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Boston Marathon bombing suspect influenced by mysterious radical


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Boston Marathon bombing suspect influenced by mysterious radical | The Associated Press | News | San Francisco Examiner

WASHINGTON — In the years before the Boston Marathon bombings, Tamerlan Tsarnaev fell under the influence of a new friend, a Muslim convert who steered the religiously apathetic young man toward a strict strain of Islam, family members said.

Under the tutelage of a friend known to the Tsarnaev family only as Misha, Tamerlan gave up boxing and stopped studying music, his family said. He began opposing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Jews controlled the world.

"Somehow, he just took his brain," said Tamerlan's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who recalled conversations with Tamerlan's worried father about Misha's influence. Efforts over several days by The Associated Press to identify and interview Misha have been unsuccessful.

Tamerlan's relationship with Misha could be a clue in understanding the motives behind his religious transformation and, ultimately, the attack itself. Two U.S. officials say he had no tie to terrorist groups.

Throughout his religious makeover, Tamerlan maintained a strong influence over his siblings, including Dzhokhar, who investigators say carried out the deadly attack by his older brother's side, killing three and injuring 264 people.


"Misha was telling him what is Islam, what is good in Islam, what is bad in Islam," said Khozhugov, who said he was present for the conversation. "This is the best religion and that's it. Mohammed said this and Mohammed said that."

The conversation continued until Tamerlan's father, Anzor, came home from work.

"It was late, like midnight," Khozhugov said. "His father comes in and says, 'Why is Misha here so late and still in our house?' He asked it politely. Tamerlan was so much into the conversation he didn't listen."

Khozhugov said Tamerlan's mother, Zubeidat, told him not to worry.

"'Don't interrupt them,'" Khozhugov recalled the mother saying. "'They're talking about religion and good things. Misha is teaching him to be good and nice.'"

As time went on, Tamerlan and his father argued about the young man's new beliefs.

"When Misha would start talking, Tamerlan would stop talking and listen. It upset his father because Tamerlan wouldn't listen to him as much," Khozhugov said. "He would listen to this guy from the mosque who was preaching to him."

Anzor became so concerned that he called his brother, worried about Misha's effects.

"I heard about nobody else but this convert," Tsarni said. "The seed for changing his views was planted right there in Cambridge."

It was not immediately clear whether the FBI has spoken to Misha or was attempting to.

Tsarnaev became an ardent reader of jihadist websites and extremist propaganda, two U.S. officials said. He read Inspire magazine, an English-language online publication produced by al-Qaida's Yemen affiliate.

Tamerlan loved music and, a few years ago, he sent Khozhugov a song he'd composed in English and Russian. He said he was about to start music school.


And this 'mysterious' radical my friends....is an.....FBI Informant.
Yes, that's right.
A mysterious Muslim, unknown to everyone else, just happens to turn an average guy into a bomber.
Some motivational speaker he must be.

Have you heard the claim by AQ brainwashers or was it Taliban dudes that they can turn an average Muslim youth into a potential suicide bomber with 10 minutes?
Yes, that's right.
A mysterious Muslim, unknown to everyone else, just happens to turn an average guy into a bomber.
Some motivational speaker he must be.

Anything is possible. Though the easiest thing in the world is; motivating the motivated. Like preaching to the converted.
Have you heard the claim by AQ brainwashers or was it Taliban dudes that they can turn an average Muslim youth into a potential suicide bomber with 10 minutes?

True .....
But compare the boast of turning mindless, uneducated youth vs. someone who attended the best schooling in the world.

Plus the whole thing revolves around making these kids attend a meeting where everyone is secretly pressurized into this by claiming everyone else is doing it too. Kind of like those time-share events and almost as lethal.
There was a whole chapter in sociology that discusses this concept of following the majority...

But I still don't buy that these people knew he was reading up on dangerous material and yet didn't report it. Not even to save their son from a dark future.
True .....
But compare the boast of turning mindless, uneducated youth vs. someone who attended the best schooling in the world.

Plus the whole thing revolves around making these kids attend a meeting where everyone is secretly pressurized into this by claiming everyone else is doing it too. Kind of like those time-share events and almost as lethal.
There was a whole chapter in sociology that discusses this concept of following the majority...

But I still don't buy that these people knew he was reading up on dangerous material and yet didn't report it. Not even to save their son from a dark future.

Razor are you aware of this Bangladeshi Bank managers son who was entrapped by the FBI in the US where he went on thinking that he's blowing up a huge bomb in NY?

Just imagine if an FBI operative could do that with a bit of cajoling and brain washing - imagine what a trained Jihaadi brings to the table.

The fact of the matter is these are fertile minds we are talking about who already carry a degree of hatred towards probably Non Muslims or towards the west by way of the internet or by way of the religious schooling that they have undergone in their childhood.

And, very few people know or understand what these sessions entail in the end and what would be the possible outcome, most parents - (and it happens in Pakistan a lot too) are shocked at what their sons have done or have turned into after the process is complete.
True .....
But compare the boast of turning mindless, uneducated youth vs. someone who attended the best schooling in the world.

Plus the whole thing revolves around making these kids attend a meeting where everyone is secretly pressurized into this by claiming everyone else is doing it too. Kind of like those time-share events and almost as lethal.
There was a whole chapter in sociology that discusses this concept of following the majority...

But I still don't buy that these people knew he was reading up on dangerous material and yet didn't report it. Not even to save their son from a dark future.

It's an FBI informant, they put $3 Billion every year for those services and they go to all mosques here in the US. They usually claim to be new converts since they don't look Muslim or know enough yet. Then they bring up politics with ignorant Muslims who aren't knowledgable enough on Islam. Btw, don't you love how he is just mysterious and now he disappeared and no one knows anything about him? Even the mosque said they never knew of a such a convert which means he came to have personal time with the suspect and allude him into doing these actions. But the media doesn't say anything about him or if he will be held for anything. They target low IQ, isolated Muslims who might even have suicidal thoughts.
Anything is possible. Though the easiest thing in the world is; motivating the motivated. Like preaching to the converted.

Exactly - it's like they just need to push the right buttons and encourage them to go over the edge.

It's an FBI informant, they put $3 Billion every year for those services and they go to all mosques here in the US. They usually claim to be new converts since they don't look Muslim or know enough yet. Then they bring up politics with ignorant Muslims who aren't knowledgable enough on Islam. Btw, don't you love how he is just mysterious and now he disappeared and no one knows anything about him? Even the mosque said they never knew of a such a convert which means he came to have personal time with the suspect and allude him into doing these actions. But the media doesn't say anything about him or if he will be held for anything. They target low IQ, isolated Muslims who might even have suicidal thoughts.

If it was an FBI operation then the bomb would have been a fake and the brothers would have been arrested while pressing the fake detonators or while planting those cookers.
Anything is possible. Though the easiest thing in the world is; motivating the motivated. Like preaching to the converted.

Anything is possible but it is not that easy, if you're constantly pushing someone to commit an action you have an agenda behind it and its very mysterious. That being said, if this person came out or if the FBI had a word with this indivual we could believe he was radicalized. But he's just a mysterious man who we know nothing of now and is on the loose. They would arrest him if he's a radical preacher who can incite violence. But nothing mentioned about that. So I'm very suspicious about this. Of course with the media these questions aren't asked, no real journalism, he's no pyscho. He's a Muslim, and when it's a Muslim everything is connected. Blame Islam and strike fear into Americans to make them fear the moderate Muslims by presenting a case where a guy went partying, etc...To make people fear all Muslims. There's an agenda behind it and its been hidden for a while now.
True .....
But compare the boast of turning mindless, uneducated youth vs. someone who attended the best schooling in the world.

Plus the whole thing revolves around making these kids attend a meeting where everyone is secretly pressurized into this by claiming everyone else is doing it too. Kind of like those time-share events and almost as lethal.
There was a whole chapter in sociology that discusses this concept of following the majority...

But I still don't buy that these people knew he was reading up on dangerous material and yet didn't report it. Not even to save their son from a dark future.

Its not as mysterious as we may assume it to be. Rememember the case of the failed Times Square Bomber. Son of a retired PAF AVM, hailing from an elite strata of society, not uneducated or low IQ, not in a career at the bottom of the social heap, a family man with a wife and child, not a social outcast.

After all that; Why did he try to do what he did? To blow up Times Square!
Razor are you aware of this Bangladeshi Bank managers son who was entrapped by the FBI in the US where he went on thinking that he's blowing up a huge bomb in NY?

Just imagine if an FBI operative could do that with a bit of cajoling and brain washing - imagine what a trained Jihaadi brings to the table.

The fact of the matter is these are fertile minds we are talking about who already carry a degree of hatred towards probably Non Muslims or towards the west by way of the internet or by way of the religious schooling that they have undergone in their childhood.

And, very few people know or understand what these sessions entail in the end and what would be the possible outcome, most parents - (and it happens in Pakistan a lot too) are shocked at what their sons have done or have turned into after the process is complete.

No. Seriously, I didn't know about that incident.
Btw, what are the legal implications of an FBI sting in such cases? Isn't the FBI indirectly training people to be caught? Sounds a bit like Minority Report to me. Catching people while technically no crime has been committed (yet).

I can agree that lessons learnt during childhood stay with an individual for a very long time, even permanently. And you are right that often parents/friends/relatives are unaware of what the person is up to. But here, his relatives are talking about things they knew. Shouldn't they have warned the police? In fact, they could possibly face charges for obstructing justice.
Exactly - it's like they just need to push the right buttons and encourage them to go over the edge.

If it was an FBI operation then the bomb would have been a fake and the brothers would have been arrested while pressing the fake detonators or while planting those cookers.

You don't know, the FBI is no innocent group just out there to protect Americans. That's ludicrous to believe that. Either they tell us more about this 'mysterious' individual or we should all be suspicious.
Its not as mysterious as we may assume it to be. Rememember the case of the failed Times Square Bomber. Son of a retired PAF AVM, hailing from an elite strata of society, not uneducated or low IQ, not in a career at the bottom of the social heap, a family man with a wife and child, not a social outcast.

After all that; Why did he try to do what he did? To blow up Times Square!

Tough question indeed. And, honestly, I have no answer to this. Except in believing that the terrorist head hunters are really good (no sarcasm).

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