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Bleeding in Siachen: Pakistan losing 30 soldiers a year EconomicTimes


Mar 7, 2015
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In a rare revelation, Pakistan has officially come out with details of the battle casualties it suffered in various operations from 2003-10. This include deployments on the Indian border as well as its fight against militants on the Afghan border. One figure that stands out in this period - which coincides with a ceasefire agreement that meant no firing on the border - is that the Pakistan Army has been suffering huge fatal casualties on the Siachen glacier, the highest battlefield in the world without a shot being fired.
Bleeding in Siachen: Pakistan losing 30 soldiers a year on highest battlefield - The Economic Times
Despite a ceasefire that has seen no targeted firing since a 2003 agreement, the Pakistan Army has been losing an average of 30 soldiers a year on Siachen. The deaths are associated with the perils of deployment at high altitude - medical complications, avalanches, bad weather and more. With a total of 213 deaths recorded at Siachen between 2003-10, the glacier has been taking its toll. The average of 30 deaths a year does not include the 140 soldiers that Pakistan lost in a fatal avalanche that hit a military camp in April 2012.

On the other hand, Indian casualties on glacier have progressively decreased over the years and are currently in single digits. Official data released in parliament shows that Indian soldiers have died due to climatic conditions at an average of 10 a year. In recent years this number has almost come down to single digits, with 5 soldiers lost this year, six in 2014 and ten in 2013. This despite the fact that the Indian Army is manning higher posts and is deployed across the length and breadth of the glacier, unlike Pakistan that is restricted to the mountains surrounding the area. In both 2007 and 2008 for example, the Indian army suffered four fatal casualties. Correspondingly, the Pakistan Army lost 13 in 2008 and 12 in 2007 in the Siachen region.

The difference in casualties between the two nations is attributed by the Army on better equipment, resources, training and medical facilities on the Indian side. Indian Army officers who have served on the glacier say that a strictly followed acclimatization procedure, along with standard operating procedures that are implemented sternly have brought down casualties. The laying down of a kerosene line on the glacier, as well as the procurement of pre fabricated huts and better clothing has reduced deaths due to the bone chilling cold. Lt Gen Ata Hasnain (retd), says that one of the success stories of DRDO has been on high altitude research and the medicine and material they have put together for the glacier is saving lives.
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Why ISPR didn't mention this death earlier ????? if they can't give out this onfo to the public what makes you think they'd give out the causalities of their soldiers in LoC
30 a year from 2003, that means 30*12=360 in last 12 years, without firing a bullet.

Are there any casualties on indian side as well ?
Why ISPR didn't mention this death earlier ????? if they can't give out this onfo to the public what makes you think they'd give out the causalities of their soldiers in LoC
we should follow ISPR military casualty should not be disclosed.Only civilian casualties.
Over 8,000 Indo-Pak soldiers killed in Siachen

Amir Mir
Monday, April 09, 2012
From Print Edition

1709 88 155 2

LAHORE: The deadly avalanche that struck the battalion headquarters of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) on the Siachen Glacier has brought to light the human and economic costs of sustaining the two-decade-long bloody conflict over the possession of the geographically remote and climatically inhospitable area, which has claimed the lives of over 8,000 Indian and Pakistani soldiers between April 1984 and April 2012.

The Saturday's avalanche at the highest and costliest battlefield in the world buried alive at least 125 people, most of them Pakistani soldiers from the Northern Light Infantry. Although, rescue efforts are underway at the tragedy site to find signs of life in the deep snow, the rescuers have yet to find a single body or survivor in the remote area even 48 hours after the disaster.

The catastrophe has once again highlighted the risks of deploying troops to one of the most unfriendly places on earth, reminding decision-makers on both sides of the Indo-Pak border that the longest-running armed conflict between two regular armies in the Twentieth Century continues to bleed Pakistan and India dry for almost three decades now.

The Siachen dispute has resulted in thousands of casualties from both sides, mainly because of adverse climatic conditions and harsh terrain. This is despite the fact that leaders in Islamabad and New Delhi keep acknowledging the human and economic costs of the conflict. According to careful estimates by defence analysts, Pakistan spends approximately Rs15 million a day to maintain three battalions at the Siachen Glacier, which makes Rs450 million a month and Rs5.4 billion a year. On the other hand, the deployment of seven battalions at the Glacier costs India Rs50 million a day, Rs1.5 billion a month and Rs30 billion a year.

On an average, defence experts say, one Pakistani soldier is killed every third day on the Siachen Glacier, showing approximately 100 casualties every year on an average. Similarly, one Indian soldier is killed every other day on the Siachen Glacier, at an annual average of 180 casualties. According to unofficial figures, over 3,000 Pakistani soldiers have lost their lives on the bloody Siachen Glacier between April 1984 and April 2012 as against over 5,000 Indian casualties. At present, there are approximately 7,000 Indian Army troops and about 4,000 Pakistani troops stationed at the Siachen Glacier.

The two neighbours maintain a permanent military presence at a height of over 20,000 feet, which has led to more deaths due to the extreme weather conditions than to each other's military might. In fact, human endurance is severely tested at altitudes above 26,000 feet because no human being can acclimatise himself to such harsh weather conditions. Pakistan had been in control of the Siachen death zone till 1984 when India sneakily occupied it.

Since April 1984, when the Indian Army carried out a covert operation code-named "Meghdoot" and established permanent posts at the Siachen Glacier, the two nuclear-armed neighbours have confronted each other militarily for control over the highest battlefield in the world and its approaches in the eastern Karakorum mountain range, adjacent to the borders of India, Pakistan and China.

Originally known as Saicher Gharni, the Siachen means the place of roses (Sia-rose, chen-place of). The fight for the Siachen Glacier involves territory claimed by both states but not controlled by either until the mid-1980s.

In 20 years of fighting, India and Pakistan have chosen to keep the war almost entirely out of the press. It is a war neither side wants to fight. Yet, it has lasted for almost three decades now. Thousands of soldiers from Pakistan and India stand muzzle to muzzle all along the glacier, the disputed ice chunk between two hostile neighbours.

India controls about two-thirds of the glacier besides commanding two of the three passes while Pakistan occupies the Gyong La Pass, which overlooks Shyok and Nubra river valleys and India's access to the glacier from the Leh district in Ladakh.

At 5,472 meters above sea level, the Siachen Glacier is located in the Karakorum mountain region, which has some of the highest peaks in the world. The northern mountains of the glacier mark the watershed between the Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. Bereft of vegetation, the glacier happens to be one of the world's most inhospitable regions where temperature hovers around minus 40 degree Centigrade. If bare skin touches metal, it binds as if with glue and can be torn off. In winters, strong winds from Central Asia can further bring down the temperature to minus 50 degrees. The glacier receives 6-7 meters of the annual total of 10 meters of snow in winter alone. Snowstorms can reach speeds up to 150 knots (nearly 300 kilometres per hour).

The Indian Army controls Siachen heights, holding on to the tactical advantage of high ground. But the Pakistan Army is slightly better off since it occupies smaller portion of the glacier, and its road-head is only 20 km away from the farthest post. The Indian troops on the other hand are stationed about 80 km away from the road-head and have to be maintained entirely by air, which is not only cost prohibitive but also risky because of the adverse weather conditions most of the times. Interestingly, the Pakistani soldiers cannot get up to the glacier and the Indian forces cannot come down. Soldiers brought down to base camp often suffer hearing, eyesight and memory loss because of prolonged use of oxygen masks. Many lose eyes, hands or feet to frostbite.

While Pakistani troops stationed on the glacier are confronted with a less forbidding terrain as compared to their Indian adversaries, their military presence forces the Indian troops to retain their troops on the more elevated and hazardous mountain passes, resulting in higher attrition rates because of the dangerous altitude, weather and terrain.

Daily existence at the glacier is simply agonising due to frostbiting and other such tribulations. Therefore, over 95 percent of the casualties at the glacier are because of extremely cold weather and forbidding terrain while only five percent fall in combat. The Indian casualty rate is a staggering 63 percent -- of every two soldiers sent up to the glacier, one will be a casualty.

The Pakistanis are no better off since they lose fewer men to the hostile elements and more to the Indian firing. The Pakistani authorities had admitted in 1994 that their non-combat casualties since 1984 accounted for over 80 percent of total attrition. The Pakistani positions are, for the most part, at a lower altitude in the glacier area, ranging between 9,000 to 15,000 feet (some are at a much higher altitude such as Conway Saddle, at 17,200 feet, which controls doorway to the glacier). Over the last two decades, Pakistan has tried many times to displace the Indian forces, but had to retreat each time. The Indian troops have to do nothing but sit tight and periodically repel a Pakistani assault.

Keeping in view all these facts, defence experts suggest that Pakistan and India should find a way to demilitarise the Siachen Glacier by withdrawing their troops from this futile war of attrition.

Over 8,000 Indo-Pak soldiers killed in Siachen - thenews.com.pk
Why not??? we're democracy with a big politic leadership not a military controlled pakistan
Then GOI shall disclose every covert and overt ops of military in kashmir as we are a democracy.

P.S - pakistan accuse us of cross border raids in LOC,even beheadings by indian army.
another link say

In last three years alone, 50 Indian soldiers have died in Siachen. These causalities as per the information made available by Defense Minister in Lok Sabha, were due to the very nature of the place our forces are serving. These soldiers sacrificed their lives on the line of duty while combating the floods, avalanches and floods in Siachen.
Over 8,000 Indo-Pak soldiers killed in Siachen

Amir Mir
Monday, April 09, 2012
From Print Edition

1709 88 155 2

LAHORE: The deadly avalanche that struck the battalion headquarters of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) on the Siachen Glacier has brought to light the human and economic costs of sustaining the two-decade-long bloody conflict over the possession of the geographically remote and climatically inhospitable area, which has claimed the lives of over 8,000 Indian and Pakistani soldiers between April 1984 and April 2012.

The Saturday's avalanche at the highest and costliest battlefield in the world buried alive at least 125 people, most of them Pakistani soldiers from the Northern Light Infantry. Although, rescue efforts are underway at the tragedy site to find signs of life in the deep snow, the rescuers have yet to find a single body or survivor in the remote area even 48 hours after the disaster.

The catastrophe has once again highlighted the risks of deploying troops to one of the most unfriendly places on earth, reminding decision-makers on both sides of the Indo-Pak border that the longest-running armed conflict between two regular armies in the Twentieth Century continues to bleed Pakistan and India dry for almost three decades now.

The Siachen dispute has resulted in thousands of casualties from both sides, mainly because of adverse climatic conditions and harsh terrain. This is despite the fact that leaders in Islamabad and New Delhi keep acknowledging the human and economic costs of the conflict. According to careful estimates by defence analysts, Pakistan spends approximately Rs15 million a day to maintain three battalions at the Siachen Glacier, which makes Rs450 million a month and Rs5.4 billion a year. On the other hand, the deployment of seven battalions at the Glacier costs India Rs50 million a day, Rs1.5 billion a month and Rs30 billion a year.

On an average, defence experts say, one Pakistani soldier is killed every third day on the Siachen Glacier, showing approximately 100 casualties every year on an average. Similarly, one Indian soldier is killed every other day on the Siachen Glacier, at an annual average of 180 casualties. According to unofficial figures, over 3,000 Pakistani soldiers have lost their lives on the bloody Siachen Glacier between April 1984 and April 2012 as against over 5,000 Indian casualties. At present, there are approximately 7,000 Indian Army troops and about 4,000 Pakistani troops stationed at the Siachen Glacier.

The two neighbours maintain a permanent military presence at a height of over 20,000 feet, which has led to more deaths due to the extreme weather conditions than to each other's military might. In fact, human endurance is severely tested at altitudes above 26,000 feet because no human being can acclimatise himself to such harsh weather conditions. Pakistan had been in control of the Siachen death zone till 1984 when India sneakily occupied it.

Since April 1984, when the Indian Army carried out a covert operation code-named "Meghdoot" and established permanent posts at the Siachen Glacier, the two nuclear-armed neighbours have confronted each other militarily for control over the highest battlefield in the world and its approaches in the eastern Karakorum mountain range, adjacent to the borders of India, Pakistan and China.

Originally known as Saicher Gharni, the Siachen means the place of roses (Sia-rose, chen-place of). The fight for the Siachen Glacier involves territory claimed by both states but not controlled by either until the mid-1980s.

In 20 years of fighting, India and Pakistan have chosen to keep the war almost entirely out of the press. It is a war neither side wants to fight. Yet, it has lasted for almost three decades now. Thousands of soldiers from Pakistan and India stand muzzle to muzzle all along the glacier, the disputed ice chunk between two hostile neighbours.

India controls about two-thirds of the glacier besides commanding two of the three passes while Pakistan occupies the Gyong La Pass, which overlooks Shyok and Nubra river valleys and India's access to the glacier from the Leh district in Ladakh.

At 5,472 meters above sea level, the Siachen Glacier is located in the Karakorum mountain region, which has some of the highest peaks in the world. The northern mountains of the glacier mark the watershed between the Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. Bereft of vegetation, the glacier happens to be one of the world's most inhospitable regions where temperature hovers around minus 40 degree Centigrade. If bare skin touches metal, it binds as if with glue and can be torn off. In winters, strong winds from Central Asia can further bring down the temperature to minus 50 degrees. The glacier receives 6-7 meters of the annual total of 10 meters of snow in winter alone. Snowstorms can reach speeds up to 150 knots (nearly 300 kilometres per hour).

The Indian Army controls Siachen heights, holding on to the tactical advantage of high ground. But the Pakistan Army is slightly better off since it occupies smaller portion of the glacier, and its road-head is only 20 km away from the farthest post. The Indian troops on the other hand are stationed about 80 km away from the road-head and have to be maintained entirely by air, which is not only cost prohibitive but also risky because of the adverse weather conditions most of the times. Interestingly, the Pakistani soldiers cannot get up to the glacier and the Indian forces cannot come down. Soldiers brought down to base camp often suffer hearing, eyesight and memory loss because of prolonged use of oxygen masks. Many lose eyes, hands or feet to frostbite.

While Pakistani troops stationed on the glacier are confronted with a less forbidding terrain as compared to their Indian adversaries, their military presence forces the Indian troops to retain their troops on the more elevated and hazardous mountain passes, resulting in higher attrition rates because of the dangerous altitude, weather and terrain.

Daily existence at the glacier is simply agonising due to frostbiting and other such tribulations. Therefore, over 95 percent of the casualties at the glacier are because of extremely cold weather and forbidding terrain while only five percent fall in combat. The Indian casualty rate is a staggering 63 percent -- of every two soldiers sent up to the glacier, one will be a casualty.

The Pakistanis are no better off since they lose fewer men to the hostile elements and more to the Indian firing. The Pakistani authorities had admitted in 1994 that their non-combat casualties since 1984 accounted for over 80 percent of total attrition. The Pakistani positions are, for the most part, at a lower altitude in the glacier area, ranging between 9,000 to 15,000 feet (some are at a much higher altitude such as Conway Saddle, at 17,200 feet, which controls doorway to the glacier). Over the last two decades, Pakistan has tried many times to displace the Indian forces, but had to retreat each time. The Indian troops have to do nothing but sit tight and periodically repel a Pakistani assault.

Keeping in view all these facts, defence experts suggest that Pakistan and India should find a way to demilitarise the Siachen Glacier by withdrawing their troops from this futile war of attrition.

Over 8,000 Indo-Pak soldiers killed in Siachen - thenews.com.pk

So let me ask you??? this news's source must be from Pakistan..:o::o:
According to unofficial figures, over 3,000 Pakistani soldiers have lost their lives on the blood-laced Siachen Glacier between April 1984 and April 2012. Over 5,000 Indian casualties have also been documented. At one point, one Pakistani soldier was killed every fourth day, while one Indian soldier was killed every other day.

Over 1,300 Pakistani soldiers died in Siachen between 1984 and 1999. Almost all of the casualties on both sides have been due to extreme weather conditions.

Siachen tragedy: Is a glacier worth their lives? – The Express Tribune Blog
Loss of lives on both side is unfortunate. We have to remember the sacrifice. However as pointed in the article, DRDO has made remarkable achievement in high altitude survival technology.
According to unofficial figures, over 3,000 Pakistani soldiers have lost their lives on the blood-laced Siachen Glacier between April 1984 and April 2012. Over 5,000 Indian casualties have also been documented. At one point, one Pakistani soldier was killed every fourth day, while one Indian soldier was killed every other day.

Over 1,300 Pakistani soldiers died in Siachen between 1984 and 1999. Almost all of the casualties on both sides have been due to extreme weather conditions.

Siachen tragedy: Is a glacier worth their lives? – The Express Tribune Blog

Sir, if you see my posted article it takes in account stats in India for last 3 years. 2013 was 10 ; 2014 was 6 ; 2015 - 5 sofar .

L O L! i knew it was comical Times of India. complete biased source.
Its economic times. A respected business affairs paper with strategic reporting repertoire. Moreover its not an opinion based article or a blog. It is based on the released official figures.
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