But by Friday he was vowing that he would rather be "martyred" than give in to the government, which alleges that he is holding women and children in a basement with him as human shields, a charge he denies.

"Ghazi is a changed man now, more determined and rigid in his ideas. I doubt he will surrender now," the colleague said.
A Pakistani cleric leading militants battling troops at Islamabad's Red Mosque, has been killed, Interior Ministry officials say.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi's body was found in the basement of the mosque, hours after troops stormed it, officials said.

he is dead !!!
I bet there is no independent inquiry into the lal masjid affair.
We hear now that there are hundreds of well armed militants in the masjid,they have bobby trapped the the place,human shields of woman and children,uzbeck and chechen militants and wanted terrorist,rocket lauchers ect ect....slowly starting to sound like bullsh*t.
A Pakistani cleric leading militants battling troops at Islamabad's Red Mosque, has been killed, Interior Ministry officials say.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi's body was found in the basement of the mosque, hours after troops stormed it, officials said.

he is dead !!!

Great...! Kill them!! :guns:
A Pakistani cleric leading militants battling troops at Islamabad's Red Mosque, has been killed, Interior Ministry officials say.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi's body was found in the basement of the mosque, hours after troops stormed it, officials said.

he is dead !!!

Is he not also martyed like the pakistani soilders?
Martyed is for Soldiers, Human beings not for terrorist
And [there are hypocrites] who have established a [separate] mosque in order to create mischief, and to promote apostasy and disunity among the believers, and to provide an outpost for all who from the outset have been warring against Allah and His Messenger. And they will surely swear [to you, O believers], "We had but the best of intentions!" -the while Allah [Himself] bears witness that they are lying.

At-Tawbah 107

Dabong, only Allah can judge.
But He has given us wisdom thru his Word so we would know.
I bet there is no independent inquiry into the lal masjid affair.
We hear now that there are hundreds of well armed militants in the masjid,they have bobby trapped the the place,human shields of woman and children,uzbeck and chechen militants and wanted terrorist,rocket lauchers ect ect....slowly starting to sound like bullsh*t.

Im confused, not quite getting what you are trying to convey here.
Is he not also martyed like the pakistani soilders?

How? He took kids and women as hostages, he is a coward. His bro asked for matrydom and himself tried to escape under a burqa.
Let me turn on the TV guyz, I will update you.

If he's dead then its great news.
Ghazi killed in crossfire while surrendering with 4 boyz. Sounds like either his own people killed him or govt order to kill him at the spot..
what govt will gain if they kill him ?
Who are these foreign militants in mosque, which he refer in his last dialogue ?
Now they are telling lal masjid's history. how National foundation land was stoled by gazi.
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