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Breaking: Iran unveils Saeqeh UCAV, shows captured American MQ1 Predator

we dont know whats inside of the reverse engineered sentinel rq-170 drone.
we also dont know if the outside material of the iran version is the same as american version.
we dont know if iran is able to reverse engineer all electronics/radars/materials the amreican version had.
what we see here on pics and videos is only a covering/outershell of an drone which looks like the american version.
But whats inside (electronic components, radars, engine, sensors) we dont know.
I have respect for iranian engineers, but I dont believe they can make an exact 100%, 1 to 1 clone of if without help from china/russia.
Shit, it had the latest technology as it was captured, it was operated by the CIA, not even the US army had this technology...
With respect , Why should i care about what you believe or think?!
It's almost 40 years we have stood against USA's warmongering fulminations. We exactly know what we are doing.
Its true that its not more deadly than a fighter jet, the main argument is that a drone is as if you are playing a video game while striking, though most fighter jets today get their coordinates through UAV's marking the position too so i dont agree with this argument anyway but that how it is over here.

If anything a fighter pilot moving at the speed of sound is more likely to make a mistake because he is not in a calm environment everything is moving fast, he is over enemy territory, he could be shot at any second & his adrenalin is pumping all he cares about is taking out the target.

Regardless, that's not even an argument this is where the world is headed whether we like it or not! And if any country doesn't want to get into it that's fine but you better be Switzerland or else your troops will be going up against remote controlled guns and robots
we dont know whats inside of the reverse engineered sentinel rq-170 drone.
we also dont know if the outside material of the iran version is the same as american version.
we dont know if iran is able to reverse engineer all electronics/radars/materials the amreican version had.
what we see here on pics and videos is only a covering/outershell of an drone which looks like the american version.
But whats inside (electronic components, radars, engine, sensors) we dont know.
I have respect for iranian engineers, but I dont believe they can make an exact 100%, 1 to 1 clone of if without help from china/russia.
Shit, it had the latest technology as it was captured, it was operated by the CIA, not even the US army had this technology...

LOL! To me that's just delusions of grandeur!!! And I honestly hope generals in the U.S. are thinking the very same thing it's very important to me and my country that the U.S. continues to underestimate Iran

Because it's absurd, the notion that Iran would even trust to take a single Chinese & or Russian official to even see it is beyond absurd!

1st off the Russian didn't give us S-300 till we signed that ridicules deal! So the notion that Iran would even allow a single Russian rep to even see it after it's capture is absurd! specifically because of the S-300 fiasco.... today relations are different!

2ndly The Chinese, If Iran had given this to the Chinese they would have built an exact working 1-1 copy in less than a year!!
But that's not what happened is it? Iran 1st built an RC model, then went on to build a ~40% scale down working model & then went on to build a 1-1 copy...

It's clear to build a production model of a smaller version of the aircraft Iran clearly chose parachute over landing gear because that would allow you to use lighter and less expensive and easier to mass produce material for a parachute version

Iran built the Karrar with no help from anyone with Iranian built mini jet engines 7 years ago so in terms of platform that is way within Iran's capability

Everyone knows the 1st flying wing style jet aircraft was built was by Nazi Germany so this is not cutting edge aerodynamics the Nazi did it in the 40's so the notion that Iran can't build a flying winged aircraft especially right after one fell right in it's lap is absolutely ridicules the Nazi Ho 229 had a combined thrust of under 4000 lbf that's less than one Owj engine without afterburners

Plus stop underestimating China and Russia the only part of that Aircraft the Chinese or the Russian may have been interested in is the surveillance equipment

And for the surveillance equipment they would have been separated from the aircraft 1st taken to Iran's IEI electronic industries and gotten absolute guaranties from them that there would be absolutely no way possible that Iran would be able to reverse engineer that in the next 10 years or so and only then would we have allowed the Chinese to come in and work inside Iran with our engineers to reverse engineer it!
Fact is, there is absolutely no way that IEI would have ever said no we can't!
These UAV like saegheh are the future of warfare. Dozens of these high speed, stealthy UAV's will be working together to attack and overwhelm enemies. Just imagine hundreds of these saeghehs! Next versions should house internal bays for more stealth. Also making them resistant to hacking and jamming is the main area to work on as that is their biggest weaknesses.





turboprop version of saeqeh with landing gear

How are they launched? they seem not to have any landing gear and have missiles under them..it is a bit intriguing!
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How are they launched? they seem not to have any lading gear and missiles under them..it is a bit intriguing!
Small UAVs are often launched with catapults or small rockets boosters.
Small UAVs are often launched with catapults or small rockets boosters.
Catapults, I doubt it with those missiles underneath the UCAV, Rocket boosters maybe! but still intriguing..
And your point is...?

My point is that there is no reason to make reference to things that divide us! Azari, Kurd, Lur, Tajik, Balouch,..... Your either Iranian or your not! Shamakhani has been serving and defending Iran for more than half of his life! He is Iranian period!
My point is that there is no reason to make reference to things that divide us! Azari, Kurd, Lur, Tajik, Balouch,..... Your either Iranian or your not! Shamakhani has been serving and defending Iran for more than half of his life! He is Iranian period!
Ok mate take it easy. our friend wanted to tell all of Iranians from all parts of Iran are serving Iran. God bless them.
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