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Deadly blast near India nuclear plant

@MBI Munshi is the shameless lier and troller pdf will see even in the next decade. Go on think tank.!
A local infighting gloriously shown as terrorist acts ! :sick:
This NP is out dated , its based on 1980s Soviet technology plus there are many unresolved issues pertaining to safety, environment and health. The Indian govt has no back up plans/resources/ safety measures for the inhabitants in case of a nuclear leakage.

if you know of any please share it here, thanks

The nuclear plant was planned in 1988 and with the construction started in early 2000s after the design was frozen. So what are we expecting here? 2000s technology? Having stated that, why do you think 1980s design is flawed when the western countries and others made use of these nuclear power for energy fulfillment? Having stated even prior to Supreme Court ordering the probe for the safety features of Koodankulam, about 7000 hours of safety study was done by neutral sources including experts from various IITs. Also if you see, the failures in Fukushima were studied and additional safety features like solar panel based electricity backup were provided. And beyond that, SC ordered probe and the subsequent verdict.

When people living in Chennai and Mumbai does not have issues with Koodankulam, why should people near Koodankulam have issues with it. Here is the difference especially - Kalpakkam near Chennai is used for research purposes and so there is every chance an accident might happen though nothing has happened. But Koodankulam is like a production version in IT terms - safety factors baked in.

So these Koodankulam people are nothing but brainwashed ones by vested elements like Uthayakumar.
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