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BREAKING : `Modi may use military option if terror attack traced to Pakistan’

What's with those unclear videos ? I don't get it , war results are found in history .. We attacked pak , only for once in a full scale war , and it fell apart like pak's missiles ..When you have stolen any vast land from India after it is having a regimented military ?
Pakis should stop eating unhealthy things , they have a history of delusional disorder , and their symptom is that they think that they are better than India ..
You guys need medical help instead of conventional treatment like Modi is thinking ..
"Hindus are incorrigible", this was said, and said very correctly by Quid-e-Azam. Go ahead and attack, we'll see. Talking to you sanity is like trying to talk to a wall.

doesn't op clearly state , modi would go for a military attack if pakistan tries to sponsor an other terrorist attack on India.. if u don't want to engage Indians in a war don't sponsor a terrorsit attack against us.. last worry of a hindu has to be , is giving a fag about what jinnah or muslims think about him..
Is he serious?

He's damn serious because he thinks that this time india has China as an indirect ally. China's red carpet reception to Modi has raised india's confidence level.
India thinks that if China remains neutral india can teach a lesson to Pakistan, after all, india has the support of uncle sam, assrahell and rest of Europe.

What is the difference between America invading your country and us. If you're ready to enjoy them having their way with you, why not us? :angel:

Field Marshall Ayub never had the misfortune of facing a Gurkha in the battlefield.


Gurkhas were born after Ayub's death I suppose.
I just farted reading this warning, and it wasn't the fear that caused it rather the uncontrollable laugh.
I just farted reading this warning, and it wasn't the fear that caused it rather the uncontrollable laugh.

That I suggest needs doctors attention...You should not Fart every now n then without any reason. I mean Is it normal to you, when you are happy u fart!! When u scared u fart??
That I suggest needs doctors attention...You should not Fart every now n then without any reason. I mean Is it normal to you, when you are happy u fart!! When u scared u fart??

Yes sir, Dr. fart
Ill-informed ex-diplomat.

Why waste precious Indian life and resources attacking a country that's already breaking up? You merely help expedite that process, just as Doval prescribed.
Unlike India, Pakistan does not suffer from blood lust and small penis syndrome. You guys can't live nor let live.
true ..u guys suffering from facts that Childrens getting shot from point zero and your government( ..... shit u don't have government ) ,, your P.M is Pupet
He's damn serious because he thinks that this time india has China as an indirect ally. China's red carpet reception to Modi has raised india's confidence level. India thinks that if China remains neutral india can teach a lesson to Pakistan, after all, india has the support of uncle sam, assrahell and rest of Europe.

Does he know that any use of military force against Pakistan territory is an act of war? And that's equivalent to preemptive strike to both Pakistan and China without war declaration?
Don't worry we will convince them to close your centres.

U can close the centres anytimes but
The Baloch problem has been going on right from 1948,even RAW was no born,nor there were any Indian Embassy nor any Taliban.I recently saw a footage of Balcohis protesting in Quetta. Why r the Balochis attacking the Punjabis in quetta,is it bcoz of India,why r the Balochis attacking the trains coming from Rawalpindi to Quetta.
Does he know that any use of military force against Pakistan territory is an act of war? And that's equivalent to preemptive strike to both Pakistan and China without war declaration?

You will both betray them and jump ship first. Guess what- they know that too.
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