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Boeing, Navy Confirm Super Hornet Demonstration this Summer

lol, anyway, joking aside, Growler should be a very good plane to add to any Air Force inventory, it provide both in-mission jamming and stationary stand alone jamming to part of the immediately airspace, but yet there are no answer from most of the air force and only US and Australia are currently employing or ready to deploy Airborne EW planes. Having mobile AEW should have an edge over normal AWACS or EWACS system. Or I am incorrect about this??
It is very shortsighted of any air force NOT to have an airborne EW platform. It is essentially an offensive weapon, just in another spectrum. The system can deploy its effects in a 'shotgun' manner or in highly directional attack. It is intended to take EW to the enemy and less for use over home soil because of the potentiality of blinding one's own forces.
@gambit what would be the Total Number of Squadrons of F/A-18E/F and EA-18G along side US Navy/Marine F-35s any rough idea.
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@gambit what would be the Total Number of Squadrons of F/A-18E/F and EA-18G along side US Navy/Marine F-35s any rough idea.
Sorry, but no idea. Am more interested in the technical/engineering side than on the operational side.
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It is very shortsighted of any air force NOT to have an airborne EW platform. It is essentially an offensive weapon, just in another spectrum. The system can deploy its effects in a 'shotgun' manner or in highly directional attack. It is intended to take EW to the enemy and less for use over home soil because of the potentiality of blinding one's own forces.

I believe as far as I know there are no Dedicated AEW craft ever existed anywhere but the US.

Russia used to deploy ECM and EW suit on yak-28 but that was not nearly as useful as any Jammer the US has to offer.

I remember US had a few version of different plane that reconfigure to solely for Jammer role, off the top of my tongue, EA-6B, EA-18G, EB-66, EB-52

AEW have the same characteristic than any Stealth platform. With one tag along of a strike mission, you literally make the whole strike force invisible and untouchable by any Aerial or Ground Defence, don't forget their effectiveness (well, EKA-3, not Growler) during Vietnam war.

@gambit what would be the Total Number of Squadrons of F/A-18E/F and EA-18G along side US Navy/Marine F-35s any rough idea.

Depends on the mission requirement. If they were to use as Deep penetration strike, then you need a Growler per strike squadron. But if you use them as statistic or stand alone jammer, you probably need only a handful (2 or 3) per CBG.

Current, 1 squadron of Growler per carriers.

Mind you, the US Navy are going to have 90 of Growler and currently only 102 are planned (90 for US and 12 for Australia) however, the RAAF have the option to future upgrade their FA-18 Super Hornet into Growler
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Not happy with Fulcrum-K? why would you guys put yourself into hassle of another type m-29K with Naval LCAII is more than enough saves huge costs.

It seems many F-18 operators will adapt the newer Super Hornet and the technologies i hope RCAF cut down F-35 orders and include two additional squadrons of F-18E/F Super Hornets.

Mig-29K & NLCA for INS-VICKY & IAC-1

For IAC-2 & IAC-3 Indian Navy is going for Naval MMRCA may Include Naval rafale, Naval F35 , F18, Su-33
Mig-29K & NLCA for INS-VICKY & IAC-1

For IAC-2 & IAC-3 Indian Navy is going for Naval MMRCA may Include Naval rafale, Naval F35 , F18, Su-33

Rafale M make sense rest of them shouldn't even be considered over loading with extra Type from the point of view of IN/iaf but india could be lured in for F-35.
Not happy with Fulcrum-K? why would you guys put yourself into hassle of another type m-29K with Naval LCAII is more than enough saves huge costs.

It seems many F-18 operators will adapt the newer Super Hornet and the technologies i hope RCAF cut down F-35 orders and include two additional squadrons of F-18E/F Super Hornets.

The Mig29K I do not think is for CATOBAR ops, but, I could be mistaken. And IAC-2 is rumoured to be one.
AEW have the same characteristic than any Stealth platform. With one tag along of a strike mission, you literally make the whole strike force invisible and untouchable by any Aerial or Ground Defence, don't forget their effectiveness (well, EKA-3, not Growler) during Vietnam war.
There is a difference between EW and 'stealth' even though both EW and 'stealth' create 'incompetency in discrimination'.

Electronics Warfare (EW) is like a giant shield that everyone hides behind. The enemy can see the shield but not those behind the shield. That make it difficult for targeting individuals. This is sensor saturation.

Low radar observable, aka 'stealth', is the opposite. The analogy is that of a very well camo-ed soldier blending with the background, which in this case is the EM spectrum. The effect/result is sensor indifference.

I remember US had a few version of different plane that reconfigure to solely for Jammer role, off the top of my tongue, EA-6B, EA-18G, EB-66, EB-52
And EF-111A, the Raven.
I think Indian Navy need this kind of Bird, I mean the EA-18G . Correct me if I am wrong, current and near future Indian Navy do not have a dedicated Electronic warfare bird in their inventory, they have AWACS or intent to have airborne AWACS in the future but currently almost all Surveillance and Monitor are done in land based monitor planes.

Adding planes like EA-18G would put a mobile Electronic warfare platform with your carrier anywhere you go, which is a good plus as there are currently no contention in the naval rivalry close to India, that translate to no answer from anyone of the region.

You don't need to get EA-18G, India should talk to Russia and develop a Mig-29 into something like EA-18G.

By the way, the word Growler is actually a slang for a female body parts (5 letters, start with P) and some X rated actions. I don't know why the Navy name the EA-18G Growler........

Well you would be surprised to know your location lund is a slang for a male body part (5 letters, start with P) in our local language Urdu

If an aircraft like the Growler is engaged in jamming, cannot an aircraft find the source of the jamming. As in, it too would be emmiting radio signals and hence will be susceptible to a anti radar weapon?

Also, what do you think of the Knirti SAP 518 ECM? How would an aircraft with this be inferior to a Growler?

Not too knowledgeable about this, so your view would be great.

Well you would be surprise to hear your location lund is a slang for a male body part (5 letters, start with P) in our local language Urdu

:rofl: soch samajh kar rakha hoga :rofl:
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If an aircraft like the Growler is engaged in jamming, cannot an aircraft find the source of the jamming.
It depends on the tactical jamming method at that time.

If the jamming is omni-directional, meaning as much of the 360 deg as possible, then at best you will know the general direction/location of the jammer source, but probably not the individuals themselves, because there could be more than one who are transmitting.

If the attack is highly directional, then with sufficient triangulation from receivers that are not affected by the jamming, you could narrow down to more than just general direction/location. How precise is up to your capability.

There are times when EM saturation attacks precede the physical attacks. This is to produce initial confusion on the defenders. Directional EM attacks with multiple transmitters with diversion/seduction is one tactic. Induce attention to one area of the sky while your force enters from another.

As in, it too would be emmiting radio signals and hence will be susceptible to a anti radar weapon?
Beamrider missiles needs 'clear' space in order to discriminate out the transmission. The word 'clear' here means an area of the sky that is not saturated with jamming signals. The receiver inside the missile detect some parts of the sky as with no transmissions and one direction as with transmission. The system then performs the necessary elimination and home in on the transmission. Beamrider missiles are best against active seeking radar transmissions, not so good against a blanket wide area EM transmission.

Here is an example of this...It is called 'blinking'...

Center for Army Lessons Learned - Thesaurus
These upgrades will provide increased capability against target shutdown, blanking, and blinking.
When ground air defense radar stations wish to counter beamrider missiles, they would coordinate their 'blinking' tactic. One station would actively transmit then shut down, the other would immediately transmit then shut down. If the stations, two or more, are widely spaced enough, the beamrider missile could be sufficiently confused.

The tactic cannot work this unless there are areas of the sky that are clear of any transmission, meaning the stations must be highly directional, as how seeking radar transmission usually are. So if a beamrider missile cannot detect any area of 'clear' space, it have no reference to perform the necessary discrimination.

Also, what do you think of the Knirti SAP 518 ECM? How would an aircraft with this be inferior to a Growler?
Sorry, but size do matter in this area. Self protection jamming systems, or pods, are good enough only up to a point. The main weakness of ad-hoc, meaning at one's convenience, is power and antenna arrays. Ad-hoc systems are removable at will and as such, their small sizes have limited capabilities in terms of radiating power, which is vulnerable to 'burn through' if an adversary just happened to have a more powerful transmitter. That does not mean they are useless. We have them. But we also note their limits in certain tactical situations and that is why we have dedicated EW platforms.
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There is a difference between EW and 'stealth' even though both EW and 'stealth' create 'incompetency in discrimination'.

Electronics Warfare (EW) is like a giant shield that everyone hides behind. The enemy can see the shield but not those behind the shield. That make it difficult for targeting individuals. This is sensor saturation.

Low radar observable, aka 'stealth', is the opposite. The analogy is that of a very well camo-ed soldier blending with the background, which in this case is the EM spectrum. The effect/result is sensor indifference.

And EF-111A, the Raven.

lol, with jammer, you know where your enemy are but you could not touch them. That will **** off the enemy.

Nice there are no Chinese troll here, I don't even think majority of them know what is jamming

Well you would be surprised to know your location lund is a slang for a male body part (5 letters, start with P) in our local language Urdu

I know what Lund mean in Urdu, people tell me that the first day I sign in.

The different is, American speak English and Growler is an English Slang for Female Genital organ. While Swede does not speak Urdu, they speak Swedish and there are no way they know what Lund mean in Urdu. In fact Lund is quite a popular Scandinavian surname

Lund (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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