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More jf17 block 3.
F16 is a great aircraft but so many crippling holdouts with it. Buying american equipment or anything with american components is a crime in my opinion. They use military equipment to manipulate their so called friends. Look at F35 and turkey. Turkey is a key component of NATO. Why wouldnt they sanction Pakistan again to get what they want. Jewish lobby is very much against pakistan. We get happy with 18 to 24 aircraft. For the same price how many jf17 can we have. And jF17 block 3 can hold it's own against anything the Indian have.
No JF-17 block-3 couldn't stand a chance or will have least chance to win against RAFALE, RAFALE is beast and serious threat to PAF/Pakistan security, don't give the example of turkey and USA, its a different case then Pakistani case, (Turkey buy S-400 because OBAMA had refuse to sell PAC-3 to Turkey) that's why they are not delivering F-35 turkey, in this case of Pakistan it (F-16 block 72) will use only relatively short time period (stopgap) when PROJECT AZM will ready for production @ProudPak
No JF-17 block-3 couldn't stand a chance or will have least chance to win against RAFALE, RAFALE is beast and serious threat to PAF/Pakistan security, don't give the example of turkey and USA, its a different case then Pakistani case, (Turkey buy S-400 because OBAMA had refuse to sell PAC-3 to Turkey) that's why they are not delivering F-35 turkey, in this case of Pakistan it (F-16 block 72) will use only relatively short time period (stopgap) when PROJECT AZM will ready for production @ProudPak
Oh come bro. Didnt everyone say we didnt stand a chance against an su30 mki. And block 2 did the job. I think u are so lost in this f16 story and so desperate to have them that reality is escaping you. Anyways we are both here sk let's see how many years before we get the new f16...my guess is never
Oh come bro. Didnt everyone say we didnt stand a chance against an su30 mki. And block 2 did the job. I think u are so lost in this f16 story and so desperate to have them that reality is escaping you. Anyways we are both here sk let's see how many years before we get the new f16...my guess is never
as per various senior/professional members here on PDF, JF-17 made 0 kill on 27 FEB, both kill had been done by F-16 not one kill by JF-17 @ProudPak
Save my post... ONLY IF... F-18 or F-21 is not picked by India... and French Rafale is the front runner...
Further, Mr. Trump is completely unpredictable... and A PURE BUSINESSMAN...
Why would india go with american platform especially when they will have few dozen Rafale?

It would be dumb and logistical nightmare.
They can say what they like. They dont know more than the air chief or DGISPR. Those that can do do those that cant just talk. Lot of talkers here. Sadly you believe everything people here say
AIR Cheif and DGISPR didn't say single word about that JF-17 sharing kill with F-16 they both just quoted we brought down 2 IAF, they didn't say which PAF jet had a kill of 2 IAF, either both kill by F-16 or JF-17 sharing one kill, they both remain silence on this matter @ProudPak

So in the PA, senior officers leak information to junior officers who in turn leak it to a public forum. You generally get court martial for that. Both the senior and junior officer.
He is not leaking any sensitive information, just gave us a hint/clue about projected purchased of F-16 block 72 @KhanBaba2
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Giving a hint / clue like that should get you in hot water in most armies.
believe what you want but its nothing worry for army or sometime army intentionally gives a permission to someone give hint/clue to general public to boost moral @KhanBaba2
:cheers: :rap:
Yes... it could be F-18 for Navy... 56+
Rafale for IAF... 110+36...
Both parties are happy... Including Russia... S-400...
Britain can also pitch... Elizabeth class carrier...

China is Pakistan's friend and we should not expect TOO MUCH from them... other then investments in various sectors...

Ohh... P5 is settled...

Now lets get back on topic... ECONOMIC and MILITARY POWER is the essential base to get your voice heard... otherwise... everyone will just do the lip service for your cause...

Look at China... they are in a different class now... in 60s and 70s... both India and Pakistan were doing better...

@1Paki$tani Aforementioned is your answer...

Why no one is crying now for Jamal Khashoggi... A US citizen... killed at Saudi Consulate... in Turkey... LOTS OF PROOF... you will end up at MONEY... as conclusion...

Why would india go with american platform especially when they will have few dozen Rafale?

It would be dumb and logistical nightmare.
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