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Breaking news: Ajmal may tell his tale on TV

It is quite unfortunate that the Indians are relying on Bollywood tactics to scare us now. Getting world opinion against us didn't work as planned, military threats aren't working, I guess the very last card is to turn this series of incidents into a movie and make some money out of it.
What can you expect from the land of Bollywood and STAR PLUS DRAMA's? They will show his statement on Doordarshan recorded, edited and only for a short while. If the Indian's are so confident about evidence, why not produce him in front of world media especially in front of Pakistani and Indian renowned journalists?

Secondly, a man confessing in front of television cannot be taken as evidence in any court of law as it is challenge-able as statement under duress!

Let the TV rehearsals begin at RAW HQ!
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I have a title for a BOLLYWOOD FLICK!


Shahrukh Khan will fit swimmingly into role of Ajmal Kasab! There is a resemblance!
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I have a title for a BOLLYWOOD FLICK!


Shahrukh Khan will fit swimmingly into role of Ajmal Kasab! There is a resemblance!

Dear Friend,

For you, the 178 killed by this so called jehadis were Bakray, that so nice of you.

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i love it .. i love it.. i want to watch this movie. I hear about this movie with huge cast coming soon from bollywood name "Mumbai aur Kasab ke mohabatain" lol

Directed by Karan chutar :cheesy:

Cast: parnab khan, sonia mukerjee, manmohan devgun-missile and Bharat bachin

Story based on Mumbai kay chutya-apay ..
Daniel Pearl and other people that had there heads chopped off also confessed to there "crimes".......does that make it true becauce it was on film?

What about the indian pilot that was shot down over pakistan.....he also confessed to crossing into pakistan.......but the indians classed it as a lie
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What can you expect from the land of Bollywood and STAR PLUS DRAMA's? They will show his statement on Doordarshan recorded, edited and only for a short while. If the Indian's are so confident about evidence, why not produce him in front of world media especially in front of Pakistani and Indian renowned journalists?

Secondly, a man confessing in front of television cannot be taken as evidence in any court of law as it is challenge-able as statement under duress!

Let the TV rehearsals begin at RAW HQ!

Let the TV rehearsals begin at RAW HQ!

Look,RAW isnt that powerful in our country.We dont consider it as our first line of defence .;)
U see ,we are a democratic country.
In this country,its the politicians who call the shots.

If RAW cheif start dreaming of interfering in the investigation done by mumbai crime branch,he'll probably be transfered to Animal husbandry department .
There is gonna be no end to this fallacy. So, let me ask you guys a question. What is that you gonna declare as a clean and clear evidence? Maybe that could help clear stuff a bit here...

1.A joint interrogation by both sides that can be filmed and then shown to the public.

2.Why not let pakistani journalist question him.......and the pakistan govt lets the indian journalists into pakistan to follow the leads on the case.

3.Some solid evidence is shown to the media......theres been no solid evidence so far.
Every one seems to be getting cold feet...

Who is going to play him in bollywood movie wow and will he still be getting his pay from RAW or bollywood.
Indians have zero proof and starting to panic (Every one seems to be getting cold feet )as world is also looking for proof so the best they come up with is so called terrorist being intreviwed on TV is this going to be called ''interview with ajmal''aka RAm singh :blah:
Someone here help me with this. especially for Pakistanis...
1) What kind of evidence will Pakistanis believe in?
2) What should GoP do if(once more if) India was able to convince Pakistan about the truth of it?
More games from India.

I once read a book about brain-washing you can make a person say anything you want and change his perceptions and beliefs.
Someone here help me with this. especially for Pakistanis...
1) What kind of evidence will Pakistanis believe in?
Anything you call "evidence". Our guys should have access to Ajmal and interrogate him.

2) What should GoP do if(once more if) India was able to convince Pakistan about the truth of it?
What we've already shown, go after the bad guys and demolish their infrastructure.
Someone here help me with this. especially for Pakistanis...
1) What kind of evidence will Pakistanis believe in?
2) What should GoP do if(once more if) India was able to convince Pakistan about the truth of it?

Dear Friend,

Actually Mr.Zardari lost the dictionary, which contains the meaning of "Evidence", which the Army Chief of Pakistan had given him at the time of taking Oath.

Now they are meeting today night and will come up with some new defination by tommorrow morning. So wait till then.


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