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Featured Lebanon protesters storm ministries as violent protests grip Beirut

good to see a country in ME care about her security and people . :-) wish every muslim country got gov like israelis have .

They care about USA money firstly instead about Israeli people.
It's funny see puppet countries risking their whole people in exchange for foreign money, high treason, the worst crime in other times, it's the common normal way of work of USA puppet vassal states like Israel.

Go on Israel, until the final total dead! Hezbollah will recruite thousand of new shiite cannon fodder thanks to your stupid actions.
Let me tell you something... never ever trust an Arab. I have dealt with them in business only to have been cheated. This happened with me twice and I lost over 50k (lebanese guy). He would sweet talk me as a "Bakistani brother" and would talk crap about Indians he had dealt with before (was prob talking crap about Pakistanis to these Indians as well). Later I told myself I should not judge all arabs to be the same as such a thing would be small minded and against Islam, so took a dive into a small electronics shop in Dubai with what seemed to be a nice gentlement from Egypt... only to be lied to, cheated behind my back, etc... ended up selling the business with a loss and nothing to show.

I vowed to never trust another Arab again but still wanted to seek some guidance... so I visited an Imam at my local mosque, told him about the whole situation and how I was cheated. The imam who was from Uzbekistan stated something which stuck with me to this day... he said something along the lines of "Brother there is a saying that Allah had sent last Prophet to the Arabs for a reason (them being the most vile, barbaric, and dishonest of people)."

The best advice i can give my Pakistan bretheren, drop the Ummah fantasy like a hot rock, never trust or sympathize with these Arabs. They are infact not just cousins but brothers of the jews. Atleast there are many great jews out there who have done great for humanity such as Bill Gates, but these Arabs will backstab other muslims in a second for a small benefit.

How could anyone be so negligent??? an Arabs attention span is as short as a 2 year olds. They are wild natured and hot blooded people who will destroy themselves. Not even Islam could civilize them.
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"The president called for calm in Lebanon and acknowledged the legitimate calls of peaceful protesters for transparency, reform, and accountability."

Tsk tsk Monsieur Macron, so predictable.

France refused to give the aid money to the Lebanese government, they said it will be looted.

You see, they are pulling a coup on Lebanon, and using anger of Lebanese people due to falling tourist economy.

I agree Sir. They have incorporated some of CIA`s tools such as public uprisings.... But the fact is they don`t have balls to accept they did it and are behind all that is happening.

Why should they? Lebanese are so divided that they will burn down their own homes and trust Farangi Neo-Crusaders in France over their own Shia Muslim blood Brothers.

Lebanon is gone.

Let me tell you something... never ever trust an Arab. I have dealt with them in business only to have been cheated. This happened with me twice and I lost over 50k (lebanese guy). He would sweet talk me as a "Bakistani brother" and would talk crap about Indians he had dealt with before (was prob talking crap about Pakistanis to these Indians as well). Later I told myself I should not judge all arabs to be the same as such a thing would be small minded and against Islam, so took a dive into a small electronics shop in Dubai with what seemed to be a nice gentlement from Egypt... only to be lied to, cheated behind my back, etc... ended up selling the business with a loss and nothing to show.

I vowed to never trust another Arab again but still wanted to seek some guidance... so I visited an Imam at my local mosque, told him about the whole situation and how I was cheated. The imam who was from Uzbekistan stated something which stuck with me to this day... he said something along the lines of "Brother there is a saying that Allah had sent last Prophet to the Arabs for a reason (them being the most vile, barbaric, and dishonest of people)."

The best advice i can give my Pakistan bretheren, drop the Ummah fantasy like a hot rock, never trust or sympathize with these Arabs. They are infact not just cousins but brothers of the jews. Atleast there are many great jews out there who have done great for humanity such as Bill Gates, but these Arabs will backstab other muslims in a second for a small benefit.

How could anyone be so negligent??? an Arabs attention span is as short as a 2 year olds. They are wild natured and hot blooded people who will destroy themselves. Not even Islam could civilize them.

Sad to hear your experience, but we cannot generalize. I have plenty of relatives cheated by Pakistanis too. I dont think it is about people but personal lack of character.
Let me tell you something...(bullshit)(bullshit)(bullshit)

I dont know where it come from so many trolls talking racist bullshit about Lebanese people in these threads, they dont respect anything, it seems some kind of organised campaign of dumbshit trolls acting together.

Well, there are bad and good people in all countries and ethnics, stop your bullshit comments.

Here a example of Evil Lebanese.


My advice to fellow members is not to be part of the problem yourself - gossip and allegations without solid evidence to present.

WE should not rule out corruption in this matter. Expect a guilty politician to pin blame on others to escape justice.

Let us not assume that supposedly Islamic countries are corruption-free zones or something. It is easy to pin blame on others instead of fixing yourself.
My advice to fellow members is not to be part of the problem yourself - gossip and allegations without solid evidence to present.

WE should not rule out corruption in this matter. Expect a guilty politician to pin blame on others to escape justice.

Let us not assume that supposedly Islamic countries are corruption-free zones or something. It is easy to pin blame on others instead of fixing yourself.
We knew before it happened who they want to blame and what their “solution” is
After Syria-Iraq-Yemen-Libya, now its Lebanon's turn... Seven Pillars of Wisdom- T.E.Lawrence, must read for all. "Desert bedouins are incapable of self governing......". 19th century imperialist manifesto is still working well....
“we wish to help you and look after your interests, but first, you must create a civil war, get rid of hezbollah, destroy your selves and your country, and become another Syria, Iraq or Libya”

It is imperative that Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and all allies support Hezbollah now.

It is time to leave all sectarianism behind. We cannot let another Muslim/Arab country become a warzone and an occupied region like Palestine or Kashmir.
We knew before it happened who they want to blame and what their “solution” is

They are the only party which benefit.

Hezbollah and the Lebanese government are the biggest ones affected.

Unfortunately like a typical Arab country, Lebanese people became emotional and lost focus. They forgot Israel was responsible for all their woes, not Hezbollah.
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