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Box office banged: Hrithik beats Shaan on home soil

A sell out nation what do you expect. An Indian trash gets more coverage, more viewers than a Pakistani counterpart which is based on the sorry state of affairs of this country and the WOT which has costed us thousands of human capital, yet this nation does not want to see that and is busy in watching nonsense.

will this change in naya pakistan!

Musharraf is not a supporter of Nooras.

now as per you those who are watching Indian Movies are noora supporter. As per @Psycho Pakistani Indian movies are here because of
Mushi chor of delhi nehar wali haveli in his evil delhi raaj.
(in short Gen musharraf) . So please explain why Mushy is not a noora supporter or Noora is not mushy Supporter !

I will never ever watch any bollywood movie in a pakistani cinema. Bollywood movies can be watched using pirated DVDs and their screening should be banned in pakistani cinemas unless indians also screen pakistani movies in indian cinemas. This one-way traffic started by Mushi should be stopped now.
does Noora or mushy also provide money to public to watch Indian film!
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will this change in naya pakistan!

now as per you those who are watching Indian Movies are noora supporter. As per @Psycho Pakistani Indian movies are here because of
(in short Gen musharraf) . So please explain why Mushy is not a noora supporter or Noora is not mushy Supporter !

does Noora or mushy also provide money to public to watch Indian film!

People like nawaja and mush have dirty blood in their veins.
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Finally comparing a US$ 23 Million (Bang Bang) vs a US$ 0.975 million budget movie (021) and comparing is really licking one's own wounds....why not compare a movie of the same budget?

because Pakistani cinema will not be able to afford such mega bucks films for at-least a decade .
And because the pakistanis love our bollywood heros and heroines.

Hypocritical people

Love our music and films YET we are their sworn enemy
because Pakistani cinema will not be able to afford such mega bucks films for at-least a decade .
so Indians licking their wounds by comparing low budget movies with their high budgets and then rejoicing? :unsure:
It doesn't matter if Bollywood or Star Plus et al. are garbage or not; if the customers place a demand on them, they would continue to be screened on TV or Cinema. Supply and demand determine what goods would prevail in the market, Jingoism has no role to play.

No one will tell me what to watch and what is better. I will decide that for myself.

By the way, there is no benchmark of quality for a piece of art like a drama or movie. Don't compare them to an industrial product.

If people want to watch Bollywood or Star plus, then so be it. Stop whining and try to give a better alternative. If you can't then tolerate this garbage.
I don't enjoy Pakistani or Indian movies but I think Shaan is a better actor then Rithik or whatever his name his.
Then my friend u haven't seen guzaarish, fiza, mission kashmir, jodha akbar, shaan I agree is a more experienced actor, but hrithik is more versatile, and I haven't even talked about his dance and physique yet.
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