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What the hell. the latest news is that Ch. Shujaat and maulvis have come to an agreement of giving Ghazi a safe passage and amesty to every one with him.

I always knew it was a drama.

What an excellent planning. The drama has diverted attention from the flood in Baluchistan, from CJ case and last but not the least, totally overshadowed all parties conference in London. It also gave the impression of what is to follow if musharraf goes


Talks have failed
I don't know about talks but there is a very good reason why this terrible situation has overshadowed CJ and the all parties conference in London. Those don't compare to the death of atleat 19 people or the threat of militancy within the heart of the capital, How on earth can you call torching of ministries, killing of civilians and a long siege which is detrimental to the image of te country a "drama"???
Maybe the poor folks in Balauchistan need more coverage, but that should be the priority of the media to give fair coverage to all those Pakistani's suffering, not just sensationalise some of Pakistans sufferings.
Army has stormed the madrassa but heavy resistance is reported on BBC.
Fighting resumes at Pakistan mosque after negotiations fail
The Associated Press
Monday, July 9, 2007
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Troops stormed the compound of Islamabad's Red Mosque on Tuesday, prompting a fierce firefight with militants accused of holding about 150 hostages inside, officials said.

"Troops have entered the madrassa" adjoining the mosque, army spokesman Gen. Waheed Arshad told The Associated Press. "There is intense firing going on."

He said 20 children had been rescued from the madrassa, or religious school, but had no word on any casualties.

The assault began minutes after a delegation led by a former prime minister left the area declaring that efforts to negotiate a peaceful end to the week-old siege had failed.

A successions of explosions rolled across the city amid the sound of gunfire. Reporters saw more than 40 ambulances approaching the area along with trucks carrying extra soldiers.

At least 24 people have died in a week of fighting between security forces and supporters of the mosque's hardline clerics who have tried to impose Taliban-style rule in the Pakistani capital through a six-month campaign of kidnappings and threats.

Further confirmation:
a GOOD POST Docrat Pak

A morden Madrass is what the confusion is
Its not morden Madrassa we should be Building, its Just simple Madrassa that will teach the MEANING of the quran - thats whats missing in every Muslim society

Look here in Engalnd Muslim people are only tought the pronoucation and recitation of the Quran but never understood what the Qurans offer thus making student hypocrites to society as a whole.

Here in England the one thing thats been pointed out and got their attention is the high tech equipment, ie night vision , gas mask, anti- tank artilary that these Mullahs got

Its obvious that Pak army or the ISI didn't armed them then who did ?

Just a simple question how would an UN educated mullah who never went to school.
would teach kids .how would he will explain what verse means what.
you see its very easy to sit out side and be all wholly its .its different when you are in it.
as i said without proper education or some trade in there hands those kids have no future.
sending them to uneducated mullah to learn Islam or Quran is a great injustice to our religion and our kids.
these kinds of operation will become a part of every day in Pakistan.
simple thing blind will lead the blind right into a ditch.oldest disease in pakistan is politicians making great speeches.and nothing follows :woot: a GOOD POST Docrat Pak.
Just a simple question how would an UN educated mullah who never went to school.
For two minutes I was reading it as United Nations(UN) educated mullah:woot: and was rubbing my eyes to see whether I have read it correctly, lol:D
Three Female students shot in to their legs by LM when they were trying to flee from Jamia Hafsa and also 20 female students are on hunger strike because LM terrorist are not letting them out
Communication lifelines for negotiations are no longer open, security forces have now cut all phone lines going into LM and have placed frequency jammers in and around LM to disable cell phones and any remote controlled triggers for bombs.
Operation has begun:

2 groups of SSG are taking part One taking Enemies out & other protecting Children and women
23 Kids came out running, aged 8 - 12; more expected !

Lal Masjid is free!!

Fighting going on in library and Jamia Hafsa
Gazi's mother has been shot in the cross fire and is dead.

He brought this upon himself.

runs in the family, bother ran away in burka while gazi hid behind mother
4 security personal shaeed & 15-18 wounded

40 terrorist dead now
70% of the whole complex is under security forces control.

Operation is still going on.

terrorist have RPG, heavy weapons, grenades.
They all are in one area with hostages
operation expected to go for 5 - 6 hours more
saw on Geo
soldier were injured and he was still saying "Mein ek sacha shipahee hoon"
aka " I am a true soldier".
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