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Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

and who makes you think the other way round... ?? may be the Europeon media ?? who gave you news that there are weapon of mass destruction in Iraq?? and which is continuously giving reports about the location UBL(The untouched and Unseen villain)??

err my source is a Pakistani Newspaper not a western newspaper in this particular case

All aboard the militants? train – The Express Tribune

Iraq is a different issue
So after so many debates you are still unable to understand my point of view.... You called me terrorist sympathizer just because I supported Afghan Taliban who are fighting against america... and those Afghan taliban are not launching there activities in pakistan (as far as I know)... and for you kind information once again i am saying that I m not in any way support of TTP....... but you hatered is not towards TTP as i know after having debates with you... You are against any person who have a bear and dares to speak for Islam..:cheers:

The TTP scum is made of Afghani Taliban members who decided that its time to attack Pakistan.

The Pakistani Taliban, an offspring of the Afghan Taliban, are led by veterans of the fighting in Afghanistan who come from the border regions. They have always supported the fight against foreign forces in Afghanistan by supplying fighters, training and logistical aid.

Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces

Sunday, October 18, 2009

By Najeeb Ahmad

KARACHI: Pakistani and Afghan jehadi groups have decided to start “battle of evil and just”, as the Afghan fighters assured Pakistani militants of complete support in their fight against Pak army in South Waziristan.

According to sources, it was decided in a meeting of the commanders of al-Qaeda, Hakmatyar group, Afghan Taliban and Pakistani jehadi organisations, which was held in Afghanistan.

The meeting decided that the Pakistan security forces, which have been helping the American forces, would also be targeted and the Afghan fighters, who have been fighting in Afghanistan for the last eight years, for the first time decided to send manpower to Waziristan in support of Pakistan militants.

The meeting also decided to intensify the ‘jehad’ against US and allied forces and codenamed the new battle as “battle of evil and just”. The militants under new war strategy would avoid targeting public places.

The Pakistani militants briefed the meeting about Pakistani forces actions against fighters, sources said and added that all Pakistani jehadi organisations accepted Hakimullah Mahsud as their amir and vowed to continue “jehad” under his leadership.

The meeting was also informed about details of killing of families of three commanders in drone attacks in South and North Waziristan agencies.

The meeting also devised guerrilla war strategy.

Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces

I have defended Islam more time than you have in places and in places where there was so much opposition that it was unbearable. I have given speeches about Islam at platforms that were only critical of Islam. The sects that I am against are known to all of us and they are the ones who are hurting us in any way they can.
I guess you forgot that its firstly your own parents responsibility to teach you about the basics of Islam, schools would then play an important role and mosques will be used further for strengthening our faith.

This Ulema is more concerned with politics rather than the real 'Islam' to actually spread the real message of it. As for these guys proving the extremists wrong, its not really working is it.

Yes it is working, Listen to knwo what is light, darkness must be present, to knwo what is truth falsehood shall be there, it is the course of history, you are simply asessing things from you own box not the fact that we are living in a complex and dangerous times globally, some things are beyond comprehension and cannot be explained on forums. Thankfully my parents did fullfill there resposibilities Well, but not all have teh same capabilities as for readings texts books and aquiring greater understanding not everyone has that ability , like YOu can get basic first aid training, but you are not a Doctor who is a expert in the feild of medicine. Ulema are experts in there respective feild, thats quite logical really
The TTP scum is made of Afghani Taliban members who decided that its time to attack Pakistan.

Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces

I have defended Islam more time than you have in places and in places where there was so much opposition that it was unbearable. I have given speeches about Islam at platforms that were only critical of Islam. The sects that I am against are known to all of us and they are the ones who are hurting us in any way they can.

So now you understand that after reading few posts you cannot judge other's personality or POV ....... Em against these TTP terrorists and I know how much harm they are giving to Islam..... So please abstain from labeling me after reading a few posts of me which you are unable to understand
:no: where did i DENY that we have a problem regarding TERRORISM!!!!?? but i guess you prefer handing it over to indians to fix it for us right buddy??:sniper:

this is so childish !! how did u figure that ?
Yes it is working, Listen to knwo what is light, darkness must be present, to knwo what is truth falsehood shall be there, it is the course of history, you are simply asessing things from you own box not the fact that we are living in a complex and dangerous times globally, some things are beyond comprehension and cannot be explained on forums. Thankfully my parents did fullfill there resposibilities Well, but not all have teh same capabilities as for readings texts books and aquiring greater understanding not everyone has that ability , like YOu can get basic first aid training, but you are not a Doctor who is a expert in the feild of medicine. Ulema are experts in there respective feild, thats quite logical really

Excellent way of trying to come across as an intellectual supreme but you failed to answer the question altogether. I do not want anecdotes or some form of psychological variants that do not hold much merit. Perhaps you should answer me as to who exactly will show the light or tell the truth.

Ulema may be a group of experts but they are humans, like the christian clergy, the Ulema too has caused us enormous amounts of pain and sorrow. Where is this Ulema when Muslim world is lost and suffering from a number of tragedies. Why are they not out condemning the bombings, the murder, loots and rape that occur in our societies.

Though there a few religious leaders that are doing the job they ought to but clear majority is far too politicized to pursue anything worthwhile.
I just jumped into discussion as you people started blaming Mullahs (as it's your favourite hobby) like JI thugs who always blame America for every thing..... Have you people any idea how much harm your propaganda against Mullahs has given to common Molvis??
The most affected after these attacks were mullahs... after these terrorist acts and your propaganda people are afraid if having bear even in Pakistan... i know it's mostly because these TTP terrorists are bearded but your propaganda also have a part in it
=Zillay_KhanAZAM tariq was from aoutlawed deobandi group who were condemned by sunni shias alike etc, they present a great extremist view, its like me saying the HIndu Nationalists are the voice of all hindus

not condemened this is the point azam tariq and his party men openly not local media but has given interviews to bbc and other foreign medias saying tht will kill shias , no one gives a *** if he was one man but the irony is people voted for his party and they have presece in parliament. Hope this gives you an idea of the size of problem we have here ....
Excellent way of trying to come across as an intellectual supreme but you failed to answer the question altogether. I do not want anecdotes or some form of psychological variants that do not hold much merit. Perhaps you should answer me as to who exactly will show the light or tell the truth.

Ulema may be a group of experts but they are humans, like the christian clergy, the Ulema too has caused us enormous amounts of pain and sorrow. Where is this Ulema when Muslim world is lost and suffering from a number of tragedies. Why are they not out condemning the bombings, the murder, loots and rape that occur in our societies.

Though there a few religious leaders that are doing the job they ought to but clear majority is far too politicized to pursue anything worthwhile.

ulems have always condemned terrorist attacks except some jamti people...... most of the times these ulemas are the affected one's.... like in Model town blast an Islamic library adjacent to the building was also affected... Mufti naeemi was an Aalim I guess...
So now you understand that after reading few posts you cannot judge other's personality or POV ....... Em against these TTP terrorists and I know how much harm they are giving to Islam..... So please abstain from labeling me after reading a few posts of me which you are unable to understand

I will not label you as anything if you answer me this.I have given you proof that the Afghan Taliban is helping TTP and lending their men to them. The same men who have killed our very own, what have you got to say about them.

They are looting our money, killing our people and some of our own are supporting them.

Police arrest Taliban bank robbers in Karachi – The Express Tribune
I just jumped into discussion as you people started blaming Mullahs (as it's your favourite hobby) like JI thugs who always blame America for every thing..... Have you people any idea how much harm your propaganda against Mullahs has given to common Molvis??
The most affected after these attacks were mullahs... after these terrorist acts and your propaganda people are afraid if having bear even in Pakistan... i know it's mostly because these TTP terrorists are bearded but your propaganda also have a part in it

So the Mullahs are the most affected, what about people who have lost their family members, friends and property because of these attacks. The irony is such that you are making the aggressor seem like the victim.

I am in no way or form against all Mullahs, the respectable and righteous ones are referred to as Moulvi Sahab. The word Mullah has been unfortunately transformed into one of derogation.
I will not label you as anything if you answer me this.I have given you proof that the Afghan Taliban is helping TTP and lending their men to them. The same men who have killed our very own, what have you got to say about them.

They are looting out money, killing our people and some of our own are supporting them.

Police arrest Taliban bank robbers in Karachi – The Express Tribune

Not just that , they have ruined our society from last 30years streets full of herion addicts , drugs readily availble on streets , illegal weapons , sectarianism, safe heavens for criminals most of all this bloody war etc ,etc etc ... are also a gift of em.
A generation is ruined what more ???
oh choro in baton ko........ yeh batao ke kya daata darbaar main roti khuli?
i mean they started serving food again or not?
Excellent way of trying to come across as an intellectual supreme but you failed to answer the question altogether. I do not want anecdotes or some form of psychological variants that do not hold much merit. Perhaps you should answer me as to who exactly will show the light or tell the truth.

Ulema may be a group of experts but they are humans, like the christian clergy, the Ulema too has caused us enormous amounts of pain and sorrow. Where is this Ulema when Muslim world is lost and suffering from a number of tragedies. Why are they not out condemning the bombings, the murder, loots and rape that occur in our societies.

I didnt answer a question? bro I wanst sure what you was asking,. I am not a intellectual supreme but I do know never have I given a outsider a oppertunity to teach me my faith, be it a teacher in school or a lecturer in a university. The christian clergy is a hiarachy, Inscribed by law, in islam The ulema are not such we do not have priesthood there is a big diffrence between the concepts, we dont have confession boxes to priests that is between man and God. Whatever misguidence you are talking about or scholars from a certain faction, it is that indeed just a certain faction a misguided sect created by forignhn interests that date back a few hundred years, it is bread upon, views and theories not evidence or text. Ulema are not a Job vaccancy etc, it is a rohany and shary position achieved through mastery of sciences many in this case and deep understanding and knowldge of the diffrent ulums of Faith etc.

You said
Why are they not out condemning the bombings, the murder, loots and rape that occur in our societies.

Though there a few religious leaders that are doing the job they ought to but clear majority is far too politicized to pursue anything worthwhile.

Firstly I dont want to start a full flex lecture, but as you said earlier its responsibilty of the home, parents etc, its written clearly how such is forbidden in the Book of God, in all books of hadith in chapters of maghazi, of adab of excellences of charachter etc , Ulema have said so in all books of fiqh or usul, did you consult them?. They say so in all sermons and khutbahs but do they get the platform to say it in genral on Tv, when they do , they say it, it does not denote abondement of responsibilty upon the behalf of the genral masses.

The ones that are brainwashed i,e people were due to there lack of Undersatnding and those that get equaly led astray by just one side of the arguement like emo girl have been doing so due to lack of understanding Of genral rulings etc, You owe it to youreselves to read your own authoritative texts ulema cant force that into you.
you people can't really stop dragging me into your discussions :lol:

if it targeting my personality gives you a good feeling then carry on
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