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Breaking:-Indian Media EXPOSED By Pervaiz Musharraf

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Pakistan's truth prevails on editing and cherry picking.

Then what Musharraf did was only denial nothing substantive. Their are some good Pakistani poster in PDF who could have done better than him.

Arnab Goswami kept him in his loop for his future interview which will help his rating and Musharraf with some money.

Rest assure he will keep getting into Pakistani commentator's skin as usual. Then at the end of the day he is a journalist and ear twisting of people he is doing are all with better pay scale and position than him, the last was ex COAS of Pakistan.

when we expose your lies its denial but what you say is gospel truth.

The anchor was a typical bigoted indian and nothing else. Its the way Indians are when it comes to Pakistan. Their underlying hate seeps through their temper and their attitude.
when we expose your lies its denial but what you say is gospel truth.

The anchor was a typical bigoted indian and nothing else. Its the way Indians are when it comes to Pakistan. Their underlying hate seeps through their temper and their attitude.

Hardly any expose. We know what has happened to our Soldiers.

For your bold part: Live with it, or do your bit of introspection, we will try our bit, but no guarantees given.

Every time when there is a peace process its Pakistan or factions from Pakistan who inflict aggression on us, not talking about disagreeing while negotiating but ''aggression''.

Pakistan need to muzzle its rabid dogs, Musharraf was one of them when we came to your nation ridding a bus of peace and friendship.
What is the Pakistani obsession with the word 'exposed' ? Because they keep getting exposed themselves so often on the international stage ? :lol:

And for Mushy , he is no position to expose anything after his Kargil debacle ;) :lol:

Btw, when you keep denying something a hundred times , it doesn't mean you won a debate.If Late Hemraj's wife along with the rest of his family is saying that his head was missing ,most people will believe that , rather than what the proven and established liar Musharraf has to say sitting in London . After Kargil, Kashmir, Kasab and Osama , Pakistan's denials mean zilch to the international community.I am sure some 5 % sensible Pakistanis will know what i am talking about.
A country that is insulted and exposed on daily basis has no rights to expose anyone. Mushy is saying crap without any proof.
A country that is insulted and exposed on daily basis has no rights to expose anyone. Mushy is saying crap without any proof.

Are u talking about India..

Where ur female ministers are ashamed to go to UN because of the recent rape cases & that India has named rape capital :smitten:

And btw What Mush said is fact, he was COAS anyways


Arnab Goswamy was raped on 1-17-2013 by Pakistan's former military dictator. Officials say he was acting like a retard, but there is no official statement on the cause of rape. Goswamy alledgedly invited Musharraf into his house, badmouthing him, when Musharraf raped him, officials & Goswamy stated. Musharraf is now in hiding, in Dubai and sometimes in London.
Goswamy is in now severe mental help & frequently gets up and chants "LOC border killing".

Please give justice to another rape victim and demand that Musharraf be sentenced in India.
Goodness me. I commend Musharraf for this interview, he surely gave a smack down to this moron and rightly deserved. A news anchor is supposed to be unbiased and impartial, he should tell both sides of the story unlike this moron who just wanted to spread the Indian side of the propaganda and i am glad Musharraf gave him a bi*** slap. I am sure they will not be inviting Musharraf again for an interview lol
For you guys its like switch on and off. First you switched it on then allegedly Musharraf switched it off now going by the activities of Pakistan based groups and their comments it appears to be switched on again.

That is how things happen, you do it and then you stop doing it. The concept may be confusing to you but in a country like Pakistan, policies change with change of leadership. Musharraf was earnest in his quest for peace with India. Response from your side was getting better as well but then things changed again on your side.

If we are supporting TTP then its good we have to support them the length you supported Jihad in Kashmir.

But you also supported armed struggle in Bangladesh. Had you supported GoP, like GoP did on the Khalistan movement, then perhaps Bangladesh would still be a part of Pakistan and trust would have been built. Even if Bangladesh had broken off eventually, we would still have known that India could actually be trusted for peace.
i dont understand ..what did he expose here? himself?

or how pathetic he is when he is cornered- man ...Pakistanis sure need to try to find the meaning of EXPOSE
Musharraf is so exposed that he don have guts to come back to Pakistan.
Prevaiz Musharraf is not a man worth trusting about. Indian media was correct. This man Pervaiz is the worst in telling lies all the time. Did he not lie when he claimed in 1999 that no Pakistani soldiers are in Kargil. The lies began to unfold when he began to leave 800 dead soldiers bodies at their homes. Then people began to wonder and asked, who is at Kargil.

For 7 years of his rule, he lied that Osma Bin Laden is not in Pakistan. In fact he was in Pakistan all along, hidden in such a way that deniability could be done. Americans knew it all along but took so many years to bypass Pakistani military and find and kill him themselves.

Now only two weeks, two Indian soldiers were killed and one beheaded by Pakistani military squad trained for this type of barbaric act then Musharraf has the guts to deny it. The whole act of murder and revenge was partly planned in Pakistani Army headquarters with deniability built into the scheme. They did not anticipate Indian Army Chief's anger, followed by Indian media's reaction that Pakistani backed down a bit. Kayani ordered strict observance of LOC by Pakistani Army. He was afraid that shoot at sight of LOC tress passers ordered by Indian Army chief may get out of hand and lead to war which Pakistani Army is unable to fight, lest stalemate it.

First is to find Indian soldier head, which is in Pakistani custody. Return it, establish the guilt of the perpetrators and punish them, if they acted beyond the regular rules of engagement.

Shame on you the Brigadier who ordered his men across the LOC and then denied it during the flag meeting.

India will hold off all normalization schemes with Pakistan. They have nothing to offer to India. It is Pakistan who is going to benefit. Hence let India deny them all the benefits until the severed head is returned and the Brigadier punished.
That is how things happen, you do it and then you stop doing it. The concept may be confusing to you but in a country like Pakistan, policies change with change of leadership.

Its not confusing but ironical. Foreign policy should not change with change of leadership, no where it happens. We are neighbour if this trend remain the same then we will be debating same things with crass words for next 50 years to come.

Musharraf was earnest in his quest for peace with India. Response from your side was getting better as well but then things changed again on your side.

I would like to know details on this. Nothing changed from our side, Musharraf did nothing, he was then kicked out, may It was a plot of factions in your army, the same factions who attacked him twice (Your establishment is known to use population on streets against anyone). If you are talking about Agra summit then it was to premature to be clinching a deal. If Pakistan doesn't have the patience, vision or good managers who can walk the talk vice versa but can conspire or allow 26/11 like attacks against us then problem is on your side.

But you also supported armed struggle in Bangladesh. Had you supported GoP, like GoP did on the Khalistan movement, then perhaps Bangladesh would still be a part of Pakistan and trust would have been built. Even if Bangladesh had broken off eventually, we would still have known that India could actually be trusted for peace.

When you will humiliate a person and not allow him to be Prime minister of both Pakistan, he deserved; because of abject racism then it was writing on the wall that they will separate from you. Your hundred thousand strong army failed to contain its own population but was able to do the crack down. A refugee crisis of that magnitude and crack down by your army was shouting from the roof for war.

Your leaders owned the responsibility of muslims and other minorities i.e.. your citizens in 1947, how would we had tolerated seeing same people coming back to us ? We were not suppose to be quite given what you did in 1965 and 1947.

As far as India supporting TTP is concern which is too good to be true then I would like to mention your nation's support to North east rebels and militancy in Punjab.
They didn't show what actually made Musharraf mad. He looked really angry.
They didn't show what actually made Musharraf mad. He looked really angry.

Can't imagine Pak army being involved in killing of Indian jawans: Musharraf - Video | The Times of India

here you go.. the full interview..

It was actually the direct accusation towards Mushy on Kargil and Captain Saurabh Kalia's torture that got Mushy Hopping mad. The Pakistani media cleverly did the editing to make it seem like Mushy was upset on the current accusation towards Pak Army.
Can't imagine Pak army being involved in killing of Indian jawans: Musharraf - Video | The Times of India

here you go.. the full interview..

It was actually the direct accusation towards Mushy on Kargil and Captain Saurabh Kalia's torture that got Mushy Hopping mad. The Pakistani media cleverly did the editing to make it seem like Mushy was upset on the current accusation towards Pak Army.

"I don't know the reality, I don't know the facts about the incident"
Then why the hell is he blaming IA for conspiracy. :lol:
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