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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

man its not that hard. actually its constitutional as well. you can search my post on the first instance of the new government and imf. and i said imf is needed by the government not pakistani public.

adhay log zakaat maaf kara lete hain to sood ki kia baat hai.. phir ayaashi karo murde ka gosht khao. bachiyaan nachwao for softpower. who gives a damn

Lekin its not just about that mate.
What happened to Qaddafi? He was also going to introduce a halal currency right, and then Democrazy was introduced to libya from the air and through the crowds on the street.

It takes a man to stand up to the existing chaotic world order, and declare his country to be free of Ribah, and then it takes a whole state to back him up and not let him be "made an example" by those who control the financial and banking systems of the world.

Deeply saddened by this news. No hope left in the country. IK failed infront of the mafia.

I hope the m.c. supporters of nasoor league are happy

And you are the same crying girly who I see crying in every single post where something goes wrong.

No hope left, please pack your bags and leave the country and don't ever think of returning.
Am I the only one who thinks that policies will remain same only faces in this ministry will change?
you can try and counter and not get personal. that would be one change as promised by the true leader

Oh now the moaning and victim card tactic! You are the one bragging about being belonging to an honourable family and look at what you turned out to be. Clearly you were fabricating such claims.
Your skeletons are out!

and PTM is in the parliament.

Oh now the moaning and victim card tactic! You are the one bragging about being belonging to an honourable family and look at what you turned out to be. Clearly you were fabricating such claims.

i do not have to play the victim card. all i said i refuse to indulge in personal attacks.
Not going to lie, this is really sad.

Assad is such a brilliant man and he's been able to do so much in such little time.

I hope there is a bigger play here for the sake of the country.
Indeed, Asad Umar has shown that he is a man of strong character and integrity unlike the bloody Nawaz shit eaters like Ishaq Dar and Miftah who helped destroy Pakistani economy. Miftah more so in the end as he booby-trapped the path by starting drastic dollar devaluation and restricting non tax filers and started the rot that jammed money circulation later and did this in the last year of PMLN tenure. The mistake Asad Omar made was, he fell in that trap and continued that path.

However, this nation should be thankful that Asad Umar did his utmost best and didn't let Pakistan Default which looked imminent immediately after PTI assumed power.

Ask caretaker Finance Minister; Pakistan was left on tthe verge of default by PMLN.
Lekin its not just about that mate.
What happened to Qaddafi? He was also going to introduce a halal currency right, and then Democrazy was introduced to libya from the air and through the crowds on the street.

It takes a man to stand up to the existing chaotic world order, and declare his country to be free of Ribah, and then it takes a whole state to back him up and not let him be "made an example" by those who control the financial and banking systems of the world.

It takes a Nation to stand behind a man if such things are desired as a whole. No country which is internally strong can be invaded or destroyed.

Qaddafi is irrelevant in Pakistani affairs man. He had pan African dream more than halal stuffs.
'Time to take difficult decisions': Asad Umar steps down as finance minister, will not hold any portfolio

Dawn.comUpdated April 18, 2019
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Asad Umar, who stepped down as finance minister on Thursday, addresses a press conference. — DawnNewsTV

Finance Minister Asad Umar — an hour after announcing that he is stepping down as finance minister on Thursday — told a press conference that it was time to make some "difficult decisions" to stabilise the economy and that he hopes his replacement would be supported in their efforts.

Umar, via Twitter, announced earlier that he has obtained the prime minister's consent "to not take any cabinet position" days after reports of a reshuffle in the cabinet were rubbished by the Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry.

"As part of a cabinet reshuffle, [the] prime minister desired that I take the energy minister portfolio instead of finance," he said. "However, I have obtained his consent to not take any cabinet position."

Asad Umar



As part of a cabinet reshuffle PM desired that I take the energy minister portfolio instead of finance. However, I have obtained his consent to not take any cabinet position. I strongly believe @ImranKhanPTI is the best hope for Pakistan and inshallah will make a naya pakistan


3:09 AM - Apr 18, 2019
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Umar ended his tweet by saying: "I strongly believe @ImranKhanPTI is the best hope for Pakistan and inshAllah will make a naya Pakistan."

During the press conference, Umar, who kept an upbeat demeanour, said he was asked to take the energy portfolio following a reshuffle in the cabinet.

"I met the prime minister this morning and convinced him that I did not want to take any portfolio," he said.

"This does not mean that I am not available to forward PTI’s vision for 'Naya Pakistan'. I am and will always be available to forward the interests of this country."

In response to a question about the earlier reports of reshuffling in the cabinet, he said: "I was first told [about this portfolio change] last night."

"I think, as per my discussion with the prime minister, other changes [in the cabinet] will be announced either tonight or tomorrow morning."

Explore: 'This was always on the cards': Journalists and analysts react to Asad Umar's departure

"It was on exactly this date in 2012, when newspapers had announced that I was joining the PTI. Today seven years later, I am giving you this news.

"It has been a wonderful journey of seven years and I will continue this journey.

"I need to thank the PTI’s youth for their enthusiasm. I need to say that when we came in, the economy was in a dangerous and sorry state, we were standing near a ditch, one move and we would have been in the ditch. The state of the economy is still not great [and] the next finance minister that comes in will still have a hard time.

"What I want is that whoever comes in is supported when they make difficult decisions for the sake of the nation.

"I believe that this decision should be made as soon as possible ... we are about to go to the IMF, we are about to present the budget. This is already too late, the next person should have come in earlier, at least a month ago."

Asked whether there had been a conspiracy in the government to remove him, Umar did not give a definite answer.

"I came here so that I could do something for the betterment of the country. I don’t know if there has been a conspiracy or not [to remove me] but all I know is that my 'captain' wanted to see me in the role of the energy minister. I did not think that would be a great idea so I refused.

"We have finalised the IMF agreement on much better terms than before. It is the time to take difficult decisions; I have made these decisions, I refused to take the decisions that would have crushed the nation.

Defending his performance in response to a question, he said: "Who says that I have failed in achieving what I wanted to achieve? I had left my job to join the party (PTI) when we weren’t even in the parliament, let alone in the opposition. Look at how far we have come from that. I am not letting PTI go, I truly believe that 'Naya Pakistan' will become a reality.

"The new team will come and it will look at things with fresh eyes, maybe they will come up with better decisions and either way, they will need to be given time.

"This is not a decision made in protest. When I had joined the party, we were sitting at Khan sahab's sister’s place, and I had told him that 'there is nothing you have that you can offer to me in return for doing this, so I am a person who is going to think and act freely.'

"The new person that comes in may have a different approach, but they will have to work on the same five-six points (to improve the economy). There are three main deficits that need to be fixed in order to fix the economy."

Answering another question, he said: "The amnesty scheme has nothing to do with my leaving the post."

'Disappointment' among PTI ranks
It is unclear whether Umar has officially submitted a resignation, and whether it has been accepted.

In a video recorded soon after the news broke, Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari told reporters that she had no idea about the development. "I was just in a meeting and Asad Umar was the finance minister [in the meeting], so I have no idea if anything else has happened," she said.

PML-N leader and Umar's brother Mohammad Zubair while speaking to DawnNewsTV said he hopes "whoever comes now will take a running start and implement the things that need to be done."

Explore: Does the government possess the political skill to manage the adjustment process?

Journalist Meher Bokhari told DawnNewsTV that there is some disappointment over the news in Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf circles because Umar is admired and looked up to in the party.

Reports of reshuffle
Reports were circulating earlier this week about a possible reshuffle in the post for Minister for Finance and Minister of State for Interior held by Asad Umar and Shehryar Afridi respectively.

The government in general and the finance minister in particular have faced mounting criticism by opposition parties, members of the business community and citizens over the handling of the economic crisis.

The information minister, although he had not addressed the specific changes reported to the portfolios, had dismissed the reports, saying there was "no truth" to them.

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority had also issued show-cause notices to ARY News and Bol News for airing news items regarding the reshuffle in the cabinet and change in the portfolios of some federal ministers.

Umar recently returned from a trip to Washington in which the details of Pakistan's next International Monetary Fund bailout were finalised, documented and signed. An IMF mission is expected to visit Islamabad before the end of the month to work out technical tables since all major issues had been settled and documented, Umar had said.

This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources such as concerned, qualified authorities and our staff reporters.
i do not have to play the victim card. all i said i refuse to indulge in personal attacks.

Oh really .. shall I quote your post from another thread a few hours back?

You are damned Liar as well. Shows your upbringing! Corrupt, Manipulative .. and bullocked 'honourable'!
I am no fan of PTI, as a party they have proved time and time again they are bunch of free loaders, every political orphan was allowed to join the party. The level of immaturity being displayed is truly mind boggling, they cant even keep their own house in order. All ministers are fighting with one another.

IK is just incapable of keeping things under control, he is not a good politician. In politics everything is about timing even the right decisions can have completely adverse affects just because of timing and IK seems to be a master of bad timing.
On a side note I dont dislike IK at any level other than for his politics.

Asad Umer was a wrong choice from the get go, he had been making conflicting statements from day one clearly showing complete lack of any coherent policy or plan, after all he is a corporate guy not an economist.
I fully agree with your assessment about IK's ability to fire anyone now, but the real question is will he exercise his authority and clean the house.
Current system is nothing but a huge failure, but it is next to impossible to change our current system of government.

A good overall analyses, I'll just add that IK is not only not a good politician but also not a good leader/ruler, we all had put our hopes and bets on the wrong horse..
Now when I look at IK, I remember Yahya, his frank and forthright style was quite disarming but he was a disaster..
Problem is not only with Asad Umar but the whole economic team, they are mostly representing special interest groups who have jumped on this bandwagon and have no coherent vision and also lack foresight.
Oh really .. shall I quote your post from another thread a few hours back?

You are damned Liar as well. Shows your upbringing! Corrupt, Manipulative .. and bullocked 'honourable'!

please do.

personal attacks are now allowed on the forum. highlighting this rule does not mean moaning or victim playing.

you are just a little emotional today. you will get back to normal when this settles in. i do not mind. its ok
please do.

personal attacks are now allowed on the forum. highlighting this rule does not mean moaning or victim playing.

you are just a little emotional today. you will get back to normal when this settles in. i do not mind. its ok

Please get off this high horse, pretending to be poor and all that bulshit of your personal life about Haji sahib walking the child to shops and giving him sound advice.

Corrupt Babu ki aulad!
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