Another one, nobody wants to be called Indian. Not even Indians, Those that can, even avoid talking Hindi. Indian grandpa get head slammed in US by police. Their female ambassador get striped search here. All cartoons make fun of Indians and their accent.
Dude, there is no need to blow a gasket. Pakistanis in west, pretending to be Indians, in aftermath of terrorist attacks is a well known fact, alluded by your very own media and political commentators. Reverse is not true. Indians identify as Indians abroad (probably except Muslims, but then you all ,Indians or Pakistanis, are wanabee Arabs).
Anyway I was trying to clear this "it would ruin things for Pakistanis." part. Your biggest export to west is terrorism and pedophile gangs, and you think that some Indians working in nursing jobs would "ruin it for Pakistan". I mean seriously!!