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Either they will trained and sent back for havoc in pakistan or they will return in Body bags to pakistan.

IA is training and Arming both factions in Afghanistan with Iranian weapons.
Hindu, Catholic and Jews have never in the matter of terrorism, has ever matched the capabilites, the zeal, ferocity and ruthlessness of the islamic terrorist especially on a global scale

You must be kidding me son.

The global scale of terrorism emanating from your so called "islamic terrorist" is due to the global scale of the problem. Muslims are not a small entity. They happen to sit on the most lucrative piece of real estate for good or bad and this real estate is being exploited. You live in a time when you condone bloodshed of Muslims by state actors because your own country is involved in it and yet consider the reaction to such bloodshed and repression as surprising.
I am sure the English thought the exact same of the Scottish patriots trying to rid themselves of the English...or the Americans fighting the British...yes times are different and so are the tactics, however with this same logic, how could the wholescale massacre of civilians in WW2 be any different than the killing of innocents by these lame terrorists? In WWII, the civilized governments ordered mass bombings of civilian populations and you are trying to tell me that only terrorism perpetrated by Muslims is unmatched?
Please get yourself out of this simplistic mindset that if a Government kills its ok and it has a moral authority, whereas if some idiots plans and pulls off the same, its so much worse. Its all the same. The day you realize this, we would be much closer to resolving these issues.
IA is training and Arming both factions in Afghanistan with Iranian weapons.

Blain, Can i PLEASE, PLEASE request that THIS particular troll be banned. Banned for being so bloody thick!
The parents are subject to relegious blackmail, thats the only reason why i see them sending students over there.

If a mullah walks in to your house and says 'Allah demands your son to be ga ga' how many poor parents can speak against him or try reasoning the statement. Nobody can.

Don't propogate misinformation.
No mullah dare to walk in to any one's house. Its only Indian culture what we have transformed in Pakistan to Islam which is totally wrong.
Parents leave their childern to such seminaries not because of any black mail rather they do it on their own accord.
In Islam human rights are very fundamental to religon.
Childrens have rights towards ther parents and leaving childrens in isolation and ask them to serve you when they grow is not Islamic at all. Children should come for education and go back to their homes before end of the day.
The whole concept of such Seminaries named 'madrassas' is against Islam, instead of spreading knowledge of religon they are distanting the children from Islam and the end child is brainwashed to out of context Islam.
Blain, Can i PLEASE, PLEASE request that THIS particular troll be banned. Banned for being so bloody thick!


I usually leave such decisions to much better people than myself (Neo, Keyser, Webby etc.). They are watching the thread and will take appropriate action.

If we banned people for being "stupid" we'd have to ban most of the people on it....:lol:
You must be kidding me son

With all due respect, NO. And I really wish wish wish i was as old as your son, being an adult sucks.

The global scale of terrorism emanating from your so called "islamic terrorist" is due to the global scale of the problem. Muslims are not a small entity.

Exactly what I said, Small entity or not assymetric warfare propagated by Private individuals is not acceptable in a civilized world.

They happen to sit on the most lucrative piece of real estate for good or bad and this real estate is being exploited.

Everybody has their own problems, Oil is just one reason for Middle east, Crusade idiocracy another. Why see things when there is nothing to see. Why mix religion when the war is about econmics and politics.

You live in a time when you condone bloodshed of Muslims by state actors because your own country is involved in it and yet consider the reaction to such bloodshed and repression as surprising.

I dont condone anything, I am against war, but i am not going to and I WILL not equate WAR , politics played by State actors to that of a some nutjobs hijacking a civilian plane crashing it into a building, while the mastermind sits in some cave.

I am sure the English thought the exact same of the Scottish patriots trying to rid themselves of the English...or the Americans fighting the British...yes times are different and so are the tactics, however with this same logic, how could the wholescale massacre of civilians in WW2 be any different than the killing of innocents by these lame terrorists? In WWII, the civilized governments ordered mass bombings of civilian populations and you are trying to tell me that only terrorism perpetrated by Muslims is unmatched?

WAR WAR WAR WAR, please dont equate that with terrorism. If Iraqi jets flew into United States of America and blew up the Twin Towers, You wouldnt hear me say ****. If a Pakistani jet overflew my house while they have declared war on India, I better run my behind to a shelter.

Please get yourself out of this simplistic mindset that if a Government kills its ok and it has a moral authority, whereas if some idiots plans and pulls off the same, its so much worse. Its all the same. The day you realize this, we would be much closer to resolving these issues.

Simiplistic minds!!! How? The whole reason we have an entity of called Nation states is to have an identity, accountablity and blah blah. War is trait of a Human being. It will happen for one reason or the other. When an idiot pulls it off it is SO much worse. Like it or not if Iraqi jets attacked USA, nobody would call it Terrorism. If Pakistan attacked Indian Parliment nobody would call it terrorism. Nation States Sir, Nation States.

With all honesty that I can muster up, I dont expect a person like you to by any means who understand what it is to be a soldier, who i respect with all my heart wether my enemy or my own. A person who is ready to take a bullet so that my flag can fly high or my family can sleep well. I by no means will ever compare a soldier of any country to that of a terrorist. They have no excuses, none at all.
Blain, Can i PLEASE, PLEASE request that THIS particular troll be banned. Banned for being so bloody thick!


We don't ban people without good reason. There's always the option of using ignore list, I suggest you use it if you don't like his posts.


We don't ban people without good reason. There's always the option of using ignore list, I suggest you use it if you don't like his posts.


TEACH ME TEACH ME, Oh my exalted one, for i cannot stand this, Teach me how to use the IGNORE BUTTON
Well you can't really say that others are not involved in suicide bombings (Tamil Hindus, Catholic Christians in Ireland, Jews in pre-partition Palestine, Basque in Spain etc. etc.) all have used similar tools. Maybe in some cases they do not die with the bomb but the impact on the victim is the same.

Our leaders being in bed with our enemies is not the fault of the people.

Political cases, not as a fight to protect Jesus or Ram!!!
The whole concept of such Seminaries named 'madrassas' is against Islam, instead of spreading knowledge of religon they are distanting the children from Islam and the end child is brainwashed to out of context Islam.

Does everybody agree with this argument that ' Madrassas are against islam'. Im confused now!!!
TEACH ME TEACH ME, Oh my exalted one, for i cannot stand this, Teach me how to use the IGNORE BUTTON

Click on members name and you'll see a few options like: Add Adux to Your Buddy List Add Adux to Your Ignore List etc etc etc...in the toolbar.
Put hem/her on your ignore list...and you won't see his/her posts.

I can't give you a screen print since it shows all mods queries you don't have access to...:enjoy:
PS you can't add a mod to your ignore list, we enjoy full immunity...so you're stuck with me! :bunny:
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