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Breaking News - Blast rocks Nuclear Plant in Frace, Leak risk

better to have complete news:

Explosion sur le site nucléaire de Marcoule : «L'accident est terminé» - Environnement - leParisien.fr

there is no contamination
there is no rejection
and it is confirmed by both private and public offices

it is a site for treatment of low level radioactive wastes and it was an hoven which exploded
there was no consequence except sadly the dead people

anyway here they say that they will close many plants because since Japan disaster they discovered that a few plants are used more than the maximum of age (more than 30 years) . the controls are expected to be stronger in Europe too and conditions for a plant to be used too (they can close and stop a plant if it is not matching some security minima)
lol look who is talking and what was wrong in what he said ??? Btw u should read comments by some of ur country man

Just checked the Indian Navy thread...Indians are far more civil and make sense than Pakistanis..
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