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Bollywood 's Anti-Pakistani Movie Shows World's one of the Most Beautiful Capital ''Islamabad as a Desert''

It's subconscious programming and psyops. It helps cement the idea that Pakistan is a terrorist nation as deserts etc are associated with such.

Pakistan has a weak media industry, it should make content for domestic audiences especially, more modern ones based on history etc. To offset people wanting to watch pajeet or degenerate shit.
We are trapped in aman ki Asha spirit and naturally gravitate towards Indian culture and language and seek their validation. Better option from the outset was to look west but our hatred for non Indian culture and affinity for our ethnic brethren across the border kept us from making the right decision.
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ladies and gentlemen desert capital of paksitan :rofl:

Baloch and Pathans are Pakistanis but BLA and TTP terrorists are on the Indian payroll and they are traitors..
You said the same when we were in Afghanistan and had 4 consulates. Now we have no consulates in Afghanistan, yet you guys are peddling the same narrative. You guys are not honest about yourself.
Movie industry plays an important role in creating stereotypes.

Hollywood created a stereotype of USSR and Russians. They way they talk, how corrupt they are, most of them are criminals etc etc.

Bollywood does the same for Paksiatn. Only education an average Indian gets is via these movies and it portrays them as Surma and topi donning folks ready to strike India at all times.

Is it funded and propagated by RAAA? Don’t think so.

It is done by movie makers because it sells.
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Islamabad is very beautiful, personal experience... Certain parts of Karachi also very beautiful, Indians and their movies, these people are so full of sh!t I don't expect anything better from these people, BSDK cow cola pi pi ker demagh ka gobar ban gaya hai...
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