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Both myself & Shaukat Tareen had warned the "Neutrals" that if conspiracy succeeded our fragile economic recovery would go into a tailspin: Imran Khan

Finally IK takes on the corrupt, low confidence leadership of the country! Long live independent thinkers, long live those rulers who serve the common man, long live the common man who earns his living in a halal way.
Tell IK to call off long march and elections demand and wait till Aug 2023. Then you can ask these questions after some time.

NSC also said there was no conspiracy.
There was no mention of no-vote confidence anywhere in NSC press release.
Can you hav a middle finger up to your dhuni?
Btw if you are right in ur statments. Then why khawa asif saying this. "Letter public krny ky lye amrica ki ijazit lena zrori hy".
Imran Khan better control himself. He has earned brownie points by keeping criticisms at the army aside.

The public sentiment is largely with Imran khan. But constant criticism at the generals might backfire.
IK has been very prudent in his criticism of the army. He has gone out of his way to genuinely appreciate the enormous sacrifices made by our brave soldiers, like we all do. Even at the cost of letting the real culprits get away with their unforgivable crimes against the nation, by not calling them out.

However, the sad fact is that army generals abandoned their commander in chief, and sided with the enemies of the state. No matter how much you sugarcoat it, the fact is a dirty game was played against IK, and generals were at the center of it.

In the future, if generals want to preserve the good reputation of their institution, and not get the wrath of the nation, then they must not become a party to any foreign or domestic conspiracies to overthrow their own government. The generals basically want to, have their cake and eat it too. They can't be allowed to get away with it

Unfortunately, until today the generals have been a sources of problems in the nation. They must remove themselves completely from being the kingmakers, and concentrate on the dire emerging domestic and foreign security challenges facing the nation.

Before my loyalty is questioned, I want to state that I'm a life long admirer of the army. Like most other patriots, I'm fed up with this political circus. I just want to see stability, security, and prosperity for Pakistan. We must try to put our house in order first, and progress as a democratic, and most importantly a JUST nation.
That's my dua and wish.
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No one but the neutrals are to be blamed.
for they remain neutral ( Kamchor )

Khaki boys have this on them, and they have no way out.
Why ?
Why should generals interfere?

There are two theories here
1- generals toppled the govt
2- opposition toppled the govt with judicary after getting green light from generals that they wont do anything(telling them that people will cheer a change)

If its no.2 then why do we blame generals ??
This is a problem of pakistanis including people here on this forum that support corruption and khata hey tu lagata be hey, tumein kaya mantra etc

People ofpakistan must take responsibility for voting zardrais and sharifs and mulanas

they need to take responsibility for voting for bradery as well local support complexes(fake aristotole)
Braindead, egomaniac neutrals have economically and politically neutered the whole country.

Their peasize brains still couldn't decipher that the grudges they have against Khan, and going for the vengeance with blind hatred is destroying the whole country and not Imran Khan(ironically he is stronger than ever).

They being complicit with thier masters is not working against Imran Khan or PTI, this is an act against the whole nation of 220 million people.
دل ناامید تو نہیں ناکام ہی تو ہے
لمبی ہے غم کی شام مگر شام ہی تو ہے
اتنا بھی ناامید دل کم نظر نہ ہو
ممکن نہیں کہ شام الم کی سحر نہ ہو
شاخیں رہیں تو پھول بھی پتے بھی آئیں گے
یہ دن اگر برے ہیں تو اچھے بھی آئیں گے
Well this means the gloves are off.
Not really. Few days back he also said that 'jin se gulti hogayi hai os se ab sudharay'. Every now and than he will speak to them thru his julsas and tweets. Since the news is, he is not picking up their calls. Sheikh Rasheed said this too. No meeting before elections date or clear road map for general elections.
Not really. Few days back he also said that 'jin se gulti hogayi hai os se ab sudharay'. Every now and than he will speak to them thru his julsas and tweets. Since the news is, he is not picking up their calls. Sheikh Rasheed said this too. No meeting before elections date or clear road map for general elections.
Sheik Rasheed will make sure Imran khan never becomes a PM again. Wrong number ha.
My only argument is this. Imran Khan should implicitly take the establishment to the cleaners.

Explicitly cursing the establishment makes him look weak and weakens his narrative.

PDM and Sharifs are crooks. They got no class and are a bunch of thieves. So nothing good can come out of their mouth.

Remember Imran Khan said army is Pakistan’s strength. He is doing the right things. The public is on his side.

Coming back to reasons why IK and Shireen Mazari are upping the ante. Maybe it was a decision from Election Commission or PDM doing a runner to London. Something might have triggered this move.
Yesterday Mr. Zardari was saying that Biden is my friend.
Thank God, he will stay here. Otherwise, he could have said that I used to take Biden's dog on the walk every day. This is the regret of his heart.
As we get closer to end of May, Khan will dial up the pressure on establishment. Will their ego let them make the right decision? Hopefully with enough internal pressure, American COAS will retire and take his Anjuma with him.
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Why ?
Why should generals interfere?

There are two theories here
1- generals toppled the govt
2- opposition toppled the govt with judicary after getting green light from generals that they wont do anything(telling them that people will cheer a change)

If its no.2 then why do we blame generals ??
This is a problem of pakistanis including people here on this forum that support corruption and khata hey tu lagata be hey, tumein kaya mantra etc

People ofpakistan must take responsibility for voting zardrais and sharifs and mulanas

they need to take responsibility for voting for bradery as well local support complexes(fake aristotole)

Have you considered visiting a dietician ?
you have a severe vitamin intelligence deficiency.
opposition toppled the govt with judicary after getting green light from generals that they wont do anything(telling them that people will cheer a change)
IK clearly said that I asked S.Tareen to present the economic situation and they didn't listen.
People ofpakistan must take responsibility for voting zardrais and sharifs and mulanas
They mainly win by rigging. Nothing else.

It has two meaning:
1) PDM is incompetent as they said they can quickly fix IK's mess.
2) PDM lied at the first place just to get the government. Why the didn't realise that they can't handle subsidy?
Also, did IK refrain IMF, SA and UAE to give/extend SS loans? Only, IMF asked for price hike not the gulf people. So why did gulf refuse to cooperate with SS?

BCZ PDM is too busy for to acquit itself from FIA, arrest dissidents, do election 'reforms', etc.
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