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BNP trashes report on ISI-Khaleda funding

May be to revenge for India's influence in Afghanistan and to annoy India and to put pressure on India from the East.

india is already in pressure from BD

thnx 2 ur politicians
So Hasina= Indian Lackey

Khaleda= Pakistani Lackey :cheesy:

Will a real Bangladeshi please stand up! Seriously I would be quite happy if Bangladeshis can get rid of both these hags. Bangladesh deserves fresh set of leaders. One that is no ones lackey and does whats best for Bangladesh.
oh my my
again with the illegal immigration:rolleyes:

Sad but bitter truth, when we Indians think of or discuss about Bangladesh, it is the only thing that comes in our minds first of all. Otherwise we don't have other issues with Bangladesh excluding ULFA's erstwhile safe heaven.

Nice Article, But its just a view of economist. I was interested in this para, Hope My bengali brothers will this too

As a result, officials this week chirped that relations are now “very excellent”. They should get better yet. India’s prime minister, Manmohan Singh, will visit early in September to sign deals on sensitive matters like sharing rivers, sending electricity over the border, settling disputed patches of territory on the 4,095km (2,500-mile) frontier and stopping India’s trigger-happy border guards from murdering migrants and cow-smugglers. Mr Singh may also deal with the topic of trade which, smuggling aside, heavily favours India, to Bangladeshi ire.

On the face of it, the $10 billion project will develop poor areas cut off from India’s booming economy. The Asian Development Bank and others see Bangladeshi gains too, from better roads, ports, railways and much-needed trade. In Dhaka, the capital, the central-bank governor says broader integration with India could lift economic growth by a couple of percentage points, from nearly 7% already.

India has handed over half of a $1 billion soft loan for the project, and the money is being spent on new river-dredgers and rolling stock.

Long live Indo-bangla friendship. Together we can make difference. Don't allow monkey to come btween us (remember cats and monkey story???)

Long live Indo-bangla friendship. Together we can make difference. Don't allow monkey to come btween us (remember cats and monkey story???)

Provided that india don't poke her dirty nose in our internal affairs and stay away from conspiring
to bring BAL to power. Otherwise Indo_bnagla friendship will always remain a distant dream, but
I don't think you guys care much though.:undecided:
Provided that india don't poke her dirty nose in our internal affairs and stay away from conspiring
to bring BAL to power. Otherwise Indo_bnagla friendship will always remain a distant dream, but
I don't think you guys care much though.:undecided:

It will not affect India much but case with Bangladesh is different
Provided that india don't poke her dirty nose in our internal affairs and stay away from conspiring
to bring BAL to power. Otherwise Indo_bnagla friendship will always remain a distant dream, but
I don't think you guys care much though.:undecided:

You have only two neighbors and you are stubborn to both of them. Best of Luck.
So Hasina= Indian Lackey

Khaleda= Pakistani Lackey :cheesy:

Will a real Bangladeshi please stand up! Seriously I would be quite happy if Bangladeshis can get rid of both these hags. Bangladesh deserves fresh set of leaders. One that is no ones lackey and does whats best for Bangladesh.

@ These two political parties will remain as it is, atleast in the forseeable future.

@ As per I know, each and every election AL gets funds not only from Indian intelligence but even from a common people of West Bengal and Tripura. There are many intelligence reports and pictures where an organisation openly takes "Chanda" in various "Hats/Bazars" through miking. This is an open secret.
Just to correct some facts. These statements of ISI and other officers were disclosed in open court trial with full media access in 1997 and case continue to be heard by Supreme court of Pakistan until 1999 military coup came and the case was not pursued further . Now it has been opened again. But what amuses me, This public info about Asghar khan was released in press back in 1997 but now Awami league woke up and pay attention to the contents of this report, where were they back then when this disclosures were made public in 1997? .
Another propaganda fart off by the BAL stooges. No matter what they do their end is near. People have become aware now and knows who the real puppet is.
But that's nothing compared to Khaleda's BNP propaganda farts!! :cheesy: The BNP is thoroughly mixed up with fundamentalist parties. I wouldn't be surprised if she was given millions by anti India terrorist organisations to win elections.
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