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Blast in the Serena Hotel Quetta

Don't worry you are referred too.
If it is not for Uncle Sam and Europe, you would have been declared a terrorist nation long time ago due to your activities in Afghanistan and Central Asia's states. Through which you import terrorism to Pakistan.

Yanks know everything about you, nobody is a fool. Once yanks gone, you and your trained terrorists are going to get it in between the eyes, wait for it.
Pakistan has all the details and co-ordinates of your terror training camps in Afghanistan.
You will understand the meaning of "Real Surgical Strikes" very soon. You terrorist , vile human beings.
You sound like a ranting old man, who claims to know everything but can’t do a shit. I have flagged your post and will revert to you in a few months.

“Terrorist vile human beings”.??..
Now entire India is terrorist?

Go and consult a psychiatrist. Don’t waste other’s time here.

Don’t derail the thread. It is about an act of terrorism and loss of life in Pakistan.

Let the investigation establish the cause and perpetrators. Don’t go into your personal fancy flight. Don’t turn it into hate India thread because you are blind.
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Pakistan needs to stop ALL engagement with India.

Until terrorism sponsored by India (with Afghan support) does not end, Pakistan should have nothing to do with that terrorism sponsoring State.

The US & UK are also complicit in this, given their refusal to even censure India.
Without even a single shred of evidence you are directly concluding that India is responsible for this without even examining or mentioning your own breed of home grown terrorists who are massively revolting against the establishment itself right now and there is not much news about what is really going on after Pakistani military soldiers in uniform have openly switched sides as if they owe more loyalty to the madarassas than to Imran Khan.
Until we not start carpet bombardment over new dehli these hindutva terrorist will never stop sponsoring and training terrorists to sabotage development in the region
First cross LOC.
So these are the consequences Ghani and the Indians were warning about!!!

Well, it is obvious. So what Pakistan is going to do!!
Not even raise it on diplomatic and military levels!!
Which Indian?
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We must hit afghanistan hard. So hard that they will never in the next 1000 years forget.

I am talking about hundreds of drones, cruise missiles, BALLISTIC missiles, and airstrikes. Followed by multiple incursions of special forces. Even if it costs us hundreds of millions or a billion dollars we must make the point... it will save us many billions down the line. We must think of it as an investment.

Incompetant Bajwa and incompetant GOvt
You are proposing WOT part 2 without the US military budget handouts?
Hello Bajwa and Co. - where are you these days while the country is under siege by Mullah hooligans and other terrorists?
Since we are sending peace application to INdia and not talking about kahsmir also...along with SMQ meetings through UAE can we request india please stop this ?IK should call Modi and tell him we want peace we no longer care for kahsmir let us live in peace atleast
You are proposing WOT part 2 without the US military budget handouts?

Is that the same SU30 in your avatar that was shot down in feb 2019? :D

Beta worlds biggest beggar by far is India

Moron!! It's soo obvious y'all dipshits resort to abusing instead of getting back with a civil response. Just because FC getting pounded isn't reported on pdf doesn't mean they're not happening. There are tons of forums and reddit like threads where you can see em. I don't wanna post bloody graphic footage of your scumbags since that'd result in a ban and posts being deleted but you can search for yourself.

Secondly, I personally support naxals to a certain extent except their path at to take up arms. Their fight is not for separatism but against exploitation and development. I wish the local govts do more to uplift the communities in that region. Also, India has been largely able to curb naxal movement and is now only limited to a few districts of central India

and not to deviate from the OP, my post is about randomly blaming RAW without even a preliminary investigation
PDF is first contact with civilisation for you human waste so save your nonsense.....no one has denied that FC never got it .....and there are also plenty of videos released by Naxals of your Gobar Parsad littering fields....the enemy does that not your own media walking all over the bodies.
And do recall, while a firefight was still going on in the Taj, you had a piss head Patil with a group of 12 year olds doing rounds shouting anti-Pakistan slogans not to mention, every time some Indian meat loaf has a miscarriage, the blame usually is put on ISI.
It is india and US involvement , and this incident happen right after this news circulated to hit the chinese and pakistan ineterst.

How to stop this incident in future , right now police have only 5% coverage and rest 95% without control where this proxy grow. We need to increase our police coverage.
i was thinking today . where are pakistanis ? why no body set a protest a rally against terror ? why no silience of 2 minutes where are people to have dharna ? why pakistanis don't care own blood ? why nation did not stand and strongly condemn terror attacks in pakistan ? where is media civil society librals mullahs lawyers unions sportsmen of this country ? why pakistnai blood is so cheap ? if this was in any other muslim country islamists were blocking roads of karachi lahore if it was in any western country liberals were bringing flowers and crying . why not Pakistanis ? do our nation silently support terrorism ?
American establishment is pissed the way they are leaving Afghanistan.

India is pissed that Pakistan is still standing strong and their project of terrorism in Pakistan through Afghan soil, under the cover of American support, is coming to end. The humiliation against PLA and current chaos within due to mishandling of Covid is acting as a catalyst to these mindless zombies within Indian establishment and New Delhi south block to somehow hit Pakistan regardless of the consequences.

Kabul regime of farsawan, the northern alliance is in pain to see their overlord made to except defeat and leave Afghanistan.

CIA,RAW and NDS is a dirty nexus. Those who are having hallucinations about "burring the past", pacifist attitude, in this day and age, and with the current geopolitical landscape, they are becoming a liability to the state of Pakistan.

Quetta 'suicide blast' carried out to disrupt Pakistan's peace, progress: interior minister - DAWN.COM

He said enemy forces were "thinking about terrorism" in big cities in the country because of the way "Pakistan is going towards progress [and] how its economy has taken off under [Prime Minister] Imran Khan's guidance".

"We are a great nation and the great army and agencies are the country's assets. The way Pakistan Army defeated terrorism by laying down some 60,000 lives, [in the same way,] Pakistan Army, the great agencies and the 220 million people will defeat TTP (Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan) that is reorganising, and plots hatched in the neighbouring country," he said.

Rashid said between 250,000 and 300,000 social media accounts had been created by people in India within the last eight to 10 days. "I cannot speak about accounts opened in America and Korea. I said previously that there are attempts to internally destabilise Pakistan by forces outside the country," he added.

"They cannot bear [to see] Pakistan growing and prospering."

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has said that the bomb blast at Quetta's Serena Hotel a day earlier — which claimed the lives of five people and injured at least a dozen — is a suicide attack with its real objective being to "disrupt peace in Pakistan".

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, he said he was issuing the statement in light of the queries raised by international media.

"The [attacker] was a suicide bomber and used C4 explosives, weighing between 60 to 70 kilogrammes. The suicide attacker stayed in the car which has been sent for forensic [analysis]."

Talking about the injured, he said six of them remained in hospital, while one or two were in critical condition.

There must be a strict policy that any terrorist who commits terrorism should have punishment levied on their family members as well. This should include jail, hangings, beatings, etc...

Terrorist care more about their family members than those innocents they murder in cold blood. Having such policy will make terrorist think many times over.
There must be a strict policy that any terrorist who commits terrorism should have punishment levied on their family members as well. This should include jail, hangings, beatings, etc...

Terrorist care more about their family members than those innocents they murder in cold blood. Having such policy will make terrorist think many times over.
You cannot hang or beat family members of a terrorist that's against human rights.

What you can do is you can keep the members of terrorists as hostages or under government observation and use that circumstance as a disadvantage for those terrorist.

However I support jailing or physically beating family members of terrorists if they are found guilty of hiding him or even supporting him financially or morally.
Until we not start carpet bombardment over new dehli these hindutva terrorist will never stop sponsoring and training terrorists to sabotage development in the region

don't do it . citizens of both countries do not know much about who is doing and why ? aam admi ko peace chahiye .
Not much Pakistan can do at this point and time let's wait September when US withdrawal then real game will began

what real game ?
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