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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

That is a very interesting suggestion. I would not mind writing a book with him but I have not met him personally. I have not heard about his new book though.

He is a well known people now and probably my contact in the bd military inside put him within top 1% quality officers within BD military.

Here is the email below that is published within the couple of online places. Not hard to find his address and you can start by presenting him your book.

Respected/ Dear All,
Assalamu Alaikum wrwb. I hope you all are fine along with all members of your families.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all of you for your kind and caring concern for me. I guess, I should’ve sent this mail earlier informing the details, but somehow or the other, I’ve been passing very busy time (jobless people have many jobs !) over the last week. I’m finding it extremely difficult to manage my time, receiving 100s of calls/ mails/ sms and host of visitors. I haven’t been able to cope up with this volley of well wishers’ response. On top of that, Abba was in hospital since 29 June (he’s at home now, and fine Alhamd.). For all these, I remained very busy and couldn’t find few quiet moments, since 24 June, to gather my thoughts and prepare this earlier. Besides, I’ve also been trying to give max time to Abba-Amma to help them absorb this shock, perhaps one of the greatest in their lifetime.

Well, in case you didn’t know, my last tour of duty was in the furthest cantonment (375 Km) from Dhaka, in a remote village (Kholahati, Parbatipur Upazilla under Dinajpur district), as Infantry Brigade Commander and the Station Commander (the Logistics Commander of the whole cantonment). In mid May, I became sick (due to weakness resulting from over-work) and was hospitalized on 14 May. I was released on 21 May and was given medical leave until 01 June.

Suddenly, on 31 May, while on leave at Dhaka, the order for my attachment (like OSD in civil sector – no portfolio, no office, no work) with the headquarters (HQ) at Dhaka was brought out. I went back to my cantonment the following day. I was ordered to handover my command immediately and join Dhaka HQ (the reason for such urgency was unknown and seemed mysterious !). I wasn’t even given any joining time (10 days), which is my entitlement in similar cases, under normal
circumstances. It’s not that I was badly needed here (no office, no one to command, nothing to do). I guess, the reason was to remove me from the command immediately, and then take subsequent action.

Anyway, I completed the handing over formalities and left Khoahati on 04 June. After the weekend, I reported to the HQ on 07 June. I was told by a responsible
senior officer (Major General), the officer in charge of posting/promotion/ retirement etc that, “I’m suspected by the Authority (!)” ! Which authority ? And, for what ? I wonder how much/ what else I needed to do/ show, after nearly 30 years in the military, to prove my honesty, integrity, dedication, commitment, loyalty and allegiance ! I’m certain that the whole Army, officers and men alike, if asked, will testify in my favour.

Anyway, I met all concerned senior officers, but none, including the Chief of Army Staff (CAS), could tell me the reason. No one could even confirm how long this situation would continue. To be honest, I wasn’t much bothered either. I had firm conviction on two things – firstly, ‘whatever Allah does, He does it for my betterment’; and secondly, “if Allah decides, I stay in the Army, no one can throw me out, and if Allah decides that I go out, the whole world cannot keep me tied down in the army’. With such convictions, should there be any reason for me to be worried ?

Indeed not. I wasn’t at all concerned about what would happen to me. But, the situation was psychologically uncomfortable for me – ‘no task, but take pay’. I’ve a very strong sense of self-respect. It was pricking my conscience. I didn’t want to draw salary without doing any work. All my life, I’ve been proactive, and stretched myself to the extreme limits to do whatever I could.

Now, without any work, the situation was naturally unpleasant for me. I told all these things to the CAS (if you are interested to know about my conversation with the Chief on 21 June, let me know). What will happen to me was any body’s guess. In any case, I was getting mentally prepared to be ‘sent home’ on retirement, since this has been the culture in our country.

Days went by. I kept on reporting every day. But no news and no work, and
widely varied speculations about me kept on increasing all around.

Finally, the D Day came ! On 24 June, I was called at the HQ at 12:15pm and handed over the letter of my “dismissal” by a senior Brigadier General. Before handing over the envelope containing the dismissal letter, the senior officer was emotionally choked. He said, “Azmi, my heartbeat has increased and my hands are shivering. I don’t know what to say or do.”

I remained calmed and requested him to remain calm, and hand me over the envelope. He did. I opened the envelope, read the “Dismissal Order” and just said, “Alhamdulillah”.

With this reaction of mine, the senior officer became more emotional, his eyes full of tears. He came around the table, hugged me and said, “I’ve no language to express my sorrow.”

I consoled him and told him, “Whatever comes, comes from Allah.” He then requested me to apply to the CAS for retirement benefit, but I boldly refused. I said, “Why sir? Have I done any crime? Am I a thief that I should beg apology
and ask for forgiveness? I haven’t done any crime and in no way I’m going
to beg for showing me mercy (!)/ magnanimity (!). I know that to the
“authority” my BLOOD is the problem, but I’m proud of my blood.”

The news of my “dismissal” not only shocked me or the Army. The entire country and the whole Diaspora community, whoever has come to know, were also utterly devastated. For last few days, my days have been too long and nights too short – I’ve become exhausted receiving phone calls, attending visitors and responding to mails. In fact, with the ‘Amar Desh’ news on 6 June, I’ve been suddenly turned in to a celebrity overnight!

I’ve been asked many many questions by all/ most of you. Some of you asked me whether I was shown any cause for my dismissal. The answer is a BIG “NO”.

Do they have any ? Nope ! If they did, they should/ could/would have tried me. I was bold and still am very bold to face any allegation (because I know that I haven’t done anything wrong. To the authority, my blood perhaps seems impure (!), and as such, I’m considered a security hazard [have been considered all through last 30 years]). I told this to the Chief [CAS] also on 21 June in his office at AHQ, though not exactly in the same language. They’ve (I wonder who all !) been trying to find an excuse (against me) to ‘throw me out’ for nearly last 30 years, but Alhamdulillah, never succeeded, because I’ve served, all through, as a true patriot soldier, with complete allegiance, loyalty, dedication, devotion and commitment, and obviously with full honour and dignity. Nevertheless, people who become blind when they’ve authority never think of Aakhirah and never learn lessons from history (so sad ! I feel pity for them !!). So, they never hesitate to do injustice. This is the first time, to the best of my knowledge (many senior serving and retired officers, and the Chief of the military law department confirmed this), in the history of BD Army, that an officer has been dismissed without any offence/ allegation/ charge/ trial and without allowing any scope to defend himself.

I’ve filled my case in Allah’s court, and I’ve firm conviction that my Allah’ll certainly punish the zaleems (whoever it includes) very heavily, both in this world and hereafter. He is all powerful – “Wa makaru makarallah, Allahu khairul maakerin”. For me, Allah is enough. I’m eagerly and patiently waiting to see their reward (!), following Allah’s verse, “Innallaaha maassoabirin”. It may take some time, but I’m not in a hurry.

At this time, I’m not at all worried or tensed, neither I’m bothered about this dismissal. Rather, now I’m even stronger than ever before, having gone through the events of last few days. For your information, I’ve been receiving innumerable calls/ mails/ sms for last few days, from Bangladesh (both army and civil), Europe, America, Canada, Africa – from all over the world. Host of visitors, both friends and family, are pouring in, and all of them, irrespective of age, relationship and profession, are expressing their deep concern and shock, condemning this great injustice and showing there solidarity with me. I’m also receiving calls from people I don’t know or met before. Many are emotionally choked, unable to talk; some are even crying like babies. I’m moved by their emotions, but unmoved for the dismissal, consoling them and getting stronger in my mind, with this support from so many people like you all. I feel so humbled when I find so many people loving me like that. I didn’t realize that I was so much loved (I’m deliberately avoiding the word “popular”, because that’s a word military strongly dislikes [that could very well be one of the prime reasons for my dismissal], and by heart, I’m still a military man) by so many people all over the world !

I’ve strong conviction in my faith on Almighty that this is for my betterment, and my Allah will turn this apparently troubled situation into a pleasant and surprising reward for me. I just want to relax for a while now, because after 30 long strenuous years in the military, I guess I deserve some respite before I start afresh, although I’ve come back empty handed (in fact, I’ve nearly Tk 4 lacs loan), since they have deprived me of all my pension rights.

Please also note that, officers with even 12 years less service than me have gone for UN assignment twice, but I’ve been only once. The list of my deprivation and violation of human rights against me is l—o—n—g (I’m writing my biography in English. I wish to publish this from UK/ USA/Canada/ Australia. I seek your help in this regard. Please look for a publisher. I’ll be grateful).

Despite all these, I’m fine Alhamdulillah, and I’m certain that my Allah will keep me well. I’m happy to be reunited with Abba-Amma, my wife and the children. For the first time in my life the authority brought me to Dhaka (only to dismiss me !!). I’m so pleased to be able to remain with my parents at their old age and do something for them, thereby making my accountability in akhirah little easier. Please pray for me and my family. Also pray so that Allah gives exemplary punishment to the “zaleems” in both dunya and akhirah. I also seek your prayers so that Allah arranges a respectable job for me at the earliest.

May Allah take care of you all.
Allah hafez.

- Former (!) Brig Gen A Amaan Azmi (AAA)
02 July 2009.

1. I’m att 2 pics. The first one was taken when I was bringing out the
letter of my dismissal from the envelope. The second one, taken just a
couple of minutes later, while I was smilingly discussing the issue of my
dismissal with few other officers’ (one Brigadier General, two Lieutenant
Colonels, and three Majors including a retired one).
2. The pics were taken by the retired Major by his mobile and later
mailed to me.
3. These pics, and most of the contents of this mail will also be included
in my Biography.

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Tags:Amman Azmi Editorial
His dismissal was completely unjustified and politically motivated. He is a sword of honour and was one of the best officers we had. He should now adopt a more public profile but have a wider platform than the Jamaat-i-Islami.
His dismissal was completely unjustified and politically motivated. He is a sword of honour and was one of the best officers we had. He should now adopt a more public profile but have a wider platform than the Jamaat-i-Islami.

I dont know what is your objective? How would co-operation with India undermine Bangladeshi interest? Isnt Bangladesh a democratic country elected by its own people, then wont it care for its own interests?

There are few panic driven crazy idealogous who only talk about war, but why not co-operation. Using India, you will grow faster and have a good base.

Highlighting some incidents where some guys are involved. Have you thought of possibility some of these would be criminals(drugs) or trying to sneak into India illegally.

Some claim that even govt is Indian spy. How silly is that? Govt was elected by Bangladeshi people. Now dont tell me all Bangladeshi people are Indian spies except the few untainted here.
I dont know what is your objective? How would co-operation with India undermine Bangladeshi interest? Isnt Bangladesh a democratic country elected by its own people, then wont it care for its own interests?
One would get sick and tired by reading Indian's deliberate-dumb statements over and over but that hardly ever stops them acting against the pursuation of interest. Is it very tough to figure out that “A GOVT of stooges, run by stooges that have been formed by stooge-masters would pay its dues first by the expense of its land and population under whatever democracy/fascist veneer it runs its daily scheme"?
indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.
indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

I am sorry that you guys felt that we have dubious intentions towards Bangladesh. The only country with which India has any kind of animosity is with Pakistan. We have open borders with Nepal and Bhutan. I think if Bangladesh so desire that could very well happen too.

I dont know what we did to make you feel this way. If you ask any Indian, they dont know why you feel that way. Hope that this bad feelings go away and we all make our strides towards economic progress.
I am sorry that you guys felt that we have dubious intentions towards Bangladesh. The only country with which India has any kind of animosity is with Pakistan. We have open borders with Nepal and Bhutan. I think if Bangladesh so desire that could very well happen too.

I dont know what we did to make you feel this way. If you ask any Indian, they dont know why you feel that way. Hope that this bad feelings go away and we all make our strides towards economic progress.
Hi Rajeev,

Thanks for your reconciliatory post. Hope your politicians pay their dues to us and become good-gesturers like you, thanks.
I am sorry that you guys felt that we have dubious intentions towards Bangladesh. The only country with which India has any kind of animosity is with Pakistan. We have open borders with Nepal and Bhutan. I think if Bangladesh so desire that could very well happen too.

I dont know what we did to make you feel this way. If you ask any Indian, they dont know why you feel that way. Hope that this bad feelings go away and we all make our strides towards economic progress.

Dear Rajeev, do you know you just offended them with this message? Now dont offend them further or there will fatwa declared against you and jihad against your family.
indians are so despicxxxx!!! when facing pakistan they weilded their big sticks threatening the people to submit to him, and by this way india subdued the surrounding immediate weak neighbours to make him the unchallengeable big brother!!!
But when facing china, it pretended to be the innocent victim to draw international sympathy to gain aids and assistance to contain china. such weaklixx.. if you dont want to confront with china, then dont make any aggressive stance to your neighbours or someday you shall get your retribution. the one oppresses others may get oppressed by stronger one eventually..stop this vicious cycle of hatred, if you truly has the will to abandon the hegemonic mindset !!! just a piece of sincere advice.

No offense meant but , Useless advice.

The unwritten rule in international polity generally is " give me a situation, we'll give you the rule'.

All nations take decisions based on the best interests of themselves in a given situation. Some examples are :

1. US dropping Pak when the Soviets pulled out of Af.
2. Pk dropping the taliban when Mush was compelled to make the famous ' U-Turn' after 9/11.
3. Acceptance of ' some ' countries as Nuc nations while condemning the rest for their ( similar) ambitions.

As a fallout, each nations bears the brunt of decisions taken by them.

In short, there are no virgins in life... if there are , its only due to lack of opportunities.
His dismissal was completely unjustified and politically motivated. He is a sword of honour and was one of the best officers we had. He should now adopt a more public profile but have a wider platform than the Jamaat-i-Islami.

In the Bangla newspaper 'Amader Shomoy,' one Dulal Ahmed Chowdhury has raised doubts on the ability of Brig. Azmi. These are on the matters of his schooling, exam grades, procedure to enlist in the army and some others. When these questions are asked publicly, I expect him or who knows about his past to come forward and answer those questions. Can some one do the same thing in this forum? Read the news below:

In the Bangla newspaper 'Amader Shomoy,' one Dulal Ahmed Chowdhury has raised doubts on the ability of Brig. Azmi. These are on the matters of his schooling, exam grades, procedure to enlist in the army and some others. When these questions are asked publicly, I expect him or who knows about his past to come forward and answer those questions. Can some one do the same thing in this forum? Read the news below:

The Daily Amadershomoy - October 3, 2009

I think we should not yet jump on the report.We will have to see Gen. Azmi's certificates to believe him.Some readers also pointed out this on the website.

Besides I feel Amadersomy is pro-AL(my opinion) and apart from it,its not a major daily too.So this type of investigative reports are difficult to believe.
I think we should not yet jump on the report.We will have to see Gen. Azmi's certificates to believe him.Some readers also pointed out this on the website.

Besides I feel Amadersomy is pro-AL(my opinion) and apart from it,its not a major daily too.So this type of investigative reports are difficult to believe.
Brig. Azmi should file a case in a competent court of law against the editor of Amader Shomoy and the writer of such a dubious news. Brig. Azmi is not a public figure. I wonder how a news editor can publish someone's personal history in a newspaper without having that person's written permission. Ethics aside, where are the laws in BD to protect the privacy?
We should first read the book and then comment - and on that count, Munshi Sahab, where is the book available?
If you are looking for the book in Pakistan I believe that Ahmed Qurashi has a few hundred in stock or you may obtain a copy from Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema of Karachi University.
Indira Gandis creation of the Tamil Tigers brought hell on a Prosperous SriLanka. The unintended consequence was the assassination of her son by the Tamil Tigers and her own demise by the Sikh bodyguards. IMHO India has left behind the days of Indira Gandi.
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