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BNP to fight militancy


Apr 24, 2011
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Tarique assures US embassy official

Now in London, BNP Senior Vice-chairman Tarique Rahman told an official of the US mission in Dhaka that his party, if voted back to power, will introduce a new type of government and show zero tolerance for corruption, party sources told The Daily Star.

Tarique also explained his party’s plan to fight militancy. The next general election is scheduled to be held between October 25 this year and January 24 next year.

Pushpinder Dhillon, counselor for political and economic affairs of the US embassy, met Tarique, elder son of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, at a London hotel on September 23, sources in the BNP and an US embassy official, wishing not to be named, confided to The Daily Star.

BNP Vice-chairman Shamsher Mobin Chowdhury, who was also present at the meeting, told this correspondent that different bilateral issues were discussed during the 40-minute meeting.

Also a former foreign secretary, Shamsher, however, refused to elaborate on the meeting.

Contacted, Kelly McCarthy, press and information officer at the US embassy in Dhaka, in a written communication to this correspondent said: “During a recent visit to London to meet with family members, an officer from the US Embassy, Dhaka used his presence in the UK to meet with British officials, Bangladesh watchers and members of the Bangladesh UK diaspora.”

“Among those whom he [the US official] met was Tarique Rahman. These meetings were part of our ongoing outreach to individuals from across the governmental and non-governmental spectrum engaged on Bangladesh,” she added.

This was the first time since 2009 that any key US official met with Tarique in London. He had left the country for London in September, 2008 during the then military backed caretaker government.
Top BNP leaders, who favoured Tarique, are considering the meeting as a significant and an “ice-breaking” event between the US and Tarique. The US had regarded Tarique as a “symbol of violence”, according to a US diplomatic cable leaked by the Wikileaks in September, 2011.

BNP top leaders, including its acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, have been claiming for the last several months that Tarique, who had suffered “serious injuries in his back due to torture” by the then military backed regime, was getting better and is scheduled to return home soon to get involved in party politics.

Sources close to Tarique said a report run by a national daily was not correct saying that US state department officials met Tarique in London.

According to a US diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks, the US embassy in Dhaka in 2008 had even recommended blocking Tarique’s entry into the US portraying him as a symbol of “kleptocratic government and violent politics” in Bangladesh.

The embassy believed that Tarique was “guilty of egregious political corruption that has had a serious adverse effect on US national interests,” namely the stability of democratic institutions and US foreign assistance goals, said the cable.

James F Moriarty, the then US ambassador to Bangladesh, sent the confidential cable on November 3, 2008 to Washington. He also cited several examples of Tarique’s major corruption as he described his worries in the cable about the possible impact of giving him access into the US.

In August this year, the USA had denied visa to Tarique as he wished to speak at a party convention there, party sources told The Daily Star.

Tarique’s corrupt practices have had deleterious effects on the US interests, said another US diplomatic cable, adding, “His [Tarique's] antics have weakened public confidence in government and eroded the stability of democratic institutions.”

The bribery, embezzlement, and culture of corruption that the BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s elder son has helped create and maintain in Bangladesh has directly and irreparably undermined US businesses, resulting in many lost opportunities, noted the cable.

“His theft of millions of dollars in public money has undermined political stability in this moderate, Muslim-majority nation and subverted US attempts to foster a stable democratic government, a key objective in this strategically important region,” read the cable.

It added: “His history of embezzlement, extortion, and interference in the judicial process undermines the rule of law and threatens to upend the US goal of a stable, democratic Bangladesh.”

Tarique’s “flagrant disregard” for the rule of law had provided potent ground for terrorists to gain a foothold in Bangladesh while also exacerbating poverty and weakening democratic institutions, mentioned the cable. “In short, much of what is wrong in Bangladesh can be blamed on Tarique and his cronies.”

During the period, said the cable, he had established an alternative centre of power at Hawa Bhaban, the then political office of the chairperson. It was an open secret that Tarique and his cronies used to interfere in the government activities and control all major business deals.

The cable said although Tarique is abroad [London], he was made the all-powerful senior vice-chairman in December 2009 with a clear mandate to lead BNP in absence of his mother.

The cable termed Tarique “notorious for flagrantly and frequently demanding bribes in connection with government procurement actions and appointments to political office.”
Source: BNP to fight militancy - Tarique assures US embassy official

Perhaps partly a shooting back at Hasina's speeches:
Militancy to come back if BNP returns to power: PM
It is very difficult for a person to better himself. I have reservation about Tareque changing his character. He was in corruption since the 1st BNP govt. He was a good disciple of his maternal uncle Said Iskander (deceased).

He did not follow his famous father's footsteps. President Zia was not rich, yet was liked and loved by all the Bangladeshis. But, Tareque thought his ill-gotten money and shelter by his greedy mother would bring him fame, honour and power. He was kicked out of the country very rightfully and as a due punishment.

US govt is checking out the change of his mind because USA may have to deal with him for many years to come. The way AL has run the country, people will not forget its misdeeds for the next 15 years, at least.
It is very difficult for a person to better himself. I have reservation about Tareque changing his character. He was in corruption since the 1st BNP govt. He was a good disciple of his maternal uncle Said Iskander (deceased).

He did not follow his famous father's footsteps. President Zia was not rich, yet was liked and loved by all the Bangladeshis. But, Tareque thought his ill-gotten money and shelter by his greedy mother would bring him fame, honour and power. He was kicked out of the country very rightfully and as a due punishment.

US govt is checking out the change of his mind because USA may have to deal with him for many years to come. The way AL has run the country, people will not forget its misdeeds for the next 15 years, at least.

This is totally wrong. Tarek never left his nation like Muzib's . Again , He follow his fathers foot step. Take each and every action which is required to improve nation. But it is person's who spread wrong propaganda against him just to defame him,his father and his family .

I.M may be corrupted one, but Tarek was never like so. Tarek rehman is the most honest,patriotic , clean imaged future leader of the nation.
This is totally wrong. Tarek never left his nation like Muzib's . Again , He follow his fathers foot step. Take each and every action which is required to improve nation. But it is person's who spread wrong propaganda against him just to defame him,his father and his family .

I.M may be corrupted one, but Tarek was never like so. Tarek rehman is the most honest,patriotic , clean imaged future leader of the nation.

What about Hawa Bhaban? I support BNP's coming back to power and ouster of Indian agent Awami Leauge, but Tareq screwed up big time and KZ could not control him and his younger brother, everyone who spent time in Dhaka knows about their % deals. The bad reputation of KZ's two sons were the biggest capital used by MUA/FUA to takeover and was also used by India and Awami League to come back to power.
This is totally wrong. Tarek never left his nation like Muzib's . Again , He follow his fathers foot step. Take each and every action which is required to improve nation. But it is person's who spread wrong propaganda against him just to defame him,his father and his family .

I.M may be corrupted one, but Tarek was never like so. Tarek rehman is the most honest,patriotic , clean imaged future leader of the nation.
Where did you come from? Are you for real? You have even made captain planet and metrrix look baby.:omghaha:
If tareqe rahman is honest .then Assad of Syria is the one peace loving man in the whole world.
What about Hawa Bhaban? I support BNP's coming back to power and ouster of Indian agent Awami Leauge, but Tareq screwed up big time and KZ could not control him and his younger brother, everyone who spent time in Dhaka knows about their % deals. The bad reputation of KZ's two sons were the biggest capital used by MUA/FUA to takeover and was also used by India and Awami League to come back to power.

Well, than let me tell you what was it. I think I don't need to tell anyone what is hawa bhaban & It's work. But there was some myth about Tarek which is not truth . Like - He ran a parallel govt. No he do not. The whole master mind of this thing was Gias Al Mamun . Who mislead Tarek and did many wrong doings using Tarek's name.

Gias is the one who not just defame Tarek but also the than home minister Babur. Babor's elder sister's name is Professor Liza;who is a doctor and she is a professor of Biochemistry in SZMCH & now she is in Dhaka Ad Din Hospital .

She's my teacher too . From her we heard so many unknown fact about both Tarek & Babur & Gias. She often used to say, " The way it was described is not that type of . Many things being added. "

Now let me tell you the incident how Babur was arrest .

The day when D.G.F.I & R.A.B came to their house ; all members of the family was made house arrest . Than Babur came and ask them , what's going on.

A major of RAB replied , " We've information you've illegal arms ."

But Babur replied, " Yes I have arms , but those are my fathers,brothers . All are licensed , and the pistol which I use that is also licensed for personal protection.You can check everything if you want ".

Suddenly , one of a police member bring a pistol and said to RAB major," Look Sir !! It is not licensed !! "

Than Babur's driver & other replied " It is not Babor's "

Than that Rab officer in a commanding voice shout and said , " If you just utter a word, we'll kill you then . The matter of the fact is it's not him & we know. but we've order to arrest him ."

According to Professor Liza, for all these thing Gias Al Mamun is responsible. Who not just use Tarek's name but also other's for his business purpose .

Not just she, but all others who were eye witness of those incident give similar statement, " For Mamun Tarek trapped "

And the office was not even on Tarek's name . It was just a party office.

So, when family member of Tarek , Lutfuzzaman Babor give statement like this ; we need to verify the correct cause .

Because , it is totally unfair to Punish innocent person's for other person's crime . Why Tarek would be responsible for Mamun's crime ?
Where did you come from? Are you for real? You have even made captain planet and metrrix look baby.:omghaha:
If tareqe rahman is honest .then Assad of Syria is the one peace loving man in the whole world.

Assad Is A Legal President . And What's going on in Syria For That U.S is responsible . Bassar is the one who at least has courage to say against America.
Well, than let me tell you what was it. I think I don't need to tell anyone what is hawa bhaban & It's work. But there was some myth about Tarek which is not truth . Like - He ran a parallel govt. No he do not. The whole master mind of this thing was Gias Al Mamun . Who mislead Tarek and did many wrong doings using Tarek's name.

Gias is the one who not just defame Tarek but also the than home minister Babur. Babor's elder sister's name is Professor Liza;who is a doctor and she is a professor of Biochemistry in SZMCH & now she is in Dhaka Ad Din Hospital .

She's my teacher too . From her we heard so many unknown fact about both Tarek & Babur & Gias. She often used to say, " The way it was described is not that type of . Many things being added. "

Now let me tell you the incident how Babur was arrest .

The day when D.G.F.I & R.A.B came to their house ; all members of the family was made house arrest . Than Babur came and ask them , what's going on.

A major of RAB replied , " We've information you've illegal arms ."

But Babur replied, " Yes I have arms , but those are my fathers,brothers . All are licensed , and the pistol which I use that is also licensed for personal protection.You can check everything if you want ".

Suddenly , one of a police member bring a pistol and said to RAB major," Look Sir !! It is not licensed !! "

Than Babur's driver & other replied " It is not Babor's "

Than that Rab officer in a commanding voice shout and said , " If you just utter a word, we'll kill you then . The matter of the fact is it's not him & we know. but we've order to arrest him ."

According to Professor Liza, for all these thing Gias Al Mamun is responsible. Who not just use Tarek's name but also other's for his business purpose .

Not just she, but all others who were eye witness of those incident give similar statement, " For Mamun Tarek trapped "

And the office was not even on Tarek's name . It was just a party office.

So, when family member of Tarek , Lutfuzzaman Babor give statement like this ; we need to verify the correct cause .

Because , it is totally unfair to Punish innocent person's for other person's crime . Why Tarek would be responsible for Mamun's crime ?

You took a lot of time to write all this. Like myself, our countrymen do not know what to believe any more.

What you wrote could be true, but then the propaganda was such that my opinion that I expressed earlier became the prevailing belief among general public.

Regardless of the actual truth, KZ turned out to be total failure who could not keep things under her control and as a result the country is still suffering.
Well, than let me tell you what was it. I think I don't need to tell anyone what is hawa bhaban & It's work. But there was some myth about Tarek which is not truth . Like - He ran a parallel govt. No he do not. The whole master mind of this thing was Gias Al Mamun . Who mislead Tarek and did many wrong doings using Tarek's name.

Gias is the one who not just defame Tarek but also the than home minister Babur. Babor's elder sister's name is Professor Liza;who is a doctor and she is a professor of Biochemistry in SZMCH & now she is in Dhaka Ad Din Hospital .

1) You are entertaining a preposterous view. A kite flies up in the sky and pulls up the thread attached to it. But you are telling us that the thread is pushing the kite high in the sky.

2) It was Tareque who surrounded himself with corrupt people. It was he who decided who would be the small ministers. Babar was one such small minister.

3) Tareque did not respect the senior ministers except BKZ and Finance Minister Saifur Rahman. But, he also defied BKZ.

4) He was the mastermind to oust B. Chowdhury from the Presidency. There was a conspiracy by his young group behind his dishonourable ouster. Allah has punished that criminal by punishing and dishonouring him equally or more.

5) Tareque is the person who destroyed BD by looting its money. He destroyed the BNP, her mother, and himself by his ill deeds.

6) He destroyed the reputation of President Ziaur Rahman, who had no involvement with corruption.

I think, Tareque is genetically without a leadership quality. I believe, BNP should make the party democratic so that a man like Tareque cannot become the Chief Executive of the country. He will destroy BNP next time.

One good thing, he cannot come back to this country before the election result is out and BNP forms the next govt. I am relieved for the next five years, at least. BNP certainly can win election without Tareque.
Tarek will be the sole reason to destroy BNP....Saka Chow and others do not trust him!Same will be the case with BAL and joy.....the only way either of these parties can survive is to elect their leaders....which they won't and both will shatter into pieces....might be a good news...might be a bad news....only time will tell!
You took a lot of time to write all this. Like myself, the countrymen do not know what to believe any more.

What you wrote could be true, but then the propaganda was such that my opinion that I expressed earlier became the prevailing belief among general public.

Regardless of the actual truth, KZ turned out to be total failure who could not keep things under her control and as a result the country is still suffering.

This is nature of Propaganda. Propaganda is always this type. Attack-Counter attack , these things are common in Politics. But we need to analyse everything . Otherwise believing in some thing is a kind of foolishness.

In some case, Khaleda may fail but you can't say that during B.N.P period people were in suffocation like now.

That time , each and everyone could travel and stay outside till night , but that situation is not now. We never see such a high price of onion,chili etc during that period.

But during this period we're observing killing of innocent Imams,yatims , secret killing etc.

So,in compare league time BNP was better.
You are entertaining a preposterous view. A kite flies up in the sky and pulls the thread attached to it. But you are telling us that the thread is pulling the kite high in the sky.
All I know , they are innocent . and to defend em is my duty . And my dear ! Kite and Thread is a same body , not different things.If some one is so great, his greatness will be expressed by his work one day.

Tarek is the leader of our youth , he is the leader of not just youth but also the leader of general people.

So, his popularity will be rising there is no doubt. Here you guy's doubt about him, but you have no prove against that. About Babur same thing.

His family members were eye witness.

So,everything is clear there.

We need honest leader like them in Bangladesh for it's development.

On the other hand, Joy is a outsider . Tarek did politics for people,not for money. And he did nothing and it is proved. If he was guilty than govt would find things against him , but they just file case & bring a few doubtful evidence which are not even appropriate .
This is nature of Propaganda. Propaganda is always this type. Attack-Counter attack , these things are common in Politics. But we need to analyse everything . Otherwise believing in some thing is a kind of foolishness.

In some case, Khaleda may fail but you can't say that during B.N.P period people were in suffocation like now.

That time , each and everyone could travel and stay outside till night , but that situation is not now. We never see such a high price of onion,chili etc during that period.

But during this period we're observing killing of innocent Imams,yatims , secret killing etc.

So,in compare league time BNP was better.

There is no question BNP rule was better than Awami rule, fundamentally KZ and her family like her late husband, are patriots at heart. What I was referring to was the fact that KZ failed to foil Indo-Awami master plan, because of her stupidity and incompetence. When people of the country depend on a leader, that leader has to deliver success, not failure. I am waiting to see how she does in the next few months.
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