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Box office banged: Hrithik beats Shaan on home soil

Syed, Since you did not reply, my apologies if my last quote/question to you in another thread was offensive. I was being the devils advocate and questioning. You should know I respect you quite a lot.

Which one? I did not get any notification of a reply. And thank you.

the point is even if they release their movie in india who will bear the loss :lol:

Let the distributors make the choices according to the market and make profits or losses from their decisions.
Its distributor and talkies owner who will gain finally with big buissness of movie
Operation 021 booed off the screens in Bambino and Capri – The Express Tribune


The response was awful; people threw bottles at the screen and even harassed the management for wasting their money,” Adeel Siddiqi, the owner of Bambino cinema, told The Express Tribune.

“The crowd was going out of control and I am glad that no damage was done to our property, we controlled the situation in time,” he added.

Operation 021 booed off the screens in Bambino and Capri – The Express Tribune


The response was awful; people threw bottles at the screen and even harassed the management for wasting their money,” Adeel Siddiqi, the owner of Bambino cinema, told The Express Tribune.

“The crowd was going out of control and I am glad that no damage was done to our property, we controlled the situation in time,” he added.


It was a staged incident from a rival group possibly the makers of "Na maloom afrad" or promoters of "Bang bang". There was no such incident in any other part of pakistan.
But the question is: Why do Pakistanis love Bollywood trash? :azn:

Problem is, we've become used to trash like Americans are desensitized to violence and sex. Take it this way. If a man spends one whole year living like a complete slob in trash, he'll become to think it's normal, and perhaps even better than how he used to live.
Makes sense, since Bang Bang had released by itself to much fanfare. It was the only movie people could go and see. While Op 021 had competition from both an maloom afraid and bang bang. Still decent numbers considering how audiences would be split.

I think Pakistani film makers need to space their releases out so they can all make money.

Also to the people who say Bollywood films should be banned. What you do not understand is that having them their actually helps our industry. Becuase there was so much interest in Bollywood films many people started building the multiplexes. This in turned helps Pakistani film makers as it allows for wider releases for Pakistani films. That way they can inject more money into their films and also make more money with wider releases.

Their is nothing wrong with competition. It will only help the Pakistan film industry at this point.
Bang Bang is a FOX production, here in India they booked far more screens than Haider and almost blocked all the slots for it. It may be a similar case in Pakistan or maybe you guys really love such crappy movies :tsk:
Its good to have competition in any case local economy benefits with movie goers going to cinema

Jobs for cinema people , food stalls and entertainment

One visual improvement in Pakistan has been the improvement in quality of movies in Pakistani Cinema and cultural exchange between musicians is good in general
Its good to have competition in any case local economy benefits with movie goers going to cinema

Jobs for cinema people , food stalls and entertainment

One visual improvement in Pakistan has been the improvement in quality of movies in Pakistani Cinema and cultural exchange between musicians is good in general
But aren't slobs like General Hafiz Saeed dead against screening of Indian films in Pakistan as Yindoo banyas are considered infidels? Doesn't he consider it as blasphemy? Or does he love seeing Bollywood trash too? :rolleyes1:
That means that bacha who doesnt even know how to act is better than Shaan!
I have no taste for desi movies watching just watching the movie adds...Shaan is world class
A sell out nation what do you expect. An Indian trash gets more coverage, more viewers than a Pakistani counterpart which is based on the sorry state of affairs of this country and the WOT which has costed us thousands of human capital, yet this nation does not want to see that and is busy in watching nonsense.
A sell out nation what do you expect. An Indian trash gets more coverage, more viewers than a Pakistani counterpart which is based on the sorry state of affairs of this country and the WOT which has costed us thousands of human capital, yet this nation does not want to see that and is busy in watching nonsense.

this puzzled me to no end. you people hate india and US the most, but both countries culturally ruled you. what is the issue ?
Only Nooras when to go watch the trashy Indian flick.
why Indian movies are allowed in our cinemas? where as ours are not?
trade and social interaction is good but it shouldnt be one way only.
they dont even allow our ciment and our rice import and want Nawaz' help to flood the Pakistani market with their goods.

Lanat on the bastards that allow this one side show where Indians are laughing away with Pakistani cinema money .
forgive me for my rants and show me if there is one single cinema where Pakistani movie is aired. ?? we are not good enough? they dont mind getting the pirated copies of Shoab mansoor's mvie then why not legitamize it? erm ALL IN THE NAME OF TRADE
i am not sure whether Pakistani movies are banned in India. Pakistani TV channels are banned for sure but cinema no idea.
Also Pakistani Tv shows/soaps are getting acceptance in India .

Only Nooras when to go watch the trashy Indian flick.

that will make 3/4th pakistan Noora as well!

ps: is Gen Musharraf also Noora supporter?
i am not sure whether Pakistani movies are banned in India. Pakistani TV channels are banned for sure but cinema no idea.
Also Pakistani Tv shows/soaps are getting acceptance in India .

that will make 3/4th pakistan Noora as well!

ps: is Gen Musharraf also Noora supporter?

Not really. Noora supporters make maybe 20%.
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