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Boy has Arabic script from the Koran appear on skin


Jul 31, 2009
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Boy has Arabic script from the Koran appear on skin | Weird True Freaky | News.com.au

A BOY has become a walking monument to Muslim faith after passages from the Koran started appearing on his skin.

Text in Arabic from the religious book started showing on the boy’s back, arms, legs and stomach, leaving doctors baffled.

They first started appearing shortly the baby was born, with “Allah” appearing on his chin, The Sun reports.

Doctors say the markings are a medical mystery, but deny the condition is a result of someone writing on the child’s skin.

The parents of the child initially hid the mysterious writings, but eventually took the boy to the doctor.

They say the old passages fade before new words appear roughly twice a week.

"Normally those signs appear twice a week - on Mondays and on the nights between Thursdays and Fridays," the mother said.

"Ali always feels bad when it is happening. He cries and his temperature goes up.

"It's impossible to hold him when it's happening, his body is actively moving, so we put him into his cradle. It's so hard to watch him suffering."

Since the holy markings were revealed, the boy became the focus of Muslim homage in his hometown province of Dagestan, in the south of Russia.
Alhamdullilah , Allah shows these Kind of SIGNS to show the Right Path to the Non believers and to Streanthen Our Faith in Him Allah ho akbar. It is so clear & i say if some one does'nt accept the Truth then....leave him to his Luck!

Please click the Link to See the Picture & the Article.

Koran boy's skin mystery | The Sun |News

This is not the Only incident its one of the Thousands happening on daily basis and yet You deny! here is one more.
i am posting a video for those who DO NOT BELIEVE A 3 years Old kid Is a Hafiz ( Who remembers Quran by Heart ) The Truth is just a click away from you:smitten:.

Good luck with Research ...
Your Sincerly:
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Lot of skeptics among the readers of those news papers.Some accusing child abuse.

I think the parents should allow the boy to be under observation.In that way,they will be proven right if they are really speaking the truth.It also will shut down the skeptics,or may be not.

The writing is arabic.Many readers even doubted that.
The world has Idiots in large number , Excepting or not is their choice as Allah said In Quran that People who do not accept the Truth have their Hearts locked , they are Blind because they do not see anything.

is this like jesus appearing on roti?

believing in such stuff is shirk, and is the tool of those of weak iman. faith is of the mind, not of skin rashes, roti burns, cloud shape etc.
is this like jesus appearing on roti?

believing in such stuff is shirk, and is the tool of those of weak iman. faith is of the mind, not of skin rashes, roti burns, cloud shape etc.

Your first point is a good one and I have used it myself on several occasions; however your shirk rhetoric suggests that you do not understand the very meaning of shirk.

It is in fact an insult to Allah to call such a thing shirk.

Shirk means to ascribe a partner to Allah, or to ascribe an attribute that only belongs to Allah onto something other than Allah.

- If believing that this strange skin rash is equal to ascribing a partner to God, then you must believe that God (nauzbullah) is a rash, or that a rash is attributable to the very nature of God, or that we view this rash as we should view Allah (which nobody is doing)

I hope with this example you have learnt the errors of your ways.
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believing in such stuff is shirk, and is the tool of those of weak iman. faith is of the mind, not of skin rashes, roti burns, cloud shape etc.

First of all its not shirk. you should study Islam in a bit detail.

Secondly these things are not a tool to weak our iman.. In fact your iman even gets more stronger by seeing the incidence like these..
Good to know people believing here that Miracles happens in Islam also!!! Very same members keep criticizing, demonizing if there is any news on similar things happening with regards to other religion, otherwise.
Double standard.......
Fact is, faith do make miracle happens for Believers and as for Non-believers it is Farce. Both are true.
Lets wait and see what the officials say about this.
can't comment
I have seen enough hoaxes & people (with blind faith) provide for others a way to laugh at our religion which is the most sane afterall
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