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Bollywood, please stop demonising Muslims

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One thiing i never got it why is it that in every shan movie that sana is his opposite heroiine...i mean each and every movie.
All stereotypes have some element of truth in it...!! If people say that Muslims are terrorists, then it is not wrong bcoz many terrorists were Muslims... SIMILARLY, if people say that Indians are dark, ugly, and just plain unattractive, dirty and what not... then it is not wrong bcoz majority are!! Check what "GO INDIAN" means on Urban dictionary!!

thats the stereotyping the majority hindus dont like- but its ok when muslims are stereotyped-
As far as I remember, many Indian villains are shown doing pujaa, wearing traditional hindu dress etc.

Look at all the famous villains in Bollywood.

Even "My name is Khan".....was based on prejudices against Muslims in US.
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