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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

Fake mullahs n retarded n ignorant so called intellectuals should be locked in a dungeon n the key should be thrown deep in the arabian sea.
I didnt answer a question? bro I wanst sure what you was asking,. I am not a intellectual supreme but I do know never have I given a outsider a oppertunity to teach me my faith, be it a teacher in school or a lecturer in a university. The christian clergy is a hiarachy, Inscribed by law, in islam The ulema are not such we do not have priesthood there is a big diffrence between the concepts, we dont have confession boxes to priests that is between man and God. Whatever misguidence you are talking about or scholars from a certain faction, it is that indeed just a certain faction a misguided sect created by forignhn interests that date back a few hundred years, it is bread upon, views and theories not evidence or text. Ulema are not a Job vaccancy etc, it is a rohany and shary position achieved through mastery of sciences many in this case and deep understanding and knowldge of the diffrent ulums of Faith etc.

The Ulema that is present today is certainly not educated in Islam the way they ought to be. This is evident from the conflicting theories and ideas that are put forward by differing heads. Islam is one for all and the same but why is there so much opposition within Islam nowadays. Problem persists not because of our religion but the way our 'Ulema' has absconded from their original duties in spreading the true message of Islam. Clearly the Muslim world would not be suffering is our 'Ulema' was on the right path.

Firstly I dont want to start a full flex lecture, but as you said earlier its responsibilty of the home, parents etc, its written clearly how such is forbidden in the Book of God, in all books of hadith in chapters of maghazi, of adab of excellences of charachter etc , Ulema have said so in all books of fiqh or usul, did you consult them?. They say so in all sermons and khutbahs but do they get the platform to say it in genral on Tv, when they do , they say it, it does not denote abondement of responsibilty upon the behalf of the genral masses.

Why should I consult an Ulema when I know of all this already but because I am not in a position, my positive presentation of Islam will not be heard with great importance. The Ulema is clearly not reaching the masses correctly as we seem to be sliding in more and more into the wrong side of life.

The ones that are brainwashed i,e people were due to there lack of Undersatnding and those that get equaly led astray by just one side of the arguement like emo girl have been doing so due to lack of understanding Of genral rulings etc, You owe it to youreselves to read your own authoritative texts ulema cant force that into you.

It is clearly mentioned in Quran that there is no compulsion in religion and any human does not hold the right to pass judgment on someone else's faith. Please do not talk like this about anyone again, concentrate on your own faith and let others do what suits them.
It seems we have no more options left - we must fight them back.

Must watch :D

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The Ulema that is present today is certainly not educated in Islam the way they ought to be. This is evident from the conflicting theories and ideas that are put forward by differing heads

apart from the extermists what theories and ideas are you on about?. As for the comment on emmo girl, I gave a understanding upon her thoughts she presents here which have been shown to be biased more then once she is judging 2 billion people, wherease I assessed her comments and showed the bias in it. To explain the scholarly position of ulema to you, it is far too long to discuss on a forum
apart from the extermists what theories and ideas are you on about?. As for the comment on emmo girl, I gave a understanding upon her thoughts she presents here which have been shown to be biased more then once she is judging 2 billion people, wherease I assessed her comments and showed the bias in it. To expalin expalin the scholarly position of ulema to you, it is far too long to discuss on a forum
I never judged any one point out an instance when i said that all Muslims are killers & barbarians nor i want anyone to judge me but as i said if you are having pleasure in targeting me then i am no one to stop you from taking that pleasure
I can accuse you of same biasness & rip apart God's Book which cannot be understood by the common people & some people, who are educated in absurdity, needs to make up for God's inability to convey message to masses by decoding a coded book & every one decodes that book differently, But i won't that will only divert topic & will produce nothing except sheer madness & you will all be complaining like cry babies
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apart from the extermists what theories and ideas are you on about?. As for the comment on emmo girl, I gave a understanding upon her thoughts she presents here which have been shown to be biased more then once she is judging 2 billion people, wherease I assessed her comments and showed the bias in it. To explain the scholarly position of ulema to you, it is far too long to discuss on a forum

What am I on about, do you even know that there are 73 different sects of Islam, even within Sunni's the religious leaders all hold differing views. Once all the Sunni leaders were asked as to what a Muslim is and they all had different views. This is what I am talking about when I comment on the so many views that exist now.

She is not judging 2 billion people here, she is merely commenting on certain people. She can express her views and you also hold the right to reply to her. But you cannot start judging others on their faith.

If you do not want to go into the scholarly position of Ulema, it is fine with me.
I never judged any one point out an instance when i said that all Muslims are killers & barbarians nor i want anyone to judge me but as i said if you are having pleasure in targeting me then i am no one to stop you from taking that pleasure
I can accuse you of same biasness & rip apart God's Book which cannot be understood by the common people & some people, who are educated in absurdity, needs to make up for God's inability to convey message to masses by decoding a coded book & every one decodes that book differently, But i won't that will only divert topic & will produce nothing except sheer madness & you will all be complaining like cry babies

When read all you last posts on related topics you try and blame everythign on religion, look if you are a confused atheists, who thinks lifes all about hanky panky thats your choice i do not care nor wish to make you change ur ways,. As for you comment on ripping apart etc, first know your intellectual capacity what the greatest minds could not challenge i dotn think a confused person liek you had the ability to rip apart as you claim. If you wish you can send me that rip apart theme I for one would really like to see the first person in history to do it, Not happening lady so wake up and smell the cofee.

emo said
eeds to make up for God's inability to convey message to masses by decoding a coded book & every one decodes that book differently, But i won't that will only divert topic &

Its more like people liek you;s inability who have no capacity to comprehend wisdom and just see one sided information, and base judgements, the guide and method to read and who woudl be expalinign all was made clear to mankind if they adopt other ways the onus is upon them. As always the moderators would let you get away with your anti religion commnets.
I know I am hurting
I don't want to get banned or trust me i would not have cared how many sentiments i hurt, yes I am going to Hell I cannot be amended, You have fulfilled your responsibility by preaching me the right path, Thank You Mr. Zillay

As always the moderators would let you get away with your anti religion commnets.

Thats exactly the attitude, you target me, drag me into a discussion from no where & then you don't want me to reply, Ohh well

I think Mods Must ban me for the pleasure of these people

It will certainly give them a good sleep at night & will make them feel more Muslim
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What am I on about, do you even know that there are 73 different sects of Islam, even within Sunni's the religious leaders all hold differing views. Once all the Sunni leaders were asked as to what a Muslim is and they all had different views. This is what I am talking about when I comment on the so many views that exist now.

She is not judging 2 billion people here, she is merely commenting on certain people. She can express her views and you also hold the right to reply to her. But you cannot start judging others on their faith.

If you do not want to go into the scholarly position of Ulema, it is fine with me.

Really what about what she just wrote about the Book of God? and her jibbersih talk of ripping apart? is that not hate material you do not think that offends people?. She couldnt make rants like that on any public media. As for 73 sects in Islam, see what I mean on the lack of information and understanding, that is based upon ahadith in both sunni and shia litreture, it is reference to aqaid beliefs and deviants groups, not schools of law, as diffrence in juruprudents is allowed and permissable and agreed upon by all.

hanafiz , maliki, shafi etc are not sects they are schools of law, Islam does not have 73 sects Now, thats absurd the refernce was for all time, not a specific time, many have persihed centuries ago , yet they cositute sect the mases saw there misguidence and herectic aproch to faith hence theynever survived, the interpretaion of this statement is mainly due to lack of ilm upon factual information, Many people read ahadith liek optical illusions they see what they want to see.
I know I am hurting
I don't want to get banned or trust me i would not have cared how many sentiments i hurt, yes I am going to Hell I cannot be amended, You have done fulfilled your responsibility by preaching me the right path, Thank You Mr. Zillay

Its out of your league girl, many of this so called copy and paste sites that have these allegatiosn etc, there founding fathers have been blasted infront of thousands and ripped apart on public debates, be they christian missonarys or not, if your that confident, go get all you amo together and all your teachers, bring them, il pay for the hall and seating of the public and well see who gets ripped apart
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Zillay_Khan i loose Your Highness, Now can we get back to the Topic now?

May I rot in Hell Forever, Amen
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Zillay_Khan i loose Your Highness, Now can we get back to the Topic now? May I rot in Hell Forever

sure your majesty. Heaven and hell do not belong to zillay khan, May the Lord of the worlds guide you to eternal bliss , is what I wish
dis waz data darbar attack thread. Dis iz not about islam, 73 sects, quran, allah, rasool thread

stick with topic please... mods please ban everybody except me
dis waz data darbar attack thread. Dis iz not about islam, 73 sects, quran, allah, rasool thread

stick with topic please... mods please ban everybody except me

LOL Justice has been served, lol, dude unfortunetly the talk of data darbar brougth religion in by some users even me, but that only to answer allegations thats it.
Data Darbar evacuated after reports of firing

LAHORE: Police evacuated Data Darbar after reports of firing in Data market, Geo News reported Sunday.

Police arrested a suspected man from the market and shifted him to an unknown location.

Earlier, a report of a suspect entering Data Darbar panicked the devotees present there. The panic intensified further when firing was reportedly heard in the nearby market.

It is pertinent to mention here that Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was scheduled to visit Data Darbar today but he has not arrived there till last reports received.

Data Darbar evacuated after reports of firing - GEO.tv

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