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Bomb from Pak: We will hit back

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wtf? Every thing is a brain fart and verbal diarrhea for you lots:cheesy:? You guys have gone mental, too much trauma.
not just brainfart. brain diarhea aswell.
this ex general or whoever he was seems to have schyzophrenia.

Better to have a general with schyzophrenia than a terrorist (at least sympathiser) ex President (2 if you count Zia also), and an incompetent Chief of armed forces
when Pakistanis say we will nuke India they are very serious.. when we say they saw its a brain fart? :lol: :lol: :lol:...

why partiality?? when one can nuke other ... why not the same back??... Infact the person is talking only about retalliation
Indian army will attack pakistan like after parliment drama or bombay drama :woot: i am littel bit confuse :lol:
Most Pakistanis seem to have no idea how deep shyt their country is in.

This is not the time for false bravado but to help stop the slide towards becoming the world's only Jihadi ruled country. The risks are more than they seem to think and the consequences are unimaginable for most.
Brainfart continues at high rate............! I wasted five minutes of my precious life in reading such a crap brainfart. :hitwall:

If Pakistan does not eliminate them, then it becomes the world's responsibillty to eliminate them...the news item could be a joke to you, but to us it is a very serious matter. The world cannot Jeopardize its security just because of Pakistan's inability
Hopefully ---our definition of retaliation after "First strike ", will include "first strike " by rogue elements or non-state actors , then our enemies will be careful with their nukes.

" Accidents don't happen to people who take accidents personal "--Michael Corleone :P
Hopefully ---our definition of retaliation after "First strike ", will include "first strike " by rogue elements or non-state actors , then our enemies will be careful with their nukes.

" Accidents don't happen to people who take accidents personal "--Michael Corleone :P

non-state actors in india you mean?
That answers all internet fanboys.

...and the message for Pak mil is simple:

Once you press that red button against India, there will be no Pakistan on Earth.

Whether we get nuked or not, there will always be a Pakistan. With your thiniking there should be no nagasaki or hiroshima today.

The actual message to indian mil is fcuk with us and watch your country break up into independent states there goes the idea of india haha
Whether we get nuked or not, there will always be a Pakistan. With your thiniking there should be no nagasaki or hiroshima today.

The actual message to indian mil is fcuk with us and watch your country break up into independent states there goes the idea of india haha

We all know which country has been broken once already....
Keep dreaming its funny how all these fairy tales take place in indian gov and indian armed forces ... always thinking about war and this and that ever think about peace... our nukes are fully secure and don't think for a second that we will india come in do any strikes get ready for a full punch sending you back to you hole. Meanwhile i would like to see both nations talk about friendship and peace for GOD sake stop having these stupid dreams and bollywood drama's talk about having a serious ego attack.
Am i am amazed at the response of Pakistani friends here....Guys read carefully, you will see that his comments are rationale and in fact toes with Pakistani line as far as nukes and their safety is concerned....

Keep dreaming its funny how all these fairy tales take place in indian gov and indian armed forces ... always thinking about war and this and that ever think about peace... our nukes are fully secure and don't think for a second that we will india come in do any strikes get ready for a full punch sending you back to you hole. Meanwhile i would like to see both nations talk about friendship and peace for GOD sake stop having these stupid dreams and bollywood drama's talk about having a serious ego attack.

Talking about peace with so much threats about sending India to hole??? What wrong is the ex-chief saying??? All he is saying that it is very unlikely that terror groups will get their hands on nukes...even if they manage to get fissile material it is still very difficult .... Any sane person can easily interpret that he is saying - terrorist getting their hands on nukes is almost impossible...he is not completely ruling out for obvious reasons....

Thereafter he says that in case a terrorist organization get their hands on nukes and India is targeted then we will retaliate with nukes.... So hypothetically let's assume that India did become a target of nuke then what do you guys expect India to do??? She should say since it is non-state actors so let my millions vaporize, who cares???? Obviously she will retaliate with nukes and in fact any country will do the same....

As far as Mumbai like attacks is concerned, he is saying that we can retaliate with nukes(tactical) as well as conventional weapons..Yes we do have the capability..that doesn't mean we are going to use it..there is a big can...He is even saying that we should talk to Pak, US etc before doing anything like that....

Now i am not sure what part is brain farting..blah blah here...can someone help???
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