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Breaking : Iranian students storm British Embassy

What incident is this?
sorry i confused: they were not PMOI and was a long time ago. And i read not completely words of Larijani who was speaking about it ... i was thinking he was speaking about attacks on Iranians embassies in Europe not long time ago... sorry my mistake. So Larijani is wrong.
But instead of Larijani i would say as well some Iranians entered the embassy in Sweden. Not a long time ago after the protests in Iran.
There is no excuse about what was done in English embassy but it seems that Iran didn't threaten Sueden for this. And not as well France when Iranian embassy in France was attacked by some Iranians (even if i am green, i cannot accept this stupid attitude than attacking an embassy).
And UN took serious notice of it, while NATO Alleged Attack is still unnoticed by UN, y dis difference, do any1 clarify me?
alimukhtar > sad about the NATO attack :( i guess your gouvernment wanted not deteriorrate the relations with USA ...

About Iran:
Norway decided to take away the ambassador and stuff.

Here is a picture:

رئیس سازمان بسیج دانشجویی در میان مهاجمان | دیگربان
the guy there is Hossein Ghadiani, the chief of organisation basij of student
Iranian embassy staff in London have been given 48 hours to leave the country
China needs to physically link up with Pakistan from Karakorum Highway all the way to Gwadar Port, and then link up with Iran through the Persian Gulf. Complete the alliance with Syria and Russia covering the North and West. Then the SCO is all ready to be militarized to fight off the USA and its allies! Afghanistan would be trapped in the middle.
China needs to physically link up with Pakistan from Karakorum Highway all the way to Gwadar Port, and then link up with Iran through the Persian Gulf. Complete the alliance with Syria and Russia covering the North and West. Then the SCO is all ready to be militarized to fight off the USA and its allies! Afghanistan would be trapped in the middle.

An enemy who pretends to be a friend is more dangerous than an open enemy. Iran is more dangerous to us than US allies.
Lines on a map mean nothing in wartime. It sounds like you want to create a logistical trail from China to Pakistan along the route you have described. This is an excellent reason why you are chatting on the internet rather than being a General in the Chinese Army.

China needs to physically link up with Pakistan from Karakorum Highway all the way to Gwadar Port, and then link up with Iran through the Persian Gulf. Complete the alliance with Syria and Russia covering the North and West. Then the SCO is all ready to be militarized to fight off the USA and its allies! Afghanistan would be trapped in the middle.

Tell me, what does it mean to "link up?" Do you mean 100 million soldiers linking arms forming some human wall?

How hard do you think it would be, if it came to it, to cut that link in, oh, 30 to 50 places? And what would happen to those on the "downstream" end of the severed logistics line?

Fanning war flames doesn't help relieve tensions between Iran and the West.
Lines on a map mean nothing in wartime. It sounds like you want to create a logistical trail from China to Pakistan along the route you have described. This is an excellent reason why you are chatting on the internet rather than being a General in the Chinese Army.

Tell me, what does it mean to "link up?" Do you mean 100 million soldiers linking arms forming some human wall?

How hard do you think it would be, if it came to it, to cut that link in, oh, 30 to 50 places? And what would happen to those on the "downstream" end of the severed logistics line?

Fanning war flames doesn't help relieve tensions between Iran and the West.

Depends. The US was unable to break the Ho Chi Minh trail in Vietnam despite continuous strategic bombing. I think that any China-Pakistan-Iran link would serve a great economic purpose and help in developing all 3 countries.
Lines on a map mean nothing in wartime. It sounds like you want to create a logistical trail from China to Pakistan along the route you have described. This is an excellent reason why you are chatting on the internet rather than being a General in the Chinese Army.

Tell me, what does it mean to "link up?" Do you mean 100 million soldiers linking arms forming some human wall?

How hard do you think it would be, if it came to it, to cut that link in, oh, 30 to 50 places? And what would happen to those on the "downstream" end of the severed logistics line?

Fanning war flames doesn't help relieve tensions between Iran and the West.
We have trucks, C-130 sized transport aircrafts and soon we'll have heavy transports to do the logistics. PLA can easily defend its logistics line with HQ-16 SAMs. Attacking it would be a death trap for all but the most determined high-tech attack.

A "Great Wall" of Chinese-made SAMs could defend both Pakistan and Iran against the West.

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