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Breaking News Italian Marines won't return to India

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Since the Italian embassy in India had given a solemn assurance to the Supreme court (note: not to the central government) of their return, the Italian ambassador should be arrested and the embassy itself shut down. Break diplomatic ties with Italy and all trade with them until the marines are returned. This is a criminal offence by the Italian diplomats. Also, they travelled under the control and custody of the ambassador of Italy in India. The supreme court is fully within its rights to order his arrest. Whether India had the jurisdiction to try the marines could have been argued in court - but nobody can deny that India has full jurisdiction to arrest the people who stood as surety for their travel.

We can easily afford to do that much, it's not like we need tiny Italy to survive. Sure, India may not have much diplomatic or military clout on a global scale, but lets not forget one thing - neither does Italy. They are no USA or Britain either. They need the Indian market a lot more than we need them. If we break off all trade relations with them, and close our market to Italian products, they will be a hit a lot harder than us.

Let's see what price they are prepared to pay for the sake of two marines facing murder charges.

yaar i understand your anger b/c i'd feel the same way if it happened to us but be rational too; going into the Italian embassy and arresting a serving diplomat (an ambassador at that) would be equivalent to indians invading italian territory and nabbing its citizens which have immunity

if things went the way you wanted it to, you'd be sparking off a hell of a show and a hell of an international incident

why not just take the issue to the ICJ? and was the indian government really thinking that the Italians would send their own soldiers back to another country with a jail cell waiting for them? come on now!

it's like angry Pakistanis coming out and demanding the Americans to return Raymond Davis (as well as the drivers of the US embassy vehicles which ran down 2 civilians). I'd love to see that, but i know it aint happening
i am surprised at both Pakistanis and Indians here in this thread!

our state funds and resources go towards imprisoning and harassing eachothers fishermen in our own neighborhood and in our own waters ---sometimes what we return are non-living humans (mostly poor people, bread-winners)

and everyone is getting angry over this isolated incident? Where's the outrage over the way we treat eachothers fishermen? Italians ko goli maro, look at us first
yaar i understand your anger b/c i'd feel the same way if it happened to us but be rational too; going into the Italian embassy and arresting a serving diplomat (an ambassador at that) would be equivalent to indians invading italian territory and nabbing its citizens which have immunity

if things went the way you wanted it to, you'd be sparking off a hell of a show and a hell of an international incident

why not just take the issue to the ICJ? and was the indian government really thinking that the Italians would send their own soldiers back to another country with a jail cell waiting for them? come on now!

it's like angry Pakistanis coming out and demanding the Americans to return Raymond Davis (as well as the drivers of the US embassy vehicles which ran down 2 civilians). I'd love to see that, but i know it aint happening

It is different from the Raymond Davies incident, where he was sent back with the understanding that he was being sent back. A common Pakistani would be enraged by that, but it is a fact that the GoP sent him back. And the USA paid blood money which the family accepted. It was all unfair, sure - but he was sent back with full knowledge that he won't return.

In this case, they were sent back upon the solemn assurance of the Italian govt of their return. In fact, the ambassador of Italy himself stood as surety in the Supreme court. If any accused or convicted person jumps bail, the person who stood as surety will be arrested, and the ambassador should be no different. He may have diplomatic immunity, but that can be waived.

I wasn't really advocating storming the Italian embassy (though I don't mind that happening, if things came to that). And the question is, why should we care about diplomatic niceties and protocols, when they violated it? Yes, it will be an international spectacle, but can the Italians really cry about diplomatic rules being breached, after they did jut that?
A bench, headed by Chief Justice Altamas Kabir, had said the marines, Massimiliano Lattore and Salvatore Girone, would travel to Italy under the control and custody of the Ambassador of Italy in India.

So why should the Italian ambassador not be arrested?
I just don't get why Indians couldnot see Westerners will never treat us Asians as equal and constantly cheer leading for them to bash china in this forum on a daily basis.
It is different from the Raymond Davies incident, where he was sent back with the understanding that he was being sent back. A common Pakistani would be enraged by that, but it is a fact that the GoP sent him back. And the USA paid blood money which the family accepted. It was all unfair, sure - but he was sent back with full knowledge that he won't return.

In this case, they were sent back upon the solemn assurance of the Italian govt of their return. In fact, the ambassador of Italy himself stood as surety in the Supreme court. If any accused or convicted person jumps bail, the person who stood as surety will be arrested, and the ambassador should be no different. He may have diplomatic immunity, but that can be waived.

I wasn't really advocating storming the Italian embassy (though I don't mind that happening, if things came to that). And the question is, why should we care about diplomatic niceties and protocols, when they violated it? Yes, it will be an international spectacle, but can the Italians really cry about diplomatic rules being breached, after they did jut that?

i agree with your point that it's not an entirely level comparison.....but the point is that what's done is done now and we cant bring them back to face their crimes

i still get chills when i remember the wife of one of the victims of Davis; she's no longer with us b/c she poisoned herself to death out of despair. There was major outrage in Pakistan over the incident and people were in the streets protesting angrily. Nationalism and emotions tend to dominate the psyche of the common man

but at the end of the day --- doesnt matter which country you are -- you cant go barging in embassies and detaining diplomats

you have to care about diplomatic rules....yeah it sucks, and i dont always like it either but that's the way it works
...and i agree with the last sentence/question of your post
In this case, they were sent back upon the solemn assurance of the Italian govt of their return. In fact, the ambassador of Italy himself stood as surety in the Supreme court. If any accused or convicted person jumps bail, the person who stood as surety will be arrested, and the ambassador should be no different. He may have diplomatic immunity, but that can be waived.

That is a real douchebag move by the Italian government.

One should never make a promise if they are unable to keep it .
That is a real douchebag move by the Italian government.
One should never make a promise if they are unable to keep it .
Not really. Italians had leverage on Indian politicians in name of chopper scam. And they know how India let go criminals and show weakness over and over again especially when Congress is in govt. Bofors, Bhopal, now this.

They know that even Sri Lanka has caused lot of problem.

Leave that, even Maldives made Indian govt. fool and did opposite to what they promised and New Delhi didn't do anything.

Now consider Italy in comparison to Sri Lanka and Maldives.

So Italian knew that they can fool India again and their might be no repercussions as always.

Thing is how this issue will affect present govt. here in India. Its no longer about the case, but India's image which

Personally I think, Indian politicians have always put their a$$ saving over national interest and managed to get away with it as Indians can be fooled over and over again by same template.

Also, don't forget what Justice Katju said about Indians, "90 % of Indians are idiots."
Justice Katju retracted his past comment and has given new one after Italy snub-

99 % of Indians are idiots. Sane one i.e. 1 %, are in Armed forces or living overseas.

I just don't get why Indians couldnot see Westerners will never treat us Asians as equal and constantly cheer leading for them to bash china in this forum on a daily basis.
Not really. What you think is not true in reality.

Its just that our leaders are lucky to have idiot people to rule.
you in college there used to be a 1 liner for this....

ch.tya banaya, bada mazaa aya.!!
you in college there used to be a 1 liner for this....

ch.tya banaya, bada mazaa aya.!!

You have a nasty mouth for a girl. :lol:


I believe this picture demonstrates Indian psyche at this point and time.

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