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Bombs kill 42 at shrine in Pakistan

Guys like Raymond Davis are doing this job of survaillence,,, they have satellites survaillance at hands and can track movements of Army vehicles & tip-off TTP-like ppl.

Pakistan army have secured instruments from TTP in swat which they were operating by themselves and were hot linked with settelite.
After learning about access of terrorists to advanced US technology and military gear, Pak army became more careful.
Nice one for finally not mentioning India in this thread so far.


its matter of time....... Rehman malik cannot sit on evidence any longer...
He need to answer for his role in supporting the captives and freeing terrorists.
JI, JUI and Taliban’s are the branches of the same evil, their ultimate goal is the same, the JI and JUI wants to achieve it through politics, Taliban through suicide bombing.

lets not leave it with these jamatis these branches further extends to leaders like imran khan , the sharif brothers and their party PML-N.

btw lets wait and watch mr fazul rehman is going to do , he has two options either to say it out loud and call spade a spade or further twist and turn the sucide attacks into some thing else more complicated to understand for his followers :unsure:
Guys like Raymond Davis are doing this job of survaillence,,, they have satellites survaillance at hands and can track movements of Army vehicles & tip-off TTP-like ppl.

Pakistan's ex-army chief has stated in latest press briefing that foreign operatives are roaming freely in Pakistan and shooting people at will.

It turned out to be that Judiciary is part and parcel of the whole regime change game of Pakistan.


This is for what Rehman Malik is sitting there? or Gen. Shuja Pasha got 1 year extension?
Why we need those who can't control situation?
Why they can't show courage and give resign for their incompetency?

Ether they will control to save innocent people from this inhuman internal or external elements or they should resign.
Very developed organisation... i must say... they know the schedule of our army mobiles in every city. They know where shrines are located and their blue prints, they know where girls schools are located all over Pakistan, they know which village has Christians population, where are their churches, where are the safe houses etc.. etc.. and most of above resources and support. e.g vodka, **** movies, explosives, finances....

Batman you are questioning your own people.

RIP to people who have died.
They always talk until rehman malik rush to take charge of such captive and than evidence is changed in favor of his masters.

Why don't you start doing something about it. If you are so concerned. Protest against Reheman Malik.
Initial reports shows that suicide bomber belongs to Waziristan (Ali Marjan) & also informed that more 23 suicide bombers are in area & can react,


it is not hard to understand what happened in Waziristan after 17th March Drone attack. where intelligence still evaluating unknown aim of US drone attack on that day over peace Jirga.


When our government & military establishment come for decisive decision blocking these drones & how long the want to watch death of innocent people in drones reactions?

US gain what he want by drones a non stop series of suicide reaction started for not to let Pakistan in peace.
It also question that what measure Pakistan will carry in UNSC over death of 84 tribes by US, this is open terrorism, extremism & radicalism. If there one American Pakistan arrests for his anti-state activities & US & EU put all their burden over Pakistan then why not bring US in court of justice and take action against US in UN over death of innocent murder of tribes & more over death of 49 people in Sakhi Sarwar blast which probably drone reaction?

Yes, it is funny as John Lenin in his song "imagin"

You may say i am a dreamer
but not the only one

At last we can't blame others because where President, Prime minister, COAS, Dir.ISI, Interior minister & others involved
so why point fingers on others.

:angry: :angry: :angry:
Islam really does seem to unite Pakistanis --- in death:pakistan:
shrine attack done by ttp what a joke anyone can claim attack over phone that poor sod with hand grenade placed close by for a good photo shoot ,are pakistai's so gullible ,marriot hotel i still havnt seen the truck explosions on cctv
They are being supported by an outside entity otherwise a rag tag force such as TTP can't conduct such pin point suicide bombings on their own.

Would it be wise to provide escape routes to TTP as they continue to commit crimes without humanity? Do we serve justice to those killed in these attacks by diverting our gaze? Is not this a war with you, the US, and anyone that stands against their extremism? Time and again we see confessions, statements by Pakistani witnesses and law enforcement officials that all point to Taliban. In the link below read what a 14 year old suicide bomber says after he was captured:

Captured Teen Suicide Bomber in Pakistan Vows Attacks

Is this dear readers, not the first time a Sufi shrine has been targeted? In the past Taliban militants have taken responsibility for bombing the same kind of Sufi shrine. Perhaps, Taliban no longer with to boast because of the outrage directed against them for such actions? If these crimes against the innocent and righteous are committed by terrorists residing within Pakistan, the government of Pakistan has the full support of the US in its effort to eliminate these terrorists. We offer our most sincere condolences to the people of Pakistan, especially those with loved ones lost in this senseless act of violence.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

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