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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

I am not sure what steps government has taken, I doubt that they still do not have a state of the art or even close to state of the art investigating facilities.
I do not know why we only have forensic lab in Delhi and Hyderabad. Why not Mumbai.

Tied to some federal department?

I think if India's going after identifying the foot soldier who committed this act then he probably died in the car bombing and was blown to smithereens. It does help know the attacker since from there you can trace their life story and figure out who all may have been involved. India can also be better off focusing on the support staff of the attacker.
Tied to some federal department?

I think if India's going after identifying the foot soldier who committed this act then he probably died in the car bombing and was blown to smithereens. It does help know the attacker since from there you can trace their life story and figure out who all may have been involved. India can also be better off focusing on the support staff of the attacker.

A thorough forensic analysis of the even the "smithereens" is a treasure trove of information.
Tied to some federal department?

I think if India's going after identifying the foot soldier who committed this act then he probably died in the car bombing and was blown to smithereens. It does help know the attacker since from there you can trace their life story and figure out who all may have been involved. India can also be better off focusing on the support staff of the attacker.

What I meant was, do we have the technologies which US uses in investigations? I am concerned that if we have not upgraded to do investigations in 21st century style then, we will not be very successful.

I know someone who works very close with Maharashtra police ATS on terror investigations. In-fact he is staying at my flat on rent. I learnt from him that US did provide us help on software and training on how to investigate terror strikes. Chidambarm did went to US to learn about their homeland security and was trying to implement that in India.

I am also aware that our response time has been faster. What I am not aware where we stand in world. Have we improved or we have improved significantly.
What I meant was, do we have the technologies which US uses in investigations? I am concerned that if we have not upgraded to do investigations in 21st century style then, we will not be very successful.

I know someone who works very close with Maharashtra police ATS on terror investigations. In-fact he is staying at my flat on rent. I learnt from him that US did provide us help on software and training on how to investigate terror strikes. Chidambarm did went to US to learn about their homeland security and was trying to implement that in India.

I am also aware that our response time has been faster. What I am not aware where we stand in world. Have we improved or we have improved significantly.

Technically speaking even the US has not really been able to stop the flow of terrorism on its soil. We have seen US competence in security, hand-cuff random people on hoax phone calls and hope for the best. If I were to rank their reasons for preventing an attack I would say

1. Pakistan taking the brunt of terrorism's ire. We are a lightning rod for them.
2. The distance makes the logistics of the attack a lot more complicated.
3. Superior US investigation tech.

So some amount of terrorism would always take place. A terror free world can be achieved only when no one adopts the terrorism route.
Technically speaking even the US has not really been able to stop the flow of terrorism on its soil. We have seen US competence in security, hand-cuff random people on hoax phone calls and hope for the best. If I were to rank their reasons for preventing an attack I would say

1. Pakistan taking the brunt of terrorism's ire. We are a lightning rod for them.
2. The distance makes the logistics of the attack a lot more complicated.
3. Superior US investigation tech.

So some amount of terrorism would always take place. A terror free world can be achieved only when no one adopts the terrorism route.

I know terror cannot be stopped, but having better training, equipment etc will reduce the chances of attack and also improve the chances of finding the culprit.

I really liked this time the CM of Mumbai gave a very balanced statement.
India formed a National investigative agency after 26/11. lets see how they competent the agency is in investigating these attacks.I hope the terrorists are brought to justice
South Asia in recent months a number of events. First, bin Laden is suddenly killed, and then suddenly announced that the United States to withdraw its troops by yesterday's terrorist attacks in Mumbai. This is hidden behind a big conspiracy. Western countries want to create a chaos in South Asia. Although bin Laden was killed in Pakistan's domestic situation led to instability, but far short of the intended purpose of a country. The terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and these events may seem unrelated. But hidden deep behind the person. His ultimate goal is to cause great turmoil in South Asia, South Asia will lead the war. To achieve his chaos in South Asia South Asia's manufacturing strategy. Therefore, the state must be vigilant, not to be exploited.
I am not sure what steps government has taken, I doubt that they still do not have a state of the art or even close to state of the art investigating facilities.
I do not know why we only have forensic lab in Delhi and Hyderabad. Why not Mumbai.

We do have a police Forensic Lab in Kalina, Mumbai...
In a city like Mumbai it is impossible to have 100% security & protection. All the agencies are on high alert for sometime & a year or 2 down the line they naturally grow slack & that's the time when there is another attack. As a Mumbaikar, I know that if someone wants to plant a bomb he can do it...
I think PC's luck is over. We didn't faced any attacks for so long and PC got all the glory as if whatever he did solved the problem but the real thing was 26/11 caused a lot of outcry and thats why terrorist took their time to strike back. PC has already worsened the situation on naxal front. He works more than his predecessor, there is no doubt about that but this work is way too less considering the vulnerability that India faces but terrorist attacks like this doesnot catch GOI attention. PM MMS is busy in changing his cabinet, oh sorry Sonia mam does that, he might be busy controlling inflation, oh sorry he gave up way back or he never tried. What the hell our PM does ????/// Yeah his resume is the most attractive one but seriously he is also the PM who has done the least or even tried to do anything good except Indo-US nuke deal and that too would be the biggest mistake but opposition saved this country with liability bill.
What scrutiny of pakistan's crackdown on terrorists india want to do?Didnt India's Foreign secretary Ms.Nirupama Rao herself gave clean certificate to pakistan saying its attitude towards Pakistan has changed as the major reason to start peace talks just a week ago.I think there is major need for indian govt to change its attitude first and start to look inward rather than blaming every tom dick and harry for their failures after every incident.

Pak attitude on terror has changed: Nirupama Rao
TNN Jul 4, 2011, 12.42am IST
NEW DELHI: Despite nothing to show for the efforts by India to ensure that the 26/11 guilty are brought to justice soon by Islamabad, foreign secretary Nirupama Rao believes Pakistan's attitude on the issue of terror may have changed. Rao told a news channel in an interview that she believed the prism through which Pakistan looked at terror had changed and that New Delhi could not afford to not take note of it.

"I think the prism through which they see this issue has definitely been altered," Rao said in reply to a query on Pakistan's attitude to terror. "I see that as an outcome that we must take note of, that we must take cognisance of," she added.

"I think when they speak of the fact that non-state elements in this relationship need to be tackled, that we must look at safe havens and sanctuaries, that we must look at fake currency, we must look at all the aspects that are concerned with the business of terror, I think that is a concrete development," she said.

When reminded of former home secretary G K Pillai's remark that the process of 26/11 trial had not moved an inch, Rao admitted to the "glacial pace" of progress, but added that Pakistan seemed inclined to discuss "substantive issues" with India including terrorism. "But let me tell you what kind of feedback we got from the Pakistanis at this round. And they spoke of the need to discuss all the serious and substantive issues between the two countries and that terrorism was at the forefront of this," she said.

Rao admitted to raising the disclosures made by David Headley during the Chicago trial of Tahawwur Rana in her meeting with Salman Bashir and said the "strategic link between the Pakistani state and militancy and terror needs to be broken". Asked if Bashir had admitted to such a link between terror and the Pakistani establishment, Rao merely said the fact that the two countries were "discussing the threat, the scourge, the evil of terrorism and the fact that it has ramifications that extend into the entire region," was a development India must take note of.

Pak attitude on terror has changed: Nirupama Rao - Times Of India
Fearing Inside Job, India Plays Wise, So Far, On Mumbai Blasts​


Fearing Inside Job, India Plays Wise, So Far, On Mumbai Blasts

Almost all low-impact terror attacks in India in past three years were the work of Indian extremists; extremists inside the military have tried unsuccessfully to provoke a war with Pakistan. Now US has an interest in opening the Indian front amid tensions with Pakistan.

SPECIAL REPORT | Wednesday | 13 July 2011

NEW DELHI, India—Indian authorities in the city of Mumbai have taken the wise step of not characterizing the three blasts in different parts of the city today as terrorist attacks, which could have political implications.

They have also refrained from accusing Pakistan, although Indian and American news outlets were quick to insinuate a Pakistani link by referring to alleged Pakistani hand in the terrorist attack of November 2008.

Reports indicate 21 Indians have been killed and dozens injured. The numbers could rise in the next few hours.

Diplomacy is not the only reason behind Indian official restraint.

In the past four years, a majority of similar low-impact blasts have been the work of Indian terrorists. This means the involvement of extremist elements within Indian military working in concert with Hindu terrorists to create tensions with Pakistan. Another goal has been to force Indian government to go after Kashmiris and Indian Muslims.

Some parts of the Indian media have been highlighting this disturbing development. But American and British news outlets have largely censored any news highlighting Hindu terrorism. India is a close ally of the United States, which is building New Delhi up as a regional bulwark against China.

Probe into the murder of 43 Pakistanis – burned alive in a train blast near New Delhi in early 2007 – revealed the involvement of serving Indian military intelligence officers, and several terrorists from Hindu extremist groups. But in June 2011, after three years of investigations, Indian authorities protected eight suspected Indian intelligence officers by limiting the indictment in the case to Hindu extremists.

Indian military intelligence is cooperating with local terrorists to mount attacks inside India to be blamed on Pakistan.

A series of attacks in public places between 2007 and 2010, including an attack on a German bakery, were blamed on either Kashmiri freedom groups fighting Indian occupation, or on Pakistan. But Indian investigators ultimately uncovered more sinister Indian links. [For details on the exact blasts and the evidence uncovered, see Hindu Terror: The Mirror Explodes, an excellent investigative report by Indian Outlook magazine.]

The Mumbai Taj Mahal hotel attack of November 2008 was partially planned in Pakistan. The plot’s largest portions took place outside Pakistan, including inside India. Indian authorities are loath to probe these aspects and have been using the terror attack to get back at pro-Kashmir groups.

In recent months, Pakistani officials said in private talks with Indian counterparts they stopped short of demanding the custody of two Indians, a serving Indian army officer and a Hindu extremist, for their role in killing 43 Pakistani visitors near New Delhi in 2007.

Pakistani experts have been predicting that Washington and New Delhi would try to open an Indian front against Pakistan amid Pakistani tensions with the United States over Afghanistan.

The ideal scenario for this would be a couple of blasts in India followed by India joining US in blackmailing Pakistan.

India has many domestic enemies. Most of northeastern India is plagued by violent separatist movements. The Indian army has been involved in massive violations bordering on genocide in Kashmir, where more than half a million Indian soldiers are suppressing Kashmiri demands for self-determination under UN supervision.

Fearing Inside Job, India Plays Wise, So Far, On Mumbai Blasts | PakNationalists.com | Home Of Pakistani Nationalists Online
It should be clear to all, Pakistanis, Indians and our brother ally China, that powerful interests conspire to defeat peace and normalcy between Pakistan and India and in this way negatively effect China as well.

This was a outrageous attack not just on innocent civilians of India, but the populations of Pakistan and China as well - it should be condemned all round.

We all know the repercussions of such acts and how such actions provide fuel for our enemies, internal and external - I sincerely hope Pakistanis will reach out to Indians to express their sympathy and solidarity with these innocents and their families.

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