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Bloomberg: China risks repeating the mistakes of the Soviet Union in the confrontation with the United States

It's not how much money you have but how you use it. The US has qualitative advantage over China in terms of advance tech and weapons and the US is far more experienced in war and defeat. How many wars has China actually fought and won? You can count them on 2 fingers. I doubt if it will be a direct war as both sides know of the consequences and like the cold war it will be a war of attrition using all indirect means at their disposal. For China to make gains it needs to challenge all the Western world installed puppets and tin pot rulers who supply resources, materials labour and that in itself a huge task as the Western world has mastered the art over a few centuries.

It all boils down to the size of the economy something you don't understand.. Without economy lets see how far will US go... You think Germany / France lack the tech know how - they don't but they will never be in a position to challenge the biggest economies for obvious reasons. Its only a matter of time if the trajectories remain China will be the biggest economy and power (minus the global terrorism that is hallmark of US).
China is overall very strong .. no doubt about it..
But let's keep it rational here:

China Defense Budget Is $ 178 200 000 000
The US Defense Budget is $ 740 500 000 000

This is where the arms race come in..
No comparison with cold war one. China and USA are economically more connected then even USSR and Communist East Germany were.

For context. China owns enough USA debt that interest payments from the USA are enough to fund the Chinese military. The USA taxpayer is funding both the USA and Chinese military's!!!! :o:

IMO, its the USA that become too much like the USSR. There are members of congress that would love being on the USSR's politburo. Not just the crazy socialists.....but even right wingers beholden to the military industrial complex.....that want the USA to spend 50% of GDP on defense.
Let's make a balanced equation so it makes sense to the readers. Please list:
1) China's defense budget VS.
2) USA's defense budget
3) Japan's defense budget
4) UK's defense budget
5) Australia's defense budget
6) India's defense budget

Now tell me how on earth you can even come close to starting an arms race? I've not listed Vietnam, Taiwan and EU yet!

You can think about whether the War industry complex allows the US Navy to be weaker than China? They won't. They'll increase military spending. This is what China wants.
China's GDP exceeds that of the USA, or the proportion of U.S. military spending is too high, or the USA has issued more dollars again. All these will shake the credit foundation of the dollar. Then you know the result.

BTW: If China's Navy surpasses the USA, many American allies will become China's allies, even Australia could change. Because the USA will no longer be able to protect their trade security.
You can think about whether the War industry complex allows the US Navy to be weaker than China? They won't. They'll increase military spending. This is what China wants.
China's GDP exceeds that of the USA, or the proportion of U.S. military spending is too high, or the USA has issued more dollars again. All these will shake the credit foundation of the dollar. Then you know the result.

lol......emotional outburst? Care to answer my post with numbers instead of just blowing mental steam on good old scapegoat, the USA?
You can think about whether the War industry complex allows the US Navy to be weaker than China? They won't. They'll increase military spending. This is what China wants.
China's GDP exceeds that of the USA, or the proportion of U.S. military spending is too high, or the USA has issued more dollars again. All these will shake the credit foundation of the dollar. Then you know the result.

The US can comfortably spend $1-1.2T on defense today. The US is already a $23T economy and growing fast with total national wealth of $142T.

Comparisons to the Soviet Union are utter nonsense. They were an economic backwater spending 20%+ of GDP on defense.
Did China intend to initiate a cold war with US? It's such a shameless claim, it's US pulling all stops to contain China, not the other way around. What does US expect China to do anyway?
As socialists like to say, this time it will be different. We will do it correctly.
The US can comfortably spend $1-1.2T on defense today. The US is already a $23T economy and growing fast with total national wealth of $142T.

Comparisons to the Soviet Union are utter nonsense. They were an economic backwater spending 20%+ of GDP on defense.
1. A part of the military spending of the United States will flow to China because of outsourcing.
2. The USA cannot support military spending of 20% of GDP because the United States is not a planned economy.
3. As long as the proportion of U.S. military spending in GDP reaches a certain height, the world will doubt the U.S. economy. As long as the dollar loses its credit, no one can save the USA.
4. I think the current situation of the USA can not even support $2 trillion in military spending. This figure is enough to rout the world's confidence in the dollar.
1. A part of the military spending of the United States will flow to China because of outsourcing.
2. The USA cannot support military spending of 20% of GDP because the United States is not a planned economy.
3. As long as the proportion of U.S. military spending in GDP reaches a certain height, the world will doubt the U.S. economy. As long as the dollar loses its credit, no one can save the USA.
4. I think the current situation of the USA can not even support $2 trillion in military spending. This figure is enough to rout the world's confidence in the dollar.
Strange comparison, which seems to be from someone who knows very little of history. Standing army has always been expensive. Supporting a large one unnecessarily is often the key factor to crush an empire.
1. A part of the military spending of the United States will flow to China because of outsourcing.
2. The USA cannot support military spending of 20% of GDP because the United States is not a planned economy.
3. As long as the proportion of U.S. military spending in GDP reaches a certain height, the world will doubt the U.S. economy. As long as the dollar loses its credit, no one can save the USA.
4. I think the current situation of the USA can not even support $2 trillion in military spending. This figure is enough to rout the world's confidence in the dollar.

No one said anything about the US spending 20% of its GDP on defense. If the US went back to the 80s of spending 6% on defense, the US today would be spending nearly $1.4T on defense. The US is nowhere near overspending on defense. In fact I believe they should be spending $1T today.
It all boils down to the size of the economy something you don't understand.. Without economy lets see how far will US go... You think Germany / France lack the tech know how - they don't but they will never be in a position to challenge the biggest economies for obvious reasons. Its only a matter of time if the trajectories remain China will be the biggest economy and power (minus the global terrorism that is hallmark of US).

The US is a $23T economy whose overall national wealth sits at $142T. The US is wealthier than its ever been before. Your either misinformed or wallowing in your own anti American fantasies.
The greatest enemy of the United States is himself. The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is widening, and the war of foreign aggression is a great loss of national strength. Domestic politics is polarized. 1% democratic, 1% rich people rule the country.
The greatest enemy of the United States is himself. The gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is widening, and the war of foreign aggression is a great loss of national strength. Domestic politics is polarized. 1% democratic, 1% rich people rule the country.
I think the greatest enemy of any country is itself.
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