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Blast in the Serena Hotel Quetta

Funny seeing indians not defend this narrative... you lot and your media blames ISI within minutes of a failure to stop an attack🤣
A country of 130 crores, there are varied opinions.

You can have your’s too and blame RAW for every such act.

Just that I don’t subscribe to such an approach. I know I am in a minority.
RIP to the dead.

As usual pakistanis pointing fingers at India to avoid looking within their extremists.
Lolx most of the time finger is pointed at india for supporting those extremist which india does..

TTP consortium and Baloch terror consortium both have indian backing hence fingers are pointed at india..

But unlike india who within minutes points fingers at Pakistan for its failure to stop terror atracks or sometimes false flag attacks.. we accept that our forces failed to stop this attack even if they had stopped 97 others... and they should be answerable..
A country of 130 crores, there are varied opinions.

You can have your’s too and blame RAW for every such act.

Just that I don’t subscribe to such an approach. I know I am in a minority.
Read the above post
Are you really bhola record?
After "jedada vech chadia ne" bhola became financially ghareeb and joined PDF 😆
Work of Tehreek e Labaik or Taliban or Al Qaeda or ISIS or Haqqani network or Lashkar e Taiba or Jaish e Mohammad or Harkat Ul Jihad or Lashkar e Jhangvi or Hizbul Mujahideen or Sipah e Sahaba.
TTP consortium and Baloch terror consortium both have indian backing hence fingers are pointed at india..
I could have also pointed a finger at support for Kashmir separatists and Khalistan by ISI. But I didn’t because it would start a discussion on how it is all internal problems blah blah blah.

Also, because loss of life in such acts are deplorable. Whoever does it with whoever’s support is always deplorable and loss of life saddens me.

It has become fashionable to name ISI or RAW for any such act. Even before investigation starts.

Please read my previous post.
Something is up bro, something is up. TLP, US leaving, and now this. I think they are tryna reignite dark days again...
Yes, they have arisen from the grave they were put in and were emboldened enough to pull this off, contributing factors to this are like you said the US leaving and the Pakistani State at home relenting to Religious groups that TTP support.
Also regarding the Chinese Ambassador, TTP gave out another statement saying he was not the target and that security forces were the intended target. This is semi-believable as the Chinese Ambassador was not present at the time, so perhaps they waited until he left or it could've been a mistake on their part. But given the planning that went into this a mistake like this, which could've been corrected by waiting for him to come seems a little unlikely. But then again multiple factors are at play.
Who provided such a massive amount of explosives to these terrorists. It's hit on CPEC.

BLA .. Bhartia Loser Army footprints .
These experts get an advance copy of the investigation report. Surprisingly all these reports always have RAW as the perpetrator.
Morons galore.

It is sad that so many people lost their lives due to this cowardly act.

Nope , this time Singapore Agency was involved!

You are terrorist nation. Don't worry, things are going to get tough for you in Afghanistan and India too, just wait for few more months. Everything would be avenged 10 times over.
Confrimrd Died numbers goes to 5


You are terrorist nation.

Which nation is in FATF for financing terrorism?

Don't worry, things are going to get tough for you in Afghanistan and India too, just wait for few more months.

India has been facing the brunt of Pakistan sponsored terrorism for decades. We will sort you out nice and proper.

If you are still too keen on your expertise in exporting your famous commodity then black list is waiting for you.

Keep your threats to yourself.
Which nation is in FATF for financing terrorism?

India has been facing the brunt of Pakistan sponsored terrorism for decades. We will sort you out nice and proper.

If you are still too keen on your expertise in exporting your famous commodity then black list is waiting for you.

Keep your threats to yourself.

Don't worry you are referred too.
If it is not for Uncle Sam and Europe, you would have been declared a terrorist nation long time ago due to your activities in Afghanistan and Central Asia's states. Through which you import terrorism to Pakistan.

Yanks know everything about you, nobody is a fool. Once yanks gone, you and your trained terrorists are going to get it in between the eyes, wait for it.
Pakistan has all the details and co-ordinates of your terror training camps in Afghanistan.
You will understand the meaning of "Real Surgical Strikes" very soon. You terrorist , vile human beings.
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