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BREAKING! Mars Orbiter Put In Orbit Successfully!!

Dude ...whts wrong with you....if we achieved success then why are you jealous of that...we know you dont have enough resources to even reach ex so atmosphere. ..go and check panties whether your panties isn't wet dreaming about indian tips giver...does lankan boys wear panties....you are desperately looking for that
Thread Ke title pe kaafi mirch masala lga diya hai ...... Its meant for leg pulling of Sickular Brigades........
Dude ...whts wrong with you....if we achieved success then why are you jealous of that...we know you dont have enough resources to even reach ex so atmosphere. ..go to your mother and check panties isn't wet dreaming about indian tips giver

Where was i jealous about ? I congratulated Indians on this technological achievement.. Which is great.. Just because some kids here are full of it and got horny over the news and started abuse it's not my fault.. Be graceful at this time of pride and you will receive respect.. Act like a bunch of school girls in periods expect retorts

Shows your slum mentality to drag in mothers.. What a sad moment in a moment of glory.. tsk tsk tsk
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Yaah true...i dont think this lankar even deserve a comment
slum ?? :lol::lol: you have no idea bitch
i live in a country where i can get education from the best universities and can become anything i want if i have the merit , you my brother migrated to australia in search of better life since you din't wanted to become a luggage boy like your elder brother .

i hope your rest of the family gets enough tips in the next tourist season so that they can buy a one way ticket to sydney .

Not really i could'nt see all those universities you're blabbering about over the piles of shit i had to step over.. :rofl:

Honestly, just get lost from this thread troll.

This aint your granma's back yard bub.. This is a Pakistani defence forum.. People dont have to act on your whims and fancies
Yaah true...i dont think this lankar even deserve a comment

Good cos i left this a long while back.. Did'nt want to derail.. but then again.. A lot of retards like you just couldnt let go.. Mob mentality
Another Instance of Communalism by ISRO: ISRO decided to explore a RED planet (Similar to orange i.e. Hindu Colour Planet) and not a GREEN Planet. This is why India is a non secular country :lol: :D

If anything it shows that India is a communist country.. But I figure the discussion on this thread has drifted to panties and slums.. Chill bro's. Life's too short. Who knows- you may not see another ISRO mission to mars on your lifetime.
Where is @JonAsad ? FB se bhi gayab ho gaya lagta hai.


Photoshop ed- :woot:-
Yaah true...i dont think this lankar even deserve a comment

That retarded, prepubescent teen is now making this out to be a collective attack on him for something he wants us to believe he hasn't done, when in fact, only a fool wouldn't be able to see through his back handed compliment in his initial post, which he tried to then enshroud in lots and lots, and LOTS of unnecessary words. It was as usual, an utter waste of bandwidth, not to mention effort. :lol:

The moral of the story is: say congratulations and move on, without trying to be a smartass.

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