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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

For all your posts regarding the thread, I totally agree with you and will say that it is a blessing...

Not the way she passed and the effect it will bring on pakistan politically but her passing is blessing... But as we are muslim and we should be forgiving, since Allah likes forgivness. May Allah forgive all her sins.

Please friend dont think I am saying something to you I am just talking about the phrase

How easy a sentence May Allah Forgive all her sins. We Muslims are cool we do what we like good or bad and them when judgement comes we try to hide behind our religion. We all have to pay our dues someday how we do that it depends on us not God.
[The Hebrew daily newspaper Ma'ariv further revealed that Bhutto had asked Israel's Mossad spy agency, along with the CIA and Britain's Scotland Yard, to help protect her in the run-up to Pakistan's January 8 election. Bhutto complained that current Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was trying to make her an easy target for assassination by not allowing her to use adequate protective measures.

So is this a proper way asking another country to provide with security and that too the one we do not have any diplomatic relations with. Besides no one can blame musharraf as i heard him saying on a number of occasions while she did not return yet to pakistan that its not safe for her to come back to pakistan and shes doing in entirely on her own risk. Also when she landed in karachi she was given the choice to take a quick ride to her place in khi and donot prolong her journey as it could be fatal and thats exactly what happened a suecide attack which killed more then 150 people and injured manymore because she ignored the advise at her own risk. The government has given repeated warnings to her not to indulge herself in open public places its not safe, she didnt listen as i always heared her saying that the government is afraid of her and so she suffered and in no way government can be blamed for it.
Another proof of this is that the car she was in, it was a bullet and bombproof and the ones that were in it did not suffered anything, she came out of the sunroof and that was her decision not the governments and so imo the government cannot be held responsible.
Please friend dont think I am saying something to you I am just talking about the phrase

How easy a sentence May Allah Forgive all her sins. We Muslims are cool we do what we like good or bad and them when judgement comes we try to hide behind our religion. We all have to pay our dues someday how we do that it depends on us not God.

Its for us to ask forgiveness for all who die, so that when it comes for us to die then people ask our forgiveness from Allah. No emotional vertue but as per Islam we should pray always for the dead ones, what ever they may have done in their life.

Don't you agree!
Yes, "handing over the weapon" statement is most extraordinary. I doubt any Pakistani politician would make a comment like that. I know about the two statements you mentioned.

Why would she do that? It is not even a demand by the West AFAIK.

Yeah A desprate politician who wanted the top seat will do and say any thing to get there.
You mean to tell me PAkistani nukes taken out of pakistan isnt a westren demand or shell we call it westren dream.
My understanding is that the western countries are not against Pak being a NW state but they are afraid of the danger of their falling in the wrong hands.

At least I have not seen a public comment to the contrary!
Flying shrapnel caused Benazir’s death : Interior Ministry

ISLAMABAD, Dec 28 (APP): Interior Ministry Spokesman Brig ® Javed Iqbal Cheema has said that Pakistan Peoples Party Chairperson Benazir Bhutto’s death was caused by a flying shrapnel which hit the right side of her skull.

He said, “according to medical report submitted to the Interior Ministry she died due to flying shrapnel, after the suicide bomber blew himself up, which hit her on the skull resulting in fatal fracture.”

However, he said, the suicide bomber also targeted her with his pistol but she had no bullet injury.......

Associated Press of Pakistan - Flying shrapnel caused Benazir’s death : Interior Ministry

No shrapnel or bullet found in Benazir’s wound

RAWALPINDI: The open-head injury with depressed fracture leading to cardio-pulmonary arrest caused the death of PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto, Dr Musaddiq Hussain, the Allied Hospitals chief executive, told a press conference on Friday at Rawalpindi General Hospital (RGH)........

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

The Interior Ministry states something and then there is another story put out which is totally at variance.

I also saw a TV news clip which shows a man behind the SUV and leaning over the roof and firing a pistol!

Now, which one is right?
From where you had posted this claim ??

can we have a link ???

if hez some from PPP a leader who is not known than well we have many of such saifullahs just today i had eddited many news where these so-called district leaders are beating their own trumpet

i was reading it somewhere and just wanted to know if this is true that in pakistan army and secret services there are religious extremists and if there are then how come they are never caught and if there are then this is a worrying trend is it also true that afgan people like taliban and al-Quaida members can easily come to pakistan and fake their identities and get jobs in army and secret services police and sensitive places like airports.????
Imran Khan is not blaming AQ or Taliban. He is indirectly blaming Musharraf.

Everything points to terrorists, call them by any name.
:) he can never be good politicians nor i consider him capable of leading the nation or even a party as politics in not the name of getting emotional but to make other emotonal while keeping own head cool and calm like anything.

He is the stooge of Nawaz Sharif and will continue to blam Musharraf like all those idiots who are blaming Musharraf even for disappearence of a Murghi

If elections are to be held and there is so much at stake since NS is no pushover, what was she expected to do?

Organise her campaign by remote control?

Any leader in such circumstances where the situation is very nebulous and is interested in winning power, would have to have a finger on the pulse and lead from the front.
If she lost the election through remote control, she would then become a 'has been'. Dangerous for those who make politics their career!

NO Sir you do not know what politics means here in our part even if you do not hold big rallies even than you can get votes if you have politics as your family business as its the politics of personalities.

The rehtorics during rallies do not play much role in getting votes rather these generate only emotional scenes which was seen during BB's last public meeting that had cost her life.

Rhetoric apart, who can now dare address election rally with suicide bombers lurking in the wings. Even NS' rally was attacked!

Civil disturbance is an easy way out, where personal danger is not there and yet a statement can be made.

Well a BIG NO. cause in a country where everyone expolite sitation and damage govt as well as own proprty this kind of way would be an attempt to create further problems for the country.

Govt is playing it cool and assessing the options.

A right move to calm down emotions.

A very harsh action now will only steel the resolve of the Opposition with dire consequences.

A wise move.

Yes that is need of the hour however shoot at sight order should be there in wake of growing looting and sabotage as i feel and on personal account i can tell you there some sabotagers who are utilizing the sitution for plunder and loot.
I had recieved some information that in some areas of Rawalpindi and Wah Cantt those who had looted the banks and set many buildings on fire were Afghans as residents of these areas know each other very well.

Media and journalists will make merry with the woes of the people as they always do.
They are like vultures!

Agreed they are


I had recieved some information that in some areas of Rawalpindi and Wah Cantt those who had looted the banks and set many buildings on fire were Afghans as residents of these areas know each other very well.


I am sure that the situation is not that bad as what you journalists make it out to be.

You journalists always exaggerate and sensationalise.

Also, Cheema' statement, then the bland one and then Sherry Rehman about bullet wounds vs a mere hitting the head on a lever.

What is the fact?

I am sure that the situation is not that bad as what you journalists make it out to be.

You journalists always exaggerate and sensationalise.

Also, Cheema' statement, then the bland one and then Sherry Rehman about bullet wounds vs a mere hitting the head on a lever.

What is the fact?

Yes Sir the situation is clam now not that much chaos in cities but looting is continue in rural areas of Sindh as you can not send rangers in each and every village.

Rest for the assassination theories well sir with so much media throwing all kinds of dirt the situation gets confused all will be cleared after the storm gets setled.
But there would be some far more greater gam that would unfold after some times.

but at this moment well all is just aimed at creating more trouble in the country.
New Delhi: The Pakistan government's revelations that there were no bullet marks on Benazir Bhutto's body has thrown up several questions.

On Thursday, the Pakistan government had suggested that Benazir was hit by five bullets in the head and the neck but on Friday the government made a startling revelation that there were no bullet marks on her body.

So the first big question is how did the bullet theory start?

Bhutto's body was handed over to her family within hours of the assassination, and the revelations come after her burial. Doctors of the Rawalpindi General Hospital where Benazir was taken after getting injured say there was no autopsy conducted. But just why was there no post mortem?

On the basis of X-ray reports the Pakistan Foreign Ministry has suggested that a skull fracture caused by a shrapnel injury led to Benazir's death.

But how was this established without an autopsy and considering the manner in which Benazir was killed, was there any need for taking formal permission for a post mortem?

The fact that the doubts are being raised after Benazir's burial only suggests further that there could be more to the assassination than what meets the eye.

The following questions remain answered:

Question: The missing bullets?

Friday: Reports claimed she had been hit by five bullets in the neck and chest

Saturday: There are no bullet marks on her body. So how did the bullet theory start?

* Question: No autopsy.

Friday: Body handed over to family within hours.

Saturday: Doubts raised post her burial. So why was there no post-mortem?

* Question: Died of skull fracture?

Friday: Bullet injuries caused death.

Saturday: Theory of skull fracture or shrapnel injury introduced and how how was this established without autopsy ?

* Question: Permission needed?

Friday: Was formal investigation launched?

Saturday: Doctors medical report released. Is formal permission for autopsy needed?

Unanswered questions about Benazir's killing

Note: the lady is dead. Nothing can be done.

But why all this controversial statements allowing speculations?

How is it that once it is shrapnel and then nothing!

Why not speak in one voice?

Why do everything to show that it is a cover up?

Is Brig Cheema, a rogue element and a pro Benazir man?

Comments, Please.
I can NOT believe that in such a short time, so many conflicting news about the cause of death. Bomb sharpnel? Bullet? Trauma due to sun roof lever.

Well I have read forensic medicine, it should not be this ambiguous. Our interior ministery should have waited before issuing so many statements over such a short time. Even in developed countries like UK and US, they do take some time to investigate things.

Now government if offering exhumation, it is extremely unlikely it is going to happen considering all this emotional and gloomy situation within Pakistan. I would agree with Sheri Rehman that a full autopsy probably was not necessary as it was not a mysterious death per se. It does have attached mysteries but there were obvious causes leading to deaths, i.e. firing and a bomb blast. So the injury/injuries sustained by Benazir Bhutto were obvious. Her body was intact, so why so contradicting statements? There was a clear cut cause of death, either a blunt trauma, sharpnel/bullet, but interior ministery has affected its repute by changing their own statements.
Did we ever start pointing at USA when they murdered Kennedy? It is just another way of defaming a nation or degrading it to a failed nation by either making stupid statements and missing the intellect, knowledge and respect...

Hillaray and most other politicians have clearly a different agenda. BB would bering Pakistan not much and has a worst performance possible for any leader. Yet we have to start whining and point at the leader at this moment cause she missed basic security ideas? Pakistan maybe not that safe but the world (politicians and media) is showing pathetic reality...
Did we ever start pointing at USA when they murdered Kennedy? It is just another way of defaming a nation or degrading it to a failed nation by either making stupid statements and missing the intellect, knowledge and respect...

Hillaray and most other politicians have clearly a different agenda. BB would bering Pakistan not much and has a worst performance possible for any leader. Yet we have to start whining and point at the leader at this moment cause she missed basic security ideas? Pakistan maybe not that safe but the world (politicians and media) is showing pathetic reality...

it does not matter what you did or did not.

And anyway, the Americans themselves have been questioning the murder of Kennedy and are still doing so. Movies have been made of it. They are not shy of finding out the truth rather than brushing things under the carpet like some. One may like Americans or not, but one has to agree that they are a people who are always wanting the truth! Even they question Iraq!

Nobody is being pathetic.

Take heart. Face reality. Don't run away from it and find excuses.

If something is wrong, face it and put the house in order.

Things are not normal currently in Pakistan. be a man and seize the bull by the horn. Be a man and face up, Don't whimper and whine or say what you did or did not.

No one is interesting in all the whines.

All people are interested in is that men stand up and put the country back on the rails.

It is not what the world wants, it is what Pakistan wants.

Pakistan right now want law and order.

Face up and put your shoulder to ensure so!

I, as an Indian, will salute all who do so!
Dawn news has just aired new pictures of attack on Benazir Bhutto showing the shooter and the bomber. The pictures clearly show BB disapperaing from top before the blast. This shows she was hit by a bullet and not by the sunroof lever after the bomb blast as the governments spokesman had suggested the other day. This is the clear evidence of the lies this government has put forward to avert attention from the real cause of her death. Even today the very spokesman said it not important how BB died but whats more important is to find out who killed her.

They had blamed Baitullah Mehsood for this attack. Baitullah has denied involvement in this assasination.
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