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Breaking News :India gets entry to MTCR

What is the significance of MTCR? How does India gain any advantage with entry into this group when India actually has the technology to develop every kind of missile?

Missile Technology Control Regime is an anti-proliferation group of 34 nations that aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and other unmanned delivery systems that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks. India had applied for its membership last year and now the member nations have agreed to admit it into the group. Here is how entry into the group will benefit the country:

What is MTCR and how can India benefit from it?


India's entry into the MTCR is a step closer to its Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership.

The entry into this group will shape the future of India’s engagement with not just the MTCR but also the broader global non-proliferation community.

Admission to the MTCR would open the way for India to buy high-end missile technology.

After MTCR's announcement, India and the US are expected to fast-track their discussion on sale of predator series of unmanned aircraft for the Indian military. The Predator drone, which recently eliminated the Taliban leader in Afghanistan, is the preferred tool of the CIA. Membership into MTCR is a huge boost for India's ability to procure this capability.

India also makes a supersonic cruise missile, the Brahmos, in a joint venture with Russia that both hope to sell to third countries. Membership of the rules-based MTCR would require India to comply with rules - such as a maximum missile range of 300 km - that seek to prevent arms races from developing.

India is set to discuss the possible sale of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles to Vietnam. Vietnam has been keen on acquiring the conventional precision-strike missiles, which fly almost three times the speed of sound, for several years now. But both India and Russia will have to agree to export them to a third country.

7. It will also enhance the level of understanding between MTCR member nations and India, allowing the latter to import technologies for peaceful purposes.


I must confess I did not know about a thing called MTCR before this. I've heard of India being kept out of UNSC and NSG.

Anyone know what advantages accrue being in MTCR?

And since the word 'Control' is part of it, it seems like a way to self-regulate?
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