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Bloomberg: China risks repeating the mistakes of the Soviet Union in the confrontation with the United States

Indians are actually the most exploited people in the world, even more than Africans.

India produces only 1/3 the food that China does, yet India is one of the largest and fastest growing food exporters in the world. Both China and India have the same population, so either Indians only need 1/3 the food that Chinese do, or... their government is selling their lives for a few USD.

Which is it? Well, Indians are imprisoned for eating beef because they claim religion, yet they are one of the world's largest beef exporters.

Indians use India's precious educational resources to cultivate some talents.
But the Indian govt sent the talents cultivated and their wealth by India to the USA.
Indians cheer: great, the CEOs are all Indians, and India rules the world.
Then the Indians continued to be blackmailed by a group of illiterate bureaucrats.
How can there be such a stupid nationality in this world?
Indians use India's precious educational resources to cultivate some talents.
But the Indian govt sent the talents cultivated by India to the USA.
Indians cheer: great, the CEOs are all Indians, and India rules the world.
Then the Indians continued to be blackmailed by a group of illiterate bureaucrats.
How can there be such a stupid nationality in this world?

Indian talents: trained at taxpayer expense so they can leave and earn USD for themselves.

Indian normal people: starved so their food can be exported for USD for the ruling class.

Even Congo cannot compare with this unique economic scheme.
IMO, US and China will never go to war, both economies and countries will grind against each other, and come to a settlement 10-15 years down the lane. China doesn’t want to pick up the mantle of being the world’s policeman either. Both countries seem sensible enough to not enter into conflict.
This is likely the case but will only happen if China relentlessly resists American aggression and continues its rise to an even more powerful position. That’s the only circumstance that will force the west to finally compromise with China and treat it like an equal.
This is likely the case but will only happen if China relentlessly resists American aggression and continues its rise to an even more powerful position. That’s the only circumstance that will force the west to finally compromise with China and treat it like an equal.

China will never be treated like a equal no matter how hard China try
Indians use India's precious educational resources to cultivate some talents.
But the Indian govt sent the talents cultivated and their wealth by India to the USA.
Indians cheer: great, the CEOs are all Indians, and India rules the world.
Then the Indians continued to be blackmailed by a group of illiterate bureaucrats.
How can there be such a stupid nationality in this world?
Indians love superficial symbols of status and don’t care about substance. That’s why they celebrate billionaires and celebrities while their country is filthier than any other country on earth.
China will never be treated like a equal no matter how hard China try
Who said the west will have a choice?
IMO, US and China will never go to war, both economies and countries will grind against each other, and come to a settlement 10-15 years down the lane. China doesn’t want to pick up the mantle of being the world’s policeman either. Both countries seem sensible enough to not enter into conflict.

Yes. That seems to be the most probable outcome.
Now comparing China and the United States is more meaningful than comparing China and the Soviet Union.
Arm race is more a problem of USA rather than china. We have a much bigger industry sector than usa or ussr. That means we have a much bigger capability to raise military budget than USA.
This is likely the case but will only happen if China relentlessly resists American aggression and continues its rise to an even more powerful position. That’s the only circumstance that will force the west to finally compromise with China and treat it like an equal.

China is never going to achieve a more powerful position. Ever…
Welcome back Mr thinktank!

You are pro-Chinese, that deserves a negative reaction score to "show solidarity". :omghaha:

Here are China's risks:

This is very old technology, back in the 1950s-70s stuff like this was developed. And the cia/military writes much of the script of the hollywood suspense and other films, and brag about what usa is capable of doing. Over a dozen years ago, libertarian and conspiracy forums would discuss these types of weapons. And many would say you need a sophisticated faraday cage protecting the electronics to keep running your devise. Perhaps radiation-hardened chips could offer more protection. If they survive from extraterrestrial waves in space, maybe they could survive an attack like this. Even better is to combine protections.

I could envision the future of air warfare. Have stealth protect you from long range attack, EW spoofing & jamming protect you from mid range attack. And then get in close, aim these weapons at enemy fighters and watch the fighters fall into the ocean, if foreign aircraft are dumb enough to not build aircraft protected from electronic frying/disabling. You don't need missiles or guns. If the electronics of enemy planes are not protected, not even the ejector seat would work, unless the cockpit glass and seat are manual.

usa is saving these technologies to destroy China in a war, which is why trump was in the white house - to be the next Wilson. First term of trump - "kept us out of war". Second term - warmongering clown.

This is why China needs a very high tech/low tech strategy. You pour money into the best technology capable of defending against the high tech of usa. Then you spend trillions of yuan on new towed artillery and shore/coastal artillery with ranges over 30km, with manual and automatic/radar guided/etc.

If China's whole airforce and navy is destroyed by usa high tech yet China still has millions of artillery pieces to attack and defend (ie: invade and win Korea, invade and win India, etc), China can avoid a Versailles Treaty, which was the purpose of this bioweapon attack from trump. At a minimum trump wants to loot China and turn China into a Weimar Republic failed state of high unemployment and tens or hundreds of trillions in debt to cia and pals. (The Soviet Union was thoroughly looted aft the fall of the Soviet Union by "Russian" and Western oligarchs.) The other option is to nuke China in a war. Which is why China needs many and very effective counter attack delivery methods to preserve the peace.

usa got involved in ww1 based on lies so that UK investors could get paid and Germany would be looted and impoverished. Where German children would starve and beg for crumbs while Anglos were fat and had matresses stuffed full of pounds. This same death is planned for East Asians.

USSR had equal technology to that of the usa, and chose to back down over fear of crazies in Washington having a nuclear war, Kim survives because NK is not afraid of a nuke exchange (usa is afraid of a nuke exchange between NK and usa because usa would have to expose that no ICBM missile could ever hit usa soil if usa uses full means of protections - such exposed protections are being saved for a nuke exchange with China). Gorbachev and JP2 were fooled by the cia that cia is about being nice and getting along, when cia is about rape, torture, killings, genocide, bribes, threats, blackmails, and anything else evil.

usa had 40 years during the cold war and 30 years after to develop means of protection from nuclear triad attack, and has done so. A nuclear exchange between China and usa would destroy China and not one nuke would touch usa soil. So China does not have the MAD protection of the USSR, so avoid nuke wars until China figures out methods of delivery that are successful.

trump losing saved 1.4 billion Chinese. China would have been baited by trump into a war, as any troll bully does to pick a fight. Yet China is still at risk; building better can be a motto - build newer ICBMs better and better and able to withstand stuff like this.
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China is never going to achieve a more powerful position. Ever…

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear.

Nothing lasts forever and this built up in the Pacific will amount to noting in the end unless the most eager party Aukus wants it to be a Nuclear Exchange, as it will not stay conventional.
Bloomberg talking through its a$$... there is a big difference between USSR and China. Soviet union was a declining economy and China is a rising. Today as we speak US is the USSR.

Not, until US Dollar tumble.
US can create USD as much as possible to support the race.
Military spending.
US 3.4%GDP
China 1.8%GDP

$1 billion for 055, 13000 tons,
$3.7 billion for Burk3, 9800 tons

Then the conclusion is that China will be dragged down by the US arms race. :meeting:

AS long as China military spending in GDP percentage is still below US, China economy will not be dragged with the race that US try to hold.

China should keep building up asymmetrical weapons against US military might instead of pursuing similar quantity with that of US.
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