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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

[MUMBAI: Three bomb blasts rocked crowded districts of Mumbai during rush hour on Wednesday, killing at least 13 people, a senior official said, in the biggest attack on India’s financial capital since 2008 assaults blamed on Pakistan-based militants.

India has remained jittery about the threat of militant strikes, especially since the 2008 attacks which killed 166 people and raised tensions with arch rival Pakistan.

At least 81 people were wounded on Wednesday, Prithviraj Chavan, the chief minister of the state of Maharashtra, told CNN-IBN.

“The vehicles used were scooters and motorcycles (in the attacks),” he said. Television channels also said an improvised explosive device was placed in a car, suggesting the work of local groups rather than an international terror network.

Television images showed blaring ambulances carrying away the injured at one of the attack sites. At Dadar in central Mumbai, one of the explosions left car windows shattered and uprooted electric poles.

Police were seen using sniffer digs to look for clues while local people helped paramedics carry away some of the injured.

“We heard a big blast. The building shook, the windows shattered. It was deafening,” said Aagam Doshi, a witness of the blast at the Opera House and a diamond merchant in south Mumbai.

“We came outside, and the area was filled with black smoke. There were bodies lying all over the street, there was lots of blood…We saw many bodies missing arms and missing legs.”

One blast occurred at the Opera House, an area full of diamond stores in south Mumbai near where Pakistani-based militants carried out the bloody rampage in 2008.

Another blast, also in south Mumbai, was at the Zaveri Bazaar, a big gold and silver market. The third blast was in the centre of the city.

Television footage from CNN-IBN television channel showed debris of twisted metal, motorbikes and cars severely damaged at one suspected blast site.

New Delhi says Pakistan-based groups aid and train militants to carry out attacks against India, a claim Islamabad rejects.

Home-grown militant groups are also active in the country and have in the past few years carried out attacks in large cities. The home ministry ordered security heightened across the country.

May the dead rest in peace, once again the terrorists have managed to elude the security agencies and spilled the blood of the innocent.

Yes it’s a common occurrence in Pakistan but in recent times, any major terrorist act in India has a direct impact on Pakistan. The biggest danger is now at peace,
When the emotions will be high and unrestrained rhetoric will be aired unrestricted on the airwaves then it will only add to the already fragile relations (or lack of them) between the two neighbouring countries.

The Terrorists have done it once again and only time will tell if the authorities of both the states can reduce the chance of any more damage and not play at the hands of the terrorists.

Yes, the fingers have been and continue to be pointed at ISI, and Pakistan Army and Islamists. Lets see if Pakistani state can convince the Indians that they were not involved in it.

I request everyone not to fan the hatred and accusations just for the sake of fighting because the terrorists going through the web will just love it. Lets see if the peace loving people of both country can beat these savages or not.

People of Pakistan share this grief with Indians in this terrorist attack.

Admin: kindly close this thread or merge it if already started. I did check before creating it and none was present.
It shows that despite tensions between Pakistan and India, now is the time both need to cooperate against terrorism.
This latest incident shows how terrorists are holding ALL civil societies hostage.

As much as people only pay attention when terror hits close to home, no other nation on earth has paid as high a price as Pakistan since the turn of this century, with close to 40,000 dead, and much greater numbers injured, and the number of affected family members easily in the hundreds of thousands.

I am sure that Pakistanis, knowing all this heartbreak so personally, will identify with the sorrow that has visited Bombay once again.

The reason I have said the above with all the sincerity of my soul, is to try and prevent the thread from going off-track again. Please help me, and PDF, in this. Thanks.
Here are my views on the blast.
Since in last 3 years the number of blast have reduced, it is not right to blame the government for not doing anything. That will be mean that we were just lucky of not having attacks.
I sincerely hope that we do not point finger to anyone without proper investigation, we have not done great job here, even if we believe xyz is doing the attack, saying this after investigation with some proof helps our image.
Do not blame the Muslims of India, this is not right. At-least we should not do what others have done, blaming the religion.

About Politicians, they hardly did anything till Mumbai happened why? Because that was first time businessmen or top class got impacted and they have to do something, they hardly care about common man.

26/11 had high casualties only because of lack of political action to prepare a city for threat.

Last I did not understood why we called NSG from Delhi, as I understand we had built a hub in Mumbai right, also we have force one. Are we spending the money when it is not needed?
^^^Please note that is is impossible to protect any large city from terror attacks 100%.
Please refrain from posting pictures with the [ IMG ] tags, links would suffice.

The attack seemed desperate, crude and ill-planned. It shows the Mumbai police has done its job well after the Mumbai attacks to restrict them to soft targets and unable to carry out limelight grabbing long drawn out gun-fire attacks.

My sympathies for the loss of life. I hope a thorough investigation takes place and the Pakistani police watches closely how post-terrorism investigation should take place. Our people are never able to find the culprit when such bombings take place.
Please refrain from posting pictures with the [ IMG ] tags, links would suffice.

The attack seemed desperate, crude and ill-planned. It shows the Mumbai police has done its job well after the Mumbai attacks to restrict them to soft targets and unable to carry out limelight grabbing long drawn out gun-fire attacks.

My sympathies for the loss of life. I hope a thorough investigation takes place and the Pakistani police watches closely how post-terrorism investigation should take place. Our people are never able to find the culprit when such bombings take place.

The impact of a terror attack lies not in its intricacy, but rather its effects, both psychological and economic.
I am not sure what steps government has taken, I doubt that they still do not have a state of the art or even close to state of the art investigating facilities.
I do not know why we only have forensic lab in Delhi and Hyderabad. Why not Mumbai.
I am not sure what steps government has taken, I doubt that they still do not have a state of the art or even close to state of the art investigating facilities.
I do not know why we only have forensic lab in Delhi and Hyderabad. Why not Mumbai.

They can always ask for international help, both overtly and covertly.
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