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Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

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“My resignation is never a reaction to our President.

My loyalty to him will continue throughout my life.

The real faces of those who set up trap with unfounded claim for me will be revealed ”


Oh please nice try to divert the backlash from Erdogan. If Erdogan was against it he shouldn't have reassigned him to a meaningless desk job, he signed the order willingly on his own. Even after that he could have come out and said that he will reverse his decision. All BS to minimize the backlash he will and is already getting from this.

Why should I believe anything posted by a AKP member on Twitter?
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Oh please nice try to divert the backlash from Erdogan. If Erdogan was against it he shouldn't have reassigned him to a meaningless desk job, he signed the order willingly on his own. Even after that he could have come out and said that he will reverse his decision. All BS to minimize the backlash he will and is already getting from this.

Why should I believe anything posted by a AKP member on Twitter?
Mate! What backlash are you talking about. Erdogan can dismiss all of the generals if he wants to. Generals will never ever be above presidency.
In this situation the admiral is loyal to erdogan but i believe some investigation should be done.

So the first kemalist atheists were spreading that erdogan demoted him because admiral was becoming popular due to eez deal. When in fact its erdogan who has been close to the event of libya since the arab spring and the admiral so happens to be one of the strong supporters of Erdogans policies. The true architect is always been erdogan

Now second **** is coming that akp feto deal to remove him as has been ordered by a third country

Pathetic losers who spreading ** will never ever coexist peacefully with muslim of turkey. Period

Note: Post edited by moderator. Language modified to more civilized words. Thanks
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Mate! What backlash are you talking about. Erdogan can dismiss all of the generals if he wants to. Generals will never ever be above presidency.
In this situation the admiral is loyal to erdogan but i believe some investigation should be done.

So the first bull$hit kemalist atheists were spreading that erdogan demoted him because admiral was becoming popular due to eez deal. When in fact its erdogan who has been close to the event of libya since the arab spring and the admiral so happens to be one of the strong supporters of Erdogans policies. The true architect is always been erdogan

Now second bull$hit is coming that akp feto deal to remove him as has been ordered by a third country

Pathetic losers who spreading bs will never ever coexist peacefully with muslim of turkey. Period
The most important legacy of this Rear Admiral would be to institutionalize FETOMETER, Mavi Vatan etc...

For the sake of argument, let's accept it's a political decision! Now, it'll slow down the adversaries' enthusiasm while Turkey keeps on consolidating her gains in Libya, the East Med etc. One at a time. Slow and steady wins the race....
If RTE can reject a ministers resignation. He could have rejected Cihat Yaycis as well.
Its tricky here. If Erdogan rejects his resignation then he needs to go against those who pushed for the admirals demotion in the first place and it mostly likely Akar who's a defence minister.

Best way to deal with this is get him to become one of the presidential advisor
I want to know does this resignation change Turkeys policy in Libya and the East Med??
I want to know does this resignation change Turkeys policy in Libya and the East Med??
Nothing! Its just some anti erdogan fake patriots are trying to make a big deal out of it.
Nothing! Its just some anti erdogan fake patriots are trying to make a big deal out of it.

Losing an admiral like that is a disgrace even if the policy does not change.

All I see is our enemies celebrating.

This country has a habit of throwing its talented or good commanders in the bin. This is something we cant deny to be honest.
Do you want to say that Admiral Yayci became egostic and somehow dangerous, if yes hold your horses my friend. You guys are praising yourselves for Admiral Yayci's works and achievments, don't forget that.
What I'm saying is that he's neither our Chief of the General Staff nor Head of the State. If the government/military decided to relocate him to a different post, him out of many other admirals, than they must have good reasons for doing so. There are no sides in this "disagreement". There's only ONE SIDE, which is Turkey, represented by the leaders the Turkish People elected into power. I'm not going to talk smack about my government because one admiral's post got moved from Base A to Base B. Why? Because that's what our enemies want us to do. They want us to talk shit about Erdogan, Ak Parti, the TSK and every other government institution. They want internal strife. They want internal division. That's the only way they can make Turkey weaker. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of like that. STAND BEHIND YOUR GOVERNMENT. STAND TALL.
Enemy? Look in the mirror.
Our idiots managed something Greeks and FETOists could never do. Same happened to Ismail Metin and Zekai Aksakalli Pasa. Dude if that here did not happen nobody would talk about it, this retarded move was made by the Goverment and you say the enemies want us to talk about it, lol.
Enemy? Look in the mirror.
Our idiots managed something Greeks and FETOists could never do. Same happened to Ismail Metin and Zekai Aksakalli Pasa. Dude if that here did not happen nobody would talk about it, this retarded move was made by the Goverment and you say the enemies want us to talk about it, lol.
All individuals are expandable for the security of the Turkish nation. Becoming an officer of the TSK means dying for your nation if necessary. Getting your command post changed is nothing in comparison. Having said that, no officer in the military is above the PEOPLE OF TURKEY and the elected government. None!
* 15 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın yüksek tasdiki ile gururla icra ettiğim Deniz Kuvvetleri Kurmay Başkanlığı görevinden Genelkurmay Başkanlığı emrine Kuvvet Komutanımın haberi olmaksızın atandığımı 16 Mayıs 2020 gece saat 03:00'da öğrendim.

* MSB'nin atama tebliğ mesajı ile de “ilk mesai günü olan (esasen idari tatil ve sokağa çıkma yasağının olduğu) 18 Mayıs 2020'de Deniz Kuvvetlerinden derhal ayrılışımın ve Genelkurmay Başkanlığına katılışımın yapılması” emredilmiştir.

* Bilâsebep ve mesnetten yoksun olduğunu düşündüğüm (Fetövari kumpasları çağrıştırırcasına) gerekçelerle emre alınmanın yanı sıra, apar topar ayrılışımın yapılmasının emredilmesi onurumu ziyadesi ile örselemiştir.

* Elbette bir asker olarak atama bir emirdir ve emre uymakla mükellefim. Ancak emre alınma ataması ile 32 yıldır büyük bir aşk ve heyecan ile icra ettiğim meslek hayatımda ilk defa asli görevi olmayan bir subay, bir amiral konumu ile karşı karşıya bırakılmış oldum. Esasen herhangi bir göreve atanmış olsaydım görevi bir an dahi tartışmaz ve ifa ederdim. Ama durum öyle değildir. Alenen boşa çıkarılmış, onuru örselenen bir amiral durumuna düşürülmek istenmekteyim. Bunu kabul etmem mümkün değildir. Benim karakterim ve Türklük gururum buna imkân vermez.

* 13 Yaşımda tertemiz olarak mensubu olmakla her zaman gurur duyduğum asil Türk Milletinin vermiş olduğu üniformamı, 40 yıl boyunca gururla lekesiz ve şaibesiz olarak taşıdım. Bugün geldiğim noktada görev verilmeyen, adeta kumpas kurularak yalan ve iftiralar neticesinde görevden uzaklaştırılmış bir Amiral olarak mesleğimi icra edemeyeceğim açıktır. Bu son derece onur kırıcıdır. Bırakın bir Türk Amiralini hiçbir Türk neferinin bunu sindirebileceğini düşünemiyorum.

* Üstelik görevdeki bir Amiral olarak şahsıma itham edilen iftira dolu suçlamalara ve bu hususu dile getiren müfterilere cevap verememek şahsımı, ailemi ve silah arkadaşlarımı da derinden üzmektedir.

* Bir deniz subayı olarak yıllarca Mavi Vatan'da en sert fırtınalara karşı mücadele ettim. Bugüne kadar Türk Milletinde Mavi Vatan bilinci ile deniz hak ve menfaatlerimizin farkındalığının oluşturulması, deniz yetki alanlarımızın belirlenmesi konularında gayret gösterdim. Türk Milletinin Türk Deniz Kuvvetlerini tanıması ve onunla gurur duymasını sağlamaya çalıştım.

* Görev yaptığım tüm kademelerde gerektiğinde Türk Milletinin hak ve menfaatlerini korumak üzere en üst seviyede verilecek görevlere en üst seviyede ve her an hazır olmaya özen gösterdim. Yetkim dahilinde Türk Milletinin her bir kuruşunun tasarrufunu prensip edindim.

* FETÖ'nün 15 Temmuz 2016'da gerçekleştirmeye çalıştığı hain darbe girişiminden çok önce Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın iradesi çerçevesinde başlayan Fethullahçı Terör Örgütü mensuplarına karşı mücadelemi de bugüne dek sürdürdüm. Bu konuda başarılı olduğumu da Allaha çok şükür ki bugün hainlerin yaşadıkları sevinçten daha iyi anlıyorum.

* Aynı şekilde yazdığım kitaplar ve ortaya koyduğum hukuki mesnetlere dayalı fikirlerimle Türkiye'nin deniz hak ve menfaatlerini korumaya çalıştım. Bunda da başarılı olduğumu bugün Türkiye düşmanlarının yaşadıkları sevinçten daha iyi anlıyorum.

* Necip Türk Milletinin yetiştirdiği Türklük ve bayrak sevdalısı bir Amiral olarak bilgi birikimimin ve ihtisasımın bir mahsulü olarak Türkiye ile Libya arasında 27 Kasım 1919’da imzalan “Deniz Yetki Alanlarının Sınırlandırılmasına İlişkin Mutabakat Muhtırasının” teorik alt yapısını hazırlamış olmak naçiz şahsım için bir “İstiklal Madalyası” olarak kalacaktır.

* Beni yetiştiren komutanlarıma, silah arkadaşlarıma, bahriyelilere ve Yüce Türk Milletine yazmış olduğum kitaplarımı mesleki fikir mirasım olarak bırakıyor ve şahsıma asil Türk Milleti tarafından taşıma onuru verilerek gurur ile giydiğim üniformamı çıkarıyorum.

* 19 Mayıs 2020 “Atatürk’ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı”nın kutlandığı o mutlu gün ile sivil hayatıma adım atarak Yüce Türk Milletine ve Türkiye Cumhuriyetine sadakatle bağlı bir sivil olarak ihtiyaç duyulabilecek ve fırsat bulduğum her alanda hizmete devam edeceğimi belirterek istifamın kabulünü arz ederim.

The Turkish Nation will always be grateful to Admiral Cihat YAYCI. You are in the hearts of millions of Turks all over the world.

We love you and know that the justice will come.

"Sınırlarının önemli ve büyük kısımları deniz olan Türk Devleti’nin donanmasının da kuvvetli ve büyük olması gerekir. O zaman Türkiye Cumhuriyeti daha rahat ve emin olacaktır. Mükemmel ve güçlü bir Türk Donanmasına sahip olmak amaçtır. Bunun ilk hareket noktası harp gemileri alınmasından önce, onları başarıyla sevk ve idare edecek yetenekte komutanlara, subaylara, uzmanlara sahip olmaktır."

He didn't lose his job. He simply got relocated, which is a FULLY LEGAL procedure under Turkish military law. He would've continued to receive his full pension at his new post. Why would a "respected" admiral try to turn this simple "atama" into a national crisis if he didn't have ominous intentions in the first place?

Turkish people are sick and tired of generals acting like they OWN the desks/weapons/facilities/soldiers we assign to them. No sir. You are AT THE SERVICE of the Turkish government. You do as you are ordered by the leaders TURKISH PEOPLE elected to power. If you wanted to make policy, then you should've gone into politics instead.
He didn't lose his job. He simply got relocated, which is a FULLY LEGAL procedure under Turkish military law. He would've continued to receive his full pension at his new post. Why would a "respected" admiral try to turn this simple "atama" into a national crisis if he didn't have ominous intentions in the first place?

Turkish people are sick and tired of generals acting like they OWN the desks/weapons/facilities/soldiers we assign to them. No sir. You are AT THE SERVICE of the Turkish government. You do as you are ordered by the leaders TURKISH PEOPLE elected to power. If you wanted to make policy, then you should've gone into politics instead.

Man get the hell out of here. You view corrupt politicians who have stolen billions, made peace with PKK, have caused thousands of suicides due to completely ***** up livelihoods and worked in conjunction with FETÖ as being superior to our military commanders.

Post edited for abusive language
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