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Brahmin India


May 30, 2016
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SM Mushrif, not much known to people of Pakistan and rest of the world, is a former Indian police chief who voluntarily stepped down from the top police job in India after he exposed how the Indian deep state was involved in killing its own people in false flag operations to expand its expansionist agenda. He authored a book titled “Who Killed Karkare – The Real Face of Terrorism in India”.

The book brought to the fore the dubious and criminal role played by India’s premier intelligence agency, Intelligence Bureau (IB), in financing, supporting and projecting terrorism in India.

Mushrif’s claims were recently reinforced by Elias Davidsson, who has revisited the Mumbai attacks saga in his landmark book titled “The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence”. A slew of reviews on the book published in the world’s leading publications have made the book and the author a household name in Pakistan, India and other countries.

Davidsson, who has also penned “Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11”, has earlier established the case that the Mumbai attacks were the handiwork of Indian intelligence who either facilitated or orchestrated the attacks, just to trap Pakistan in the terror quagmire under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s doctrine of ‘economic and diplomatic subjugation of Pakistan’.

But Mr Mushrif and his work “Who Killed Karkare – The Real Face of Terrorism in India” remained a bit low key in Pakistan and rest of the world.

According to multiple media reports, over 8,000 people in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh converted to Hinduism from July 2014 to December 2014 under the Ghar Wapsi programme

Mushrif, a Maharashtra Cadre IPS (Indian Police Service) officer, writes that counties like Canada have refused to issue visa to staff members of the Indian IB, army, BSF and police on grounds that they have committed crimes against humanity and violated Human Rights in India.

Mushrif’s claim appears to be true in the light of the fact that visa denied to a retired senior IB officer SS Siddhu for belonging to the “inadmissible” category of persons, was later given a visa when the government of India intervened.

Mushrif brings facts about the death of Hemant Karkare, who headed a probe into the 2006 Malegaon blasts that took 37 precious lives of Muslims in a town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, 290 km northeast of Mumbai.

The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) initially blamed the bombings on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), but a charge sheet filed in 2013 put the blame on the Hindu extremist group Abhinav Bharat after a probe led by Karkare. On 25 April 2016, the court found the initial ATS charges to be fabricated and released the nine Muslims previously arrested.

Karkare was pressurised to do away with major culprits of Malegaon blasts including Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Prohit, a serving military official of Indian army, Mahant Dayanand Pandey, Sadhvi Pragyasingh, Col (R) S Raikar, etc.

Col Prohit later was also found involved in the 2007 bombing at Samjhauta Express on 18 February 2007. The train service is twice-weekly train service connecting Delhi, India, and Lahore, Pakistan. 68 Pakistani pilgrims were killed in the ensuing fire and dozens more were injured.

In November 2008, Indian officials suspected the attacks were linked to Lt Col Prohit, an Indian army officer also alleged member of Hindu nationalist group Abhinav Bharat. Prohit himself claimed that he had “infiltrated” the Abhinav Bharat and he was only doing his job.

Karkare was also on the verge of arresting (possibly) Praveen Togadia. It had become the question of the very survival of Brahmanist organisations like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc, which were all lined up to be connected with blasts of Samjhota Express, Hyderabad, Ajmer Shareef and Jaipur. However, Karkare was killed in mysterious circumstances and the matter was never pursued by Indian authorities.

About the death of Karkare, the author is convinced it was a murder by “vested interests”, who harbour the grandiose plan to establish a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Such “vested interests” have been unhesitatingly and consistently referred to as “Brahmanists” in the book.

Since taking reins of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has let loose Hindu extremists from Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) who are largely involved in committing crimes against minorities in India.

With the extremists calling the shots under Hindu radical Modi’s nose, India has turned into a hotbed of Brahminist terror state subjugating and harassing minorities, and intimidating its neighbours under its expansionist agenda.

Indian deep state has been toeing the agenda of its Brahmanist ruling elite to conquer entire South Asian region by subjugating and killing people irrespective of their faith, religion or ethnicity.

The Brahmanists, with considerable clout even beyond national borders, decided to eliminate Karkare and a perfect opportunity came when the attack on Mumbai took place on 26/11. The author has refrained from hazarding a guess as to who did; whether it was just LeT, or Taliban, or Dawood Ibrahim, or CIA supported Pakistani elements or even the Israeli Intelligence Mossad or the Zionist.

But the author is very clear that RSS backed Intelligence Bureau facilitated the attack by not informing the Mumbai Police or the Western Naval Command about the impending attack about which they had specific information since 19/11 from the US and RAW.

The author has cited a lot of “circumstantial evidence” from media reports to cast a thick shadow of doubt on the IB for the death of Karkare. Presence of KP Raghuvanshi, who is much hated by Muslims, earlier chief of ATS, in the vicinity of Karkare before he was shot dead, is a case in point.

Raghuvanshi was again made the chief of ATS in haste within hours of Karkare’s death! There are dozens of other highly suspicious occurrences which add to the thickness of the shadow of doubt. Non-functional CCTV cameras at only the side of the CST Station where the attack took place or at the Chowpatty Traffic signal where Ajmal Kasab was apprehended, are two more such instances.

The author blames the IB for always intervening in situations to derail the investigation process. He writes that the IB appears to be a law onto itself borne out by comment of the Muslim Home Secretary who told the author that though he is the boss of the IB, the intelligence agency officials don’t report to him!

This does not augur well for a multi-religious, multi-cultural polity like India. More frighteningly, what does not bode well for India is; the assurances given by the Israeli authorities and the then Nepal King Gyanendra to help in the nefarious plan for establishing a Hindu Rashtra. Mushrif quotes from reports of the Narco Analysis tests conducted on Col. Prohit.

Despite such and many more damning events coming to light and practically having got swept under the carpet, absence of intervention from the country’s high authorities, such as the prime minister and home minister, to who only the IB reports, further goes to prove that even they are helpless when it comes to IB and the Hindutva Brigade. The author exhorts the countrymen, the powers that be, and rightly so, that it is high time we understood the damage being caused to the fabric of the nation and take remedial measures.

Such covert terrorism incidents orchestrated by Indian intelligence have also resulted in increase of hate crimes in India as Hindu extremists have been targeting minorities across India aimed at isolating, arm-twisting and forcing economic blockade to compel them covert to Hindi religion under the ‘Ghar Wapsi’ (Back to Home) Movement launched by the Hindu extremist groups.

Ghar Wapsi is a series of religious conversion activities, facilitated by Indian Hindu organisations VHP and RSS to facilitate conversion of non-Hindus to Hinduism. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several other ministers in his cabinet are members of RSS.

This all is being done by the ruling party itself as the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party’s Yogi Adityanath, also Uttar Pradesh chief minister, has claimed this campaign would continue unless conversions to other religions are banned altogether in the country.

VHP and RSS organised several Ghar Wapsi events across India where minority Muslims, Christians and Dalits were forced to covert to Hinduism in Manipur, Assam, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Goa.

There are clear hints that state itself is involved in large conversions too. According to multiple media reports, over 8,000 people in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh converted to Hinduism from July 2014 to December 2014 under the Ghar Wapsi programme. According to a VHP official, 1200 people converted to Hinduism in a Ghar Wapsi event in Hyderabad.

One can understand that India, with the extremists calling the shots under Modi’s nose, is fast falling from an artificially created grace and fast turning into a hotbed of Brahminist terrorist state aiming at subjugating, harassing and intimidating its neighbours under its expansionist agenda.

Indian extremist regime, which has illegally annexed dozens of neighbouring states like Sikkim, Kashmir, Manipur and Hyderabad Deccan, now is targeting its minorities in a bid to turn India into a 100 percent Hindu state. Will the world community stand up to this extremist state or would Brahministic elite be allowed to spill blood with clemency?

This is a confessional video of RSS murderers (with English subtitles) including Babu Bajrangi... they executed, planned genocide of muslims in Gujarat at the behest of then Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi.

Final Solution - A documentary on 2002 Gujarat Muslim Genocide..
Just as you start watching this Documentary, in first 2 minutes, you will notice how anti muslim society India has become, that is the very reason people like Modi or Yogi Adyanath are becoming CM or PM. When criminals/murderers come into power, bad things bound to happen..

"If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” - Justice Brandeis US Supreme Court
That is what happening in current day India.

Check below thread, i have shared loads of evidence videos and stuff about extremist Brahmin India...


Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” (Philip K. Dick)
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Hindustunk, this artificial country is bound to be a failed state.

its a miracle that this artificial county survived 70 yrs - its diversity , playing the divide and rule politics plays a major role in enriching the Hindi'ans and Brahmanist and keeping them in power
lololol. I aint a brahmin but i also hate brahmins to the core, wasnt always so. growing up i saw most of the vile sjw kids, activists, brown coolies are brahmin kids. gradually developed a general sense of hatred for them.
Brahmins are a virus
Show your inferiority complex some where else, brahmins are less than 3% of total Indian population and you say Brahminical India. The biggest challenge to Pakistani RULING class is that they can't run the show without showing bogey man.

God Save Albakistan.

lololol. I aint a brahmin but i also hate brahmins to the core, wasnt always so. growing up i saw most of the vile sjw kids, activists, brown coolies are brahmin kids. gradually developed a general sense of hatred for them.
Bro why do you waste your emotional capital by hating some insignificant things of your life.
lololol. I aint a brahmin but i also hate brahmins to the core, wasnt always so. growing up i saw most of the vile sjw kids, activists, brown coolies are brahmin kids. gradually developed a general sense of hatred for them.
Indian state is basically handled and contorlled by these Brahmins. The strings to indian army, ib , raw are in hinduvta brahmins hands.

Tho majority indians on this forum are disowned dalits who pretend to be of higher castes to gain social acceptance.
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Indian state is basically ahndled and contorlled by these Brahmins. The strings to indian aemy, ib , raw are in hinduvta brahmins hands.

Tho majority indians on this forum are disowned dalits who pretend to be of higher castes to gain social acceptance.

One has to go back in history to realise why the upper caste community (brahmins in this case) rose to occupy powerful bureaucratic positions in the country... The sole reason is education and the importance they assign to it. Today in brahmin communities the third generation is getting educated (as in the grandfather, the father and the son are educated) while in most other communities only two communities are educated. .in most cases this is because the other communities were either unaware or did not have access to education some 40 years ago.... so this is something very valuable we have to learn from the brahmins -sheer hardwork and perseverance and the will to grow up the ladder(sometimes at the cost of others but hey I'm sure we have all done that at times... It's human nature )

This difference however is narrowing at a very rapid speed and in 10 - 20 years., their so called dominance will almost be redundant and everybody becomes well established and well educated
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Indian state is basically ahndled and contorlled by these Brahmins. The strings to indian aemy, ib , raw are in hinduvta brahmins hands.

Tho majority indians on this forum are disowned dalits who pretend to be of higher castes to gain social acceptance.
Do Modi is a Brahmin???? What about Amit Shah... These politicians are more powerful here...
Army, IB , RAW???? this is not Pakistan, here these institutions have very limited power...
Indian state is basically ahndled and contorlled by these Brahmins. The strings to indian aemy, ib , raw are in hinduvta brahmins hands.

Tho majority indians on this forum are disowned dalits who pretend to be of higher castes to gain social acceptance.

:lol: Now that's a funny theory.
Indian state is basically ahndled and contorlled by these Brahmins. The strings to indian aemy, ib , raw are in hinduvta brahmins hands.

Tho majority indians on this forum are disowned dalits who pretend to be of higher castes to gain social acceptance.

Brahmin-Bania hegemony in India

Sometimes one wonders how such a large country is run and who really runs it? Arundhati Roy calls India, “An Upper Caste Hindu Corporate Republic”! One would have thought that she may have been saying this in anger but an examination of various economic and political organisations reveals that she is 100% right. This has been already done in detail by Aakar Patel. The live mint, an e-paper of the Hindustan Times group carries an article in its April 8, 2017 edition by Aakar Patel titled “When will the Brahmin-Bania hegemony end?” The article which was first published in 2009 gives a detailed picture of the people who are really running India.It would be interesting to quote the facts given by Aakar Patel. According to him, India is run by Brahmins and Banias only. Brahmins, Banias and Jains altogether constitute less than 6% of the population.

Aakar Patel states that at the time of independence, India was politically run by a Brahmin (Jawaharlal Nehru) whose mentor was a Bania (Mahatma Gandhi). The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh was a Brahmin (Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant), the first chief minister of Gujarat was a Bania (Jivraj Mehta). Madhya Pradesh was run by a Brahmin (Ravi Shankar Shukla), Rajasthan was run by a Brahmin (H.L. Shastri), Kerala was run by a Brahmin (E.M.S. Namboodiripad), Punjab was run by a Brahmin (G.C. Bhargava) and Assam was ruled by a Brahmin (G.N. Bordoloi). In 2009 when the article was first written, only one state was run by a Brahmin that was West Bengal run by Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. Incidentally, Shudras who are wrongly construed to mean untouchables are in reality peasants (Patels) and constitute more than 50% of the population.

Old economy, new economy: All economy in India is owned and run by two castes. The Brahmin used his monopoly on knowledge and the Bania used his high-trust culture of trade to become dominant. Their skills are world-class. Given the realities of capital formation, it is difficult for other castes to catch up soon”.

How is such a minuscule minority running such a huge country of the millions of poor without any massive rebellion from them? Interestingly, the present trend of heightened Hindutva using religion to declare India a Hindu Rashtra gives the clue. Here the saying of Karl Marx that “the Religion is the Opium of the poor” fits appropriately! It is being practically used by the rich in India to keep the teeming millions of the poor down under! But one wonders how long can this deception last? One day the poor will definitely reclaim their rights. Incidentally, that trend has already started !

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