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Bored in Karachi

i dont have this cheap habbit of gerrin into this useless business of creating more than one idz on forums:tdown:,its just that im a chatterbox and get along with ppl quickly:P

If u have any doubts,you can confirm and investigate it,but im not afraid of doing anything odd!:laugh:

Welcome to the forum.:)

Spend some time here, it will be fine to make sound foundation.:super:
Next time some in is bored in Karachi he can try making a parody of the youtube hit Oppah Gangnum Style

The Karachi version will be called Bhaya! Defence Style (Gangnum being a rich suburb of Seoul)
Because this year they have gone all crazy with Muharram security in Karachi, and even the usual places that would be open are not.

So while the rest of the country had cellular connection yesterday, it was shut down in Karachi at around 1.00 pm, and resumed midnight.

Shut down again in the morning at 6 am, and resumed at midnight (even though it wa stated it will be back at 10 pm).

Same thing tomorrow.

Today I took about 80 km round of lucknow. there were at least 7 to 8 muharam processions going on. police was at every square but was just to regulate the traffic, and yes, no body is allowed to cross the zuloos, you have to go slow till a by lane appears and then go from the by lane to bypass the zuloos. It was majestic and peaceful.
Never heard of women doing pushups .. wait .. I just realized .. you opened this topic because your cell phone isnt working?? How much time do you spend on that thing? I work through my phone and I havent missed it all week .. Maybe the mullahs are right in banning those packages.

Actually spend a lot of time out of my home, and cellphone's important to keep family updated about where all I am and will be going.


You want to turn into Hulk 2.0 or just get a good healthy body and not turn into a fat aunty?

Just a good healthy body - and no, I dont want to turn into a fat aunty.

Trying to avoid that.

Don't want bat-wings when I am 40.

i've a perfect song for yall:taz:

Youtube's banned here!

I used to go to a mixed gym..
My timings matched with a group of east european women.
While i could hardly do 10 pull ups on the high bar,they used to do 30+.
I changed my timings out of shame :D

How many pull-ups can you do now?
^^^ Shurtah you try it..
'opa shurta style'

I used to go to a mixed gym..,
My timings matched with a group of east european women.
While i could hardly do 10 pull ups on the high bar,they used to do 30+.
I changed my timings out of shame :D
Well then I should commit suicide out of shame, I can see girls burn nearly 300 kcal in one treadmill run, when I am out of breath at 60.
I am asthmatic though. :(
Elmo, do you just do some workout casually or go to a gym? If you go to a gym, you should consult the trainer there for exercise specific to your needs.

If you do it at home, go generally for the whole body at first, legs, thighs, arms, back, chest etc. Do this for about 2 weeks or so. Then get into specialized regimes for a specific day. This helps your body to get acclimatized first, and you already get a rough shape on the body after a month of general exercises.
Elmo, how come no internet - how are you posting on PDF - thuraya? :blink:

So how many people here are from Karachi?

Or may be everyone else can join in too-

So brothers and sisters, no phone, no internet, no going out - how do you spend your (forced) days in?
i don't like the idea of going to a gym ... imagine a picture in which a weight is picking up a smaller weight (and struggling) :/

i don't like the idea of going to a gym ... imagine a picture in which a weight is picking up a smaller weight (and struggling) :/
Yeah...12:00AM to 6:00AM....it's down again!

I'm in Karachi...spending time watching movies and doing assignments.

At least you have electricity. It is a good idea to be able to live without any modern conveniences. A wood fire for tea and food, a candle for light, some playing cards or chess, some friends and family ... who could want anything more? :D

Duhhhhh- There are some really awesome places where you can do what you want without being shot at :D

Hey, being a potential target does add a bolus of adrenaline for extra fun, does it not? :D
I just came back from Karachi, infact last thursday. There were electricity issues but in some areas there was hardly any loadshedding. They are only doing loadshedding to those areas where they have huge line losses becuase of the kunda system. I realy enjoyed my say there because i stopped watching the sold Pakistani media where they show only violence and fabricated news.

I can quote you guys one example when ARY and GEO reported that there was a firing incidence at around 8 am in the morning at joher more, but trust me guys there was no such thing as I was there buying parathas from the hotel. It looks their major source of info is either prank calls or false info they gather. I beleive thats what there agenda is to take the country to an anarchy.

Never even once in my one month stay had any problems or issues at all for anything.The number of brand new honda accords i saw in Karachi never seen in britain.
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