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Breaking news: Ajmal may tell his tale on TV

Tell India to give us one fact that we did the Mumbai blasts.

What they are giving us are merely premises that can be proved wrong quite easily.
Tell India to give us one fact that we did the Mumbai blasts.

What they are giving us are merely premises that can be proved wrong quite easily.

The point is whatever fact given is being rejected as fabrication.
So what kind of facts do you deserve?

Btw the allegiations are not that 'you' or your govt. did the blasts.

Also answer the second question please...

* Agency chief says information given to media should be shared if accurate
* Says Pakistan most proactive associate of Interpol​

ISLAMABAD: India has neither shared information about the Mumbai terrorist attacks with the Interpol so far nor asked the agency for assistance in the ongoing probe, Interpol Secretary General Ronald K Noble said on Tuesday.

He was addressing a news conference after a meeting with Interior Adviser Rehman Malik in Islamabad.

“The information Interpol has is the same information that you have. It’s information that we’ve read in journals, that we’ve read on the Internet or that we’ve seen on TV,” he said. “We can’t enter newspaper information in our police databases, we can only enter information that we receive from police authorities.”

He expressed satisfaction over the measures taken by Pakistan following Mumbai attacks, adding no other country had co-operated more with the Interpol than Pakistan. “Pakistan is the most proactive associate of Interpol.”

Rehman Malik said Pakistan was prepared to co-operate with India “but they have to bring us credible evidence”.

The interior adviser said National Database and Registration Authority records do not include a citizen named Ajmal Kasab. A letter from the man to Pakistan “has been handed over to legal experts for thorough examination and details in this regard will be issued by today or tomorrow”, Malik said.

During the meeting, Pakistani authorities considered Interpol’s offer to install by 2009 a system known as MIND/FIND, which enables immigration officials to carry out direct screening of passports and identity documents on a real-time basis against Interpol’s global database of more than 16 million stolen and lost travel documents.
Let the TV rehearsals begin at RAW HQ!

Look,RAW isnt that powerful in our country.We dont consider it as our first line of defence .;)
U see ,we are a democratic country.
In this country,its the politicians who call the shots.

If RAW cheif start dreaming of interfering in the investigation done by mumbai crime branch,he'll probably be transfered to Animal husbandry department .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Are you for REAL man? All INTEL AGENCIES are the first line of defense for any country! Your RAW has its tentacles in all over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia and all Indian Embassies around the world. What are the RAW operatives doing their, Charity work for GoI? Sheeesh! :crazy:

However I agree that your current RAW Chief may have been actually transferred and appointed from Animal Husbandry Department of India to RAW HQ by looks of the way they have miserably failed to protect your borders from couple of gun totting teenagers! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ISLAMABAD (December 24 2008): India has not provided any list or any ample evidence regarding the suspected terrorists involved in the last month's Mumbai carnage to Interpol, said Secretary General of the Interpol Ronaldo Noble here on Tuesday.

India had not yet authorised the sharing of any information with the global police agency (Interpol) about those allegedly involved in the Mumbai attacks, said Noble while addressing a joint press conference with Advisor to the Prime Minister on Interior Rehman Malik after a meeting held at the Interior Ministry.

Noble is leading a five-member delegation of Interpol, which arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday amid rising tensions between Pakistan and India. On Monday, the delegation met Indian authorities in Mumbai to collect information about the gunman arrested after the Mumbai attacks.

New Delhi has blamed defunct Pakistan-based militant group for the last month's attacks, which left 172 people dead. Noble informed the media that till this date, India had not allowed its police and law-enforcement agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai into Interpol's databases

When asked if it was unusual for India not to have agreed to Interpol's request for data-sharing, the Interpol chief was of the view that it was India's sovereign choice to decide when to agree. But he expressed the hope that more information would soon be forthcoming, following the deployment of a team of Interpol investigators in India.

Noble said that Pakistan was itself a terrorist-inflicted country and its leader Benazir Bhutto became a victim of terrorism. "We are satisfied over the co-operation extended by Pakistan relating to Mumbai attacks, as Pakistan investigation agencies are co-operative with Interpol and we are thankful to the Interior Advisor for his assistance", he added.

He termed terrorism a major problem faced by the world, and stressed the need for collective efforts from the entire world to eradicate this menace. Around 1,500 people had lost their lives in terror incidents in Pakistan, he added. Pakistan had whole-heartedly co-operated with the world community and complied with the United Nations resolutions, Noble said, and asked the world community to reciprocate the gestures of Pakistan and to extend help to Pakistan to curb the menace.

"Interpol has same information, which you possess," Ronaldo said, adding that Pakistan was co-operating with the Interpol and the world community should also cooperate with Pakistan. "None other than Pakistan till today co-operated more with the Interpol and it was the most proactive associate of this organisation (Interpol)," he said.

Advisor on Interior, Rehman Malik said that Ajmal Kasab had sent a letter to Pakistan through the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi. "Kasab, in his letter, requested for legal assistance, but the name of Ajmal Kasab has not been found in the record of the National Database Registration Authority (Nadra)," he added.

He said that there were set procedures for the handing over of the wanted person to any country, and "we are prepared to extend all possible co-operation to India relating to the Mumbai attacks. We will bring terrorists to justice," he vowed.

"Pakistan and India both were the victims of terrorism," Malik said. To a question, Rehman Malik said that in view of the UN Security Council decision, Pakistan had imposed ban on Jama'at-ud-Da'awa and detained activists of the group. "We want to bring the culprits to justice. We are prepared to cooperate with India, but they have to bring us evidence", Malik said.

Meanwhile, the Informed sources told Business Recorder that the Interpol team was investigating Indian allegations in connection with the Mumbai attacks. The team would collect the information about the measures taken by Pakistan after Mumbai attacks.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Are you for REAL man? All INTEL AGENCIES are the first line of defense for any country! Your RAW has its tentacles in all over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia and all Indian Embassies around the world. What are the RAW operatives doing their, Charity work for GoI? Sheeesh! :crazy:

However I agree that your current RAW Chief may have been actually transferred and appointed from Animal Husbandry Department of India to RAW HQ by looks of the way they have miserably failed to protect your borders from couple of gun totting teenagers! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Epool did it for teh lulz!11!!

Oh, now i get it as to why it took so long for India to produce the guy infront of the world........ the dumb terrorist was unable yet to memorize and regurgitate the lines perfectly, written by RAW directors. :lol:

Asim, i hope you get the answer that you were looking for in your thread about why indians are not bringing forward the guy. Well, after atleast one month of reharsals, their efforts have bore some fruit and the guy is finally ready to talk about the carefully crafted story about his sister, father, primary school teacher, ISI and what not..............

I think we also need to show the world that interview of Sarbjeet Singh (RAW agent) confessing his crimes in shape of bomb blast in Pakistani cities. hey, can anyone search it out for the consumption of our indian members before they read too much into kasab or amir or ajmal or azam or amin......(and God knows how many names he has) confession statement. :cheers:

ISLAMABAD (December 24 2008): India has not provided any list or any ample evidence regarding the suspected terrorists involved in the last month's Mumbai carnage to Interpol, said Secretary General of the Interpol Ronaldo Noble here on Tuesday.

India had not yet authorised the sharing of any information with the global police agency (Interpol) about those allegedly involved in the Mumbai attacks, said Noble while addressing a joint press conference with Advisor to the Prime Minister on Interior Rehman Malik after a meeting held at the Interior Ministry.

Noble is leading a five-member delegation of Interpol, which arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday amid rising tensions between Pakistan and India. On Monday, the delegation met Indian authorities in Mumbai to collect information about the gunman arrested after the Mumbai attacks.

New Delhi has blamed defunct Pakistan-based militant group for the last month's attacks, which left 172 people dead. Noble informed the media that till this date, India had not allowed its police and law-enforcement agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai into Interpol's databases

When asked if it was unusual for India not to have agreed to Interpol's request for data-sharing, the Interpol chief was of the view that it was India's sovereign choice to decide when to agree. But he expressed the hope that more information would soon be forthcoming, following the deployment of a team of Interpol investigators in India.

Noble said that Pakistan was itself a terrorist-inflicted country and its leader Benazir Bhutto became a victim of terrorism. "We are satisfied over the co-operation extended by Pakistan relating to Mumbai attacks, as Pakistan investigation agencies are co-operative with Interpol and we are thankful to the Interior Advisor for his assistance", he added.

He termed terrorism a major problem faced by the world, and stressed the need for collective efforts from the entire world to eradicate this menace. Around 1,500 people had lost their lives in terror incidents in Pakistan, he added. Pakistan had whole-heartedly co-operated with the world community and complied with the United Nations resolutions, Noble said, and asked the world community to reciprocate the gestures of Pakistan and to extend help to Pakistan to curb the menace.

"Interpol has same information, which you possess," Ronaldo said, adding that Pakistan was co-operating with the Interpol and the world community should also cooperate with Pakistan. "None other than Pakistan till today co-operated more with the Interpol and it was the most proactive associate of this organisation (Interpol)," he said.

Advisor on Interior, Rehman Malik said that Ajmal Kasab had sent a letter to Pakistan through the Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi. "Kasab, in his letter, requested for legal assistance, but the name of Ajmal Kasab has not been found in the record of the National Database Registration Authority (Nadra)," he added.

He said that there were set procedures for the handing over of the wanted person to any country, and "we are prepared to extend all possible co-operation to India relating to the Mumbai attacks. We will bring terrorists to justice," he vowed.

"Pakistan and India both were the victims of terrorism," Malik said. To a question, Rehman Malik said that in view of the UN Security Council decision, Pakistan had imposed ban on Jama'at-ud-Da'awa and detained activists of the group. "We want to bring the culprits to justice. We are prepared to cooperate with India, but they have to bring us evidence", Malik said.

Meanwhile, the Informed sources told Business Recorder that the Interpol team was investigating Indian allegations in connection with the Mumbai attacks. The team would collect the information about the measures taken by Pakistan after Mumbai attacks.

This statement by the INTERPOL Chief certainly pisses & craps on the Indian Akhand Parade to bash Pakistan.
Dear Friend,

Actually Mr.Zardari lost the dictionary, which contains the meaning of "Evidence", which the Army Chief of Pakistan had given him at the time of taking Oath.

Now they are meeting today night and will come up with some new defination by tommorrow morning. So wait till then.



Two others have been arrested for helping the gunmen get mobile phone cards, along with Kasab.

Mukhtar Ahmed, 35, originally from Indian-controlled Kashmir, was detained on Friday in Delhi. He is being held with another man, Tauseef Rehman, 26, who was arrested in his home city of Calcutta on the same day.

The detention of the two men, both now being held in Calcutta, had been hailed as a potentially key breakthrough in the Mumbai investigation.

The operation turned sour, however, after police in Srinagar, Indian Kashmir's summer capital, said that Ahmed worked for them, raising the possibility that an Indian agent aided the militants that committed India's worse terror attack in 15 years.
Mumbai terrorists 'part of a larger group' - Times Online


MUMBAI, India (CNN) -- The head of a small fishing community along the coast of Mumbai says he warned Indian police about terrorists smuggling powerful explosives months before gunmen entered through the harbor and launched a deadly siege against the city.

The fisherman, Damoda Tandel, showed CNN a letter in which he warned Indian authorities about a tip that terrorists were using the harbor to import RDX, an explosive compound commonly used in military and industrial applications. He says police did nothing.
Mumbai fisherman warned about bomb smugglers - CNN.com


Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, and BJP Prime Ministerial candidate, L.K.Advani accused him of being a 'desh drohi' or traitor, a charge that in India carries a death penalty, and the Shiv Sena offered legal aid to those accused of the terrorist attack.
Who Killed Hemant Karkare? - NAM
Who cares if they produce him on TV?

He's still either working for BJP, or got an Indian gun up his ***.

Everyone wants evidence, not drama. That phase finished a long time ago.
“We then submitted a letter written by Ajmal himself, that too in Urdu, the language he knows"

lol the policeman who heard this ajmal and his frnd said "The young gunmen said little during the harrowing drive, but spoke Hindi with a strong Punjabi, north-Indian accent" :D Indians are just saving their arse
Someone here help me with this. especially for Pakistanis...
1) What kind of evidence will Pakistanis believe in?
The phone call intercepts to alleged 'handlers' in Pakistan. Any transactional or financial traces linking JuD to the LeT or this particular incident, and any other hard credible evidence indicating the complicity of 'handlers' in Pakistan
2) What should GoP do if(once more if) India was able to convince Pakistan about the truth of it?
The main suspects, Lakhvi and others, have already been detained and the JuD already been banned. The evidence would allow for a prosecution in the courts.
EVIDENCE is material that can be verified beyond reasonable doubt and independently by representatives of both parties. Indian Government is acting as the Judge, Jury and Executioner in this serious allegation (from the 1st day of the attack) towards Pakistan without providing any information to us or now even to third parties like the INTERPOL. The statement of Interpol Chief had summed it all up when he said, ''I cannot enter evidence from Newspapers and TV into my criminal databases''. So India invites the FBI, INTERPOL, MOSSAD etc etc in a hurry and then forgets that not all international investigation agencies work the same way as their Police does as DABLOO put it. ''Police Lathi up the @ss and you make a criminal sing anything''!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Are you for REAL man? All INTEL AGENCIES are the first line of defense for any country! Your RAW has its tentacles in all over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia and all Indian Embassies around the world. What are the RAW operatives doing their, Charity work for GoI? Sheeesh! :crazy:

However I agree that your current RAW Chief may have been actually transferred and appointed from Animal Husbandry Department of India to RAW HQ by looks of the way they have miserably failed to protect your borders from couple of gun totting teenagers! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"However I agree that your current RAW Chief may have been actually transferred and appointed from Animal Husbandry Department of India to RAW HQ by looks of the way they have miserably failed to protect your borders from couple of gun totting teenagers!"

U know thats not the case when every body paranoid with the word "RAW" in pakistan.

And ofcourse mumbai attack is a failure ,but not of RAW.Its the state police which failed to act on RAW warnings.
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