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Bomb blast at Embassy of India in Israel; no word on casualties

So much friendship with Iran, it will be interesting to see how much Iranian oil India still wants to buy. We are ready to give our best tech and whatever India asks for even diplomatic or strategic help. But India always stands for Palastine and Iran against us.

This is not fair... what will India do now???

I don't see why India should stop buying oil from Iran when there has been no official protest or any hint of condemnation as such from the government of Israel. We are paying for the oil in Rupees and even bartering oil for wheat after the closure of the payment channels which will force Iran to buy from India in future..

I don't see how its business with India might help Iran in its nuclear ambitions which is the point of concern!

As for the sanctions we already are abiding by the sanctions put in place by the United Nations and India has condemned and made its stand clear about Iran's nuclear ambitions in International forums.

Its all about business..Iran does not support our stand on Kashmir and is not a strategic ally while Israel is a friend which has helped us when we needed them most.
Something is fishy about this incident, high security zone, no fatalities. Even before any investigations Israel suspecting Iranians. There are no known anti-Iran or anti-Israel groups that are active in India. This will not change India's position on Iran sanctions, nor will it reverse the defence cooperation with Israel. Seems like a time pass for our news media.
We will have to stop Iranian oil and look for alternatives..
Palestine cause best left between the two to resolve.
Terrorists only know jungle rule and this was a trailer..For the sake of oil we can not jeopardize national interests and safety
Something is fishy about this incident, high security zone, no fatalities. Even before any investigations Israel suspecting Iranians. There are no known anti-Iran or anti-Israel groups that are active in India. This will not change India's position on Iran sanctions, nor will it reverse the defence cooperation with Israel. Seems like a time pass for our news media.

I agree with you, I'm not one for conspiracy theories but there does seem to be something very off about this incident. The fact that this happend in the embassy district in Delhi which is one of the most secure places in India with ring upon ring of security, not the typical lathi-Weilding constables but properly armed, well trained and very capable officers and the biker would have had to pass through numoerus checkpoints where he would have to have had a reson and a pass to enter a restricted area. Additonally the fact that there are no CCTV images raises yet more questions as I know for a fact that there are many highg tech CCTV cameras most with ANPR in the area. Additonally no one was hurt despite such an obviously large explosion? And as on commentator on NDTV pointed out many of the images show a fire coming from the engine and as he pointed out this shouldn't happen naturally and once the paint had burnt out there should be no more flames in the engine block. Also the fact that the Indian, a very very close of Israel is the only attempt that succeeds?

As I say I usually detest conspiracy theories but in this case there are many things that don't quite add up.
But on moral point, one hand Iran openly threaten to attack or bomb Israel and you guys are giving them billions. Everyone knows the day Iran will get nuclear, they will bomb Israel very 2nd day.

I agree with u on this point...India has a good trade relation with Iran and i completely support enhancing trade relations but Iranian leaders every other day rhetoric of killing every Israeli(not sure if it is just a big talk) unnerves me and iam worried if they are serious what are they going to do if they go nuclear..
Indeed there are no anti Israeli groups operating in India, nor any anti Iranian. India condemns the attack. India is a friendly country of Israel and will do its best to figure out the mishappening.

Concerning oil supply from Iran, India believes in co-existence and diplomatic solutions for Iran issue. India is a developing country and as world knows, India have to over come it's energy crisis and shortage otherwise the inflation will rise and development would stop giving indirect loss to many other global players. I hope the west understands it.
if Iran did plan this out then we need to take active measures diplomatically and if needed militarily
It seems pretty obvious that if Israel is going to arrange the killings of Iranian scientists, then Iran is going to retaliate. The only real difference is that Israel's attacks occur in Iran. A true tit-for-tat attack would be for Iranian agents to mount attacks in Israel proper. Iran is involving third party nations in the fight with Israel. That tactic may well backfire on Iran. Certainly if Iran kills Israelis in the USA, there will be USA retribution visited on Iran, in Iran. So, Iran is picking to strike in countries that it doesn't think will hit it back.
Bombers targeted staff at Israel's embassies in India and Georgia on Monday, wounding four people, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of involvement.
Israel says bombs target embassies in India, Georgia | Reuters

I am sorry if it hurt any one sentiment or something. Technically there is nothing wrong India buying oil from Iran. Plus Israel govt never requested Indian govt to stop buying from them.

But on moral point, one hand Iran openly threaten to attack or bomb Israel and you guys are giving them billions. Everyone knows the day Iran will get nuclear, they will bomb Israel very 2nd day.

What goes around comes around.

The israelis started this by killing Iranian scientist.
Well eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind.
accusing iran for this blast is utter non sense........... hope this wont shatter our relation with iran as well as israel
It seems pretty obvious that if Israel is going to arrange the killings of Iranian scientists, then Iran is going to retaliate. The only real difference is that Israel's attacks occur in Iran. A true tit-for-tat attack would be for Iranian agents to mount attacks in Israel proper. Iran is involving third party nations in the fight with Israel. That tactic may well backfire on Iran. Certainly if Iran kills Israelis in the USA, there will be USA retribution visited on Iran, in Iran. So, Iran is picking to strike in countries that it doesn't think will hit it back.

Yeah Iran should retaliate and this is not it this is Israel themselves Trying to pressure the world and India.
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