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Featured Lebanon protesters storm ministries as violent protests grip Beirut

Or maybe it was just sheer incompetence by the government. Could be as simple as that, and doesn’t always have to be a conspiracy.

The way things are progressing..conspiracy theories will have much more legitimacy and credibility than main stream media.
Wasn’t even expecting this reaction so soon to be honest

I said many times since some years Lebanon has the ability to become syria alike.. And If they go this violent way sure they will succeed..

But us Turks should than close borders for them not a single guy should be given shelter if they plan to get Lebanese into turkey... if people are not satisfied with Syrians oh man than wait for the real arab mentality of Lebanese...

This is all planned

This is real Aluminium Thin foil thinktank analyst speech..

It's not planned.. Maybe hoped for.. Maybe some opportunity taken..
The reality is that there have been people warning about all that stuff but the corruption and lazy mentality and pure ignorance let it come to this tragedy
Call it a human error or technical accident or bad conditions or not just one of these but many..
There had been devastation in other nations too sometimes it happens also in developed countries

Here we just witnessed how bad corruption, idiots, ignorance, laziness, and bad standards are... What a waste what ignirants and selfish people are giving orders

For the Lebanese they almost got bezerk last year because of garbage system where it was not taken to the garbage depot..

The last year's some changes happened there like cutting of money from several sponsers from east and west.. No access to some weapons and so on so things began to intensify many years before people are angry not satisfied with their government there is no trust and one more bad is they have alike two governments

It could be anything to bring the unstable nation to boil
They are coming for Lebanon now. Their Venezuelan plan didn't work after Russia and China intervened.

Notice how all Middle Eastern nations are being fragmented along ethnic and religious lines. In Iraq we have the Kurds, Shia and Sunni elements who are at each other's throats. In Syria and Libya you have the same plus other factions. Every dog is being put on a leash by US European gang.

Lebanon is not going to be any different. Christians and Muslims are the target here. Make them hate each other. Make them fight and pick one side. It is going to happen.

There is a lesson for Pakistan and our region. Our enemies cry rivers about CPEC and OBOR. They would rather fragment the entire region and have us fight each other whilst Westerners live in peace and comfort in their part of the world. They want to reserve peace and prosperity for themselves. It is a wake up call. Continue with CPEC and redouble efforts or become another Libya, Syria, Iraq etc. Confront the dissenters.
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Lebanon protesters storm ministries as violent protests grip Beirut
By Ben Wedeman, Luna Safwan, Ghazi Balkiz and Tamara Qiblawi, CNN

Updated 4:12 PM ET, Sat August 8, 2020

Beirut, Lebanon (CNN)Lebanon's protesters stormed several government ministries as violent protests gripped Beirut on Saturday night.

The foreign ministry, the environment ministry and the economy ministry were occupied by angry demonstrators who called for the downfall of Lebanon's ruling elite five days after a blast ripped through the Lebanese capital causing widespread destruction.
The Banking Association, which protesters blame for the country's worsening banking crisis, was also taken over by protesters and set ablaze.
Hours after the protests first rocked Beirut, Lebanon's Prime Minister Hassan Diab has vowed to hold early elections as his beleaguered government faces calls to resign.
Diab said he would introduce a law calling for early elections and said he would remain in government for two months until major parties can reach an agreement.
Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets as protesters hurled stones and fireworks at security forces. Parts of the central district were set ablaze and when the protesters took over the Foreign Ministry, the first in a succession of popular takeovers, they declared it the "headquarters of the revolution."


Protesters try to pull down a wall to get inside Parliament.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators poured into Beirut's Martyr's Square on Saturday afternoon calling for "revenge" against the ruling class of politicians widely held responsible for the explosion that lay waste to large swathes of Lebanon's capital.
The air was thick with tear gas as people filled the main protest site, with the demonstrations stretching to surrounding neighborhoods and the city's main motorway, in the biggest protests since a nationwide uprising last October.
The US embassy in Beirut voiced support for peaceful protesters. "The Lebanese people have suffered too much and deserve to have leaders who listen to them and change course to respond to popular demands for transparency and accountability," the embassy tweeted on Saturday night. "We support them in their right to peaceful protest, and encourage all involved to refrain from violence."


A Lebanese protester speaks with security forces in downtown Beirut on August 8, 2020.

One member of the Lebanese security forces has died. More than 200 people have been injured in the protests, including 63 who were transferred to hospitals, according to the Lebanese Red Cross. Several journalists are among the injured.
The security forces' response did not appear to disperse many of the angry protesters. One woman who fell over as she stumbled over people running in her direction, said: "They bombed our city. I will go back in." Her face soaked with tears, she picked up her belongings, as well as some stones, and headed back into the crowd.
"You survive an explosion in Beirut only to be teargassed," said one man in his 20s as he held an onion to his mouth to mitigate the effects of the gas.
Parts of the demonstrations remained peaceful, while other parts were predominantly filled with angry protesters who faced off with security forces.
"We are in trouble here because on one hand, protesters are burning buildings and if I send the fire trucks to put the fire out, I am afraid protesters might attack and hurt the police and fire fighters," Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud told CNN. "On the other, however, I cannot just not send the police or the fighter fighters."
Abboud was heckled and chased out of a damaged neighborhood by protesters earlier in the day.


Protesters take pictures of a building set on fire.

The demonstrators erected mock gallows in what were dubbed "Judgment Day" protests, as grief gave way to anger after more than 154 people were killed and dozens more remain missing. Over 5,000 people have been injured.
Effigies of prominent political leaders, including former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, were hanged from nooses, in some of the most explicit signs of public outrage the country has seen in years.
Protesters held signs reading, "Here is where the nooses should be hung." The mock gallows have become a key symbol of the demonstrations, which are demanding that those responsible for the Tuesday's blast are held accountable, as well as against corruption and mismanagement of the country.


Dana Itani takes a selfie in Martyr Square. "These politicians deserve to be hanged here," Itani said.

The gallows were erected in the same place where several people were hanged more than 100 years ago by the then ruling Ottoman Empire for revolting against Istanbul. The Martyr's Square statue commemorates those executions.
Protesters scaled the walls that have sealed off Beirut's Nejmeh Square, where Lebanon's parliament stands, for months, and attempted to tear the barricades down.
In one video, soldiers were seen taking cover in archeological ruins as protesters threw rocks at them.


Protesters defy riot police in front of Le Gray Hotel in downtown Beirut.

Thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate are linked to Tuesday's catastrophic explosion in Beirut's port. Multiple government agencies in Lebanon were repeatedly warned about the substance, described by an analyst as a "floating bomb," CNN learned.
"We were born and raised with this regime in place -- we believe it's time for it to go especially after the last explosion," said 18-year-old protester Dana Itani. "These politicians deserve to be hanged here, they deserve even worse honestly."


A general view shows thousands of protesters facing riot police in Beirut.

Protesters threw stones at riot police near Nejmeh Square.

"I lived the civil war. I was displaced, lived harsh days and we already lost houses in the war. We thought that was it," said Hayat Gharazeddine, 51. "These days however are worse than war. You have no idea how you might die now, which is the most scariest thing."
"I wish I could hang them myself," she added.


Demonstrators came to the 'judgment day' protests bearing nooses as grief gave way to anger.

Some protesters occupied a Foreign Affairs Ministry building in eastern Beirut, unfurling a large banner over its severely damaged structure that called for the disarmament of Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese armed group and political party, according to Lebanese TV channel LBCi.
One of the demonstrators declared the building the "headquarters of the revolution," through a megaphone.

Lebanon was already embroiled in an economic meltdown prior to Tuesday's blast which obliterated its main port, destroying grain silos. The international community has already sent emergency medical and food supplies to the country and are pledging tens of millions of dollars in funds.

Tuesday's disaster may have also brought the country's political crisis to a tipping point. Since a popular uprising in October toppled the government of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, public disgruntlement against the ruling political class has been rampant, accelerating a financial crisis that is one of the worst the country has ever seen.
Five members of parliament have resigned in protest, in addition to some high-profile official resignations. Authorities have detained 16 people in connection with the blast, including Director General of Lebanese Customs, Badri Daher, the head of Beirut Port, Hasan Kraytem and the former head of customs Chafic Merei.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh, Ali Younes, Nada Al Taher and Tariq Keblaoui contributed to this report.


A corner of Middle East.
Yes, I'm beginning to see it from the point of view mentioned by you and others. Perhaps it was a grand scheme. Perhaps it was an accident that France is opportunistically and cynically taking advantage of.

To be honest, it's irrelevant. Either way, Lebanon is in deep trouble.
These protests are temporary and will die down, I don't think it will evolve into another CIA organized colour revolution.
Russian supplies going to African country sized on behalf of US and they blaming Hezbollah and Iran for it? this kind of protest will disappear soon as they have no motive behind them just baked by other countries and i like how they say this is the end for Hezbollah and Iran its just funny and cute.
Lebanese should learn basic democracy, if they keep demonstrating like this, their country will regress. The young generation who dont suffer civil war doesnt appreciate the current system that has made Lebanon peaceful and stable for the last couple decades. Lebanese must follow Indonesian democracy, not Hongkong democracy.
Lebanon is totally destroyed long time ago. It's Iranian drug and terrorist colony.
Russian supplies going to African country sized on behalf of US and they blaming Hezbollah and Iran for it? this kind of protest will disappear soon as they have no motive behind them just baked by other countries and i like how they say this is the end for Hezbollah and Iran its just funny and cute.
Its because they are trying to put the blame on Iran/Hezbollah. All it takes is ONE tweet from a nobody with "intel" that points at Iran/Hezbollah and thats enough to cause massive riots. People are really dumb. The textbook recipe hasn't changed a bit. Weaken Arab states, strengthen Israel. Why don't these Arabs just convert to Judaism and embrace zionism once and for all, and be done with it?
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