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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

Munshi Bhai,

Many Thanks for your help. Will you be uploading any chapters online for us guys.

Munshi Bhai,

Many Thanks for your help. Will you be uploading any chapters online for us guys.


We are working on a special web page for the book that will include the entire first edition and the bangla translation and extracts from the second edition. This will take time though. Thanks for the interest.
We are working on a special web page for the book that will include the entire first edition and the bangla translation and extracts from the second edition. This will take time though. Thanks for the interest.

Mr, Munshi,
any plan for the third edition?? I'm keen to know that.
By the way, I havent bought your book yet, but now I'm Uttara and will buy the book on my home to Dhanmondi... :victory::victory::victory:
Mr, Munshi,
any plan for the third edition?? I'm keen to know that.
By the way, I havent bought your book yet, but now I'm Uttara and will buy the book on my home to Dhanmondi... :victory::victory::victory:

Thank you for your support but hey I would have given you complimentary copies if I knew your mailing address. :enjoy:

I do not have plans for the 3rd edition quite yet. Lets see how this Pilkhana thing works out before I start on a new book project.
Wow! Thats an amazing find. The picture is of the first edition but the details refer to the second edition. The first edition was only 288 pages while this new one is 630 pages in length.

I have been advising both Indians and Pakistanis to contact their foreign ministries to get copies of the new book. Both the Indian High Commission and Pakistan High Commission have purchased bulk copies. I also know a large consignment went to Ahmed Quraishi in Pakistan so if anyone knows him they can get copies from him directly. In India I think Lt. Gen. Yoginder Bammi (Rtd.) took a couple of copies with him also.
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hey dont forget me , any chances that you could recomend me to lt .gen.yoginder bammi
He isn't exactly my friend. He came to Bangladesh and obtained my number and rang me up to have some copies sent to him. Being a typical Indian he never thanked me.
This article takes some concepts used in the book to make some new allegations -

Bangladesh’s Indian mid’wife

Written by Pakistan News :: Pakistan Daily
Saturday, 27 June 2009 00:40
“India has never reconciled with the existence of Pakistan. Indian leaders always believed that Pakistan should not have been created and Pakistan nation has no right to exist,” – Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India, in her address to a public meeting on November 30, 1970. Is not her belief remind us the belief of Zionist thugs about Palestine and the Palestinian nation!

Last week, Dhaka High Court, issued a ruling that it was Sheikh Mujibur Rehman (murdered in 1975), who played the role of mid’wife on behalf of India to break up Muslim nation-state of Pakistan and proclaimed Eastern part as Bangladesh with the support of invading Indian army. The ruling was on a decade-long court case between the two main rival parties, Awami League and BNP – to whom the title of the “Father of Nation” belongs to – Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, the first president of Bangladesh or Lt. General Ziaur Rehman (murdered in 1981), the later president of Bangladesh. Historically, it was Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, who proclaimed the partition of Pakistan on the basis of Bengalis and non-Bengalis on March 25, 1971. Major General Ziaur Rehman was the first Bengali battalion commander who claimed that his battalion is the Army of not yet created Bangladesh.

No matter, who gets the title, both men along with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (hanged like a common criminal in 1979 ) and Pakistan’s military dictator at that time, General Yahya Khan (d. 1980), are considered by the vast majority of 450 million Muslims of the Indian sub-continent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) including myself who lived in Dhaka in the 1970s – as traitors for playing Hindu puppets in breaking-up Pakistan – the very country which was mainly conceived by the Muslim Bengali leaders of the British India. It were they who created All India Muslim League and refused to exploit the Bangala population majority after the partition of India on August 14, 1947 – to dominate Pakistan’s newly establish government.

Sheikh Mujibur Rehman’s daughter, Husina Mujib, who survived the 1975 military coup for being living in India – is the current prime minister of Bangladesh. Begum Khalida Zia, the widow of Lt. Gen. Ziaur Rehman is a former prime minister of Bangladesh and current leader of the opposition in the parliament.

I remember how the Zionist-controlled American and Canadian media supported the invasion of East Pakistan by the Indian army – terming it the so-called “liberation of Bangla Nation”. The “liberation” allowed Hindu fascists along with Mukti Bahimi to recreate the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the aftermath of India’s partition in 1947. This liberation resulted in the killing of close to one million Bengalis, mostly Biharis and pro-Pakistan Bengalis. Tens of thousands on Muslim women were raped, some got their breasts cut and many thousands others abducted and put into Mumbai and Calcutta brothels. The Islamist were targetted the most. Maulana Farid Ahmad, punder-president of Nizam-e-Islami party was sewed alive in a cow skin and run over by a jeep. Professor Ghulam Azam, president of Jamait-e- Islami was expelled from the country and his nationality was taken out. The entire Bihari community, which mostly belonged to middle and upper middle-class was striped on its nationality and were forced to live in refugee camps for 37 years. They were treated worse than the low-caste Hindus in India are treated by their upper caste fellow Hindus.

Ahmad Faruqui PhD in his June 22, 2009 opinion said that the major issues which broke the country – were Bengali language, economic disparity, and the non-existence of a national political party with grass-root in both East and West Pakistan…..”But for Bhutto’s conceits and the army’s corporate greed , there was nothing inevitable about the break-up of Pakistan. Had it not occured, Pakistan would be the world’s largest Muslim democracy today. Maybe even an economic tiger.”

On the other hand – Dr. Shahid Qureshi in his September 7, 2005 opinion, published in ‘News From Bangladesh’ – blamed Israeli-Qadyani-India axis for the break-up of Pakistan: “President Musharaf is surrounded heavily by the elements who would be security risk in the real sense of the world. Riaz Mohammad Khan foreign secretary’s American wife is reportedly working in the US State Department. Tariq Aziz, president Musharaf’s National Security Advisor, is a known Qadyani and American wife holder Javed Akhtar press minister of Shaukat Aziz are on the top of the list. Ahmad Kamal, former Pakistan’s UN Ambassador has been promoting Israeli agenda with the help of another New York based Qadyani, Mansoor Ejaz, whose grandfather was among first 313 followers of Mirza Qadyani…….”

Interestingly, India which used Bangala language and Bangla nationalism to turn East Pakistan’s Bengali Muslims against their fellow non-Bengali Muslims in the West Pakistan – is not willing to let its West Bengal province to merge with Bangladesh. Bangladeshis found out India’s intentions toward them soon after their “liberation” – that even emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state negates the Hindu dream of an Akhund (united) Bharat. That’s the reason India has always supported Awami League – and Hasina Mujib visits New Delhi as Pakistani leaders visit Washington/London to protect their political future.

Since its etablishment in 1971 – India has never stopped anti-Bangladesh propaganda in India and abroad – thanks to its close link with Jewish lobby groups in the US. Ananda Bazar Patrika even called Bangladeshis to raise their voices to merge with India after 1991 election. India’s RAW and its Israeli buddy MOSSAD, however, are supporting insurgencies, such as in Chittagong Hill Tracts, to destablize Bangladesh.

Bangladesh?s Indian mid?wife | Pakistan Daily
He isn't exactly my friend. He came to Bangladesh and obtained my number and rang me up to have some copies sent to him. Being a typical Indian he never thanked me.

that is not a right comment as one billion people can not have a typical characteristics. :(

As much as I am oppose to indian policy towards BD, I have lot of indian friend here in USA and we get alone really well.
For me simply I do not like the indian policy towards BD but have notheing against its people. Same goes to BD govt as well.
that is not a right comment as one billion people can not have a typical characteristics. :(

As much as I am oppose to indian policy towards BD, I have lot of indian friend here in USA and we get alone really well.
For me simply I do not like the indian policy towards BD but have notheing against its people. Same goes to BD govt as well.

You are right I meant typical Indian army officer, diplomat or politician. They all seem to have a condescending attitude towards neighboring countries e.g Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty. I wonder would the Indian people defend their government if they knew the truth of how it behaves with other countries in the neighborhood.
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You are right I meant typical Indian army officer, diplomat or politician.

YEAH Right Munshi ji.. we ALL know what you mean... reading ur articles abt India , even an insane person with schizophreniac charecteristics will undeerstand `what you really mean`.
hope you are earning good money with your anti-India propoganda sir.
YEAH Right Munshi ji.. we ALL know what you mean... reading ur articles abt India , even an insane person with schizophreniac charecteristics will undeerstand `what you really mean`.
hope you are earning good money with your anti-India propoganda sir.

I think you have come a little too late to the debate. Which articles are you referring to? I have not written many article in the last two years.
Brother MBI Munshi,
Is there any news about the upcoming book of Brig. General(formar)
Azmi ? May be you and him can get together and write something
about security and military affairs of BD.
Brother MBI Munshi,
Is there any news about the upcoming book of Brig. General(formar)
Azmi ? May be you and him can get together and write something
about security and military affairs of BD.

That is a very interesting suggestion. I would not mind writing a book with him but I have not met him personally. I have not heard about his new book though.
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