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Blast in Quetta kills 84 Shias, injures 200

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Intelligence Agencies already know where they are , but due to political pressure they are unable to move again the big fish , once the interim govt kicks in , you will see the difference .
Then they sit quietly and let them blow up the market place ? I mean at least they can follow them and diffuse any bomb that has been planted ?

Is it that hard to save innocents ? Political pressure stopping them while they plant bombs.
Intelligence Agencies already know where they are , but due to political pressure they are unable to move again the big fish , once the interim govt kicks in , you will see the difference .

Are you justifying incompetency?
Seriously, intelligence agencies are barred so a tens of innocent people can die in bomb blasts.
I never had a bigger WTF moment than this!
Are you justifying incompetency?
Seriously, intelligence agencies are barred so a tens of innocent people can die in bomb blasts.
I never had a bigger WTF moment than this!

Well next time THINK before you vote .

When Intelligence Agencies act without permission , then you have a problem , when they dont then you have a problem .

only thing i can say is you are confused , & i cant blame you , 90% of our population is .
Are you justifying incompetency?
Seriously, intelligence agencies are barred so a tens of innocent people can die in bomb blasts.
I never had a bigger WTF moment than this!

Yes,it may be ..

like congress party killed sikhs in 84.
RIP... :cry:

Bera gharq ho in Arbon kay pagal kutton ka, kanjro ko sirf hamara hee mulk milla tha apnay experiments ka.
@JonAsad Dude, these jehadis were used against India. Come on are you kidding me ? We all know where were the terrorist camps, from where the weapons came.

As for JeM,

Over time, JeM has cultivated important relationships with other prominent ****** organizations including Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, and Al-Rashid Trust. The group has allegedly received financial support from Osama bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders. Prior to 2002, JeM also received support from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)

Toward the end of 2001, the U.S. Department of State placed JeM on its list of foreign terrorist organizations. In January 2002, the Pakistani government banned JeM and detained several of its members.] In response to the official ban, JeM launched sectarian attacks against Shiites and Christians within Pakistan and "many of its activists became foot soldiers for Al Qaeda operations in Pakistan."[9] These attacks represented the transition to a new strategy that targeted the government of Pakistan (GOP). As of 2010, many groups have similarly changed their policies and now target GOP.

In 2003, a faction within JeM splintered from the group and became Jamaat-ul-Furqan (JuF). JeM subsequently renamed itself Tehrik Khuddam-ul-Islam (KuI).[10] Pakistan has banned both groups. As of spring 2011, JeM is said to be one of the most violent active terrorist organizations within Pakistan.

Jaish-e-Mohammad | Mapping Militant Organizations

Standford University link.

Kindly read that they targeted Shites and Christians in Pakistan. Last time I checkd these people were on pay roll of ISI and then they turned against you killing your citizens, considering you do consider Shites and Christians as Pakistanis.

Here we are talking about attack on Shias. I also posted that they had link with LeJ that owned the responsibility for January and yesterday attack. BTW it was JeM that masterminded Parliament attack on India and that Afjal Guru that helped in it was considered by you all as martyred. Should we call LeJ militants killed as martyrs ?

Hypocrisy at best. You fed these snakes against India. They are poisoning you now.

Do you need more material for proof ? Don't run away from the truth.
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Jinnah did not use fundamental Islam to create a country so that nullifies your argument. Most of the fundos like Moododi opposed the creation of Pakistan and remained in India. Jinnah's argument of Muslims of subcontinent being different to Hindus was at large inspired by vast differences in culture - not sectarian and religious associations.

Pakistan is linguistically and culturally much more close to Persia & Central Asia while India at large is indigenous.

I did not say anywhere that he used "fundamental islam". However, an Islamic identity was still the basis of creating Pakistan. Also, Pakistanis (especially Punjabis and sindhis) are culturally a LOT similar to the north central Indians, than those Indians are to east Indians or south Indians. A Rajasthani or Punjabi would be a lot more at home in Pakistan than in tamil nadu or assam (culturally and linguistically, I mean). And yet, all of us can live together as one nation, despite having such a diverse culture and ethnicity and languages. (It is the most diverse nation in human history.) So there is no reason for Pakistan to have split, if language and culture was the deciding factor. Kannadigas and tamilians and manipuris and biharis are a lot more different. So let's be honest, religion was the main factor. And you seem to forget that Pakistan had an eastern bit as well, before 1971. Surely you didn't decide to form one nation with them because of language and culture? Bangladeshis are nothing like Persians, are they?

Also, when Pakistan was formed, and today too, it was formed on the identity of being an Islamic republic. Not a secular nation where government has nothing to do with religion. @haviZsultan was saying that religion should not be mixed with politics, and I was agreeing with him, but you have to admit that if religion wasn't mixed with the political movement at that time, Pakistan would not have been created. Whether they were thinking about a fundamentalist version of religion or not is beside the point.
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Then they sit quietly and let them blow up the market place ? I mean at least they can follow them and diffuse any bomb that has been planted ?

Is it that hard to save innocents ? Political pressure stopping them while they plant bombs.

they keep tabs on them, but some time one or two things slip , it is humanly not possible to catch & prevent every incident , after all the restriction put on our intelligence agencies .

unfortunately our public is very innocent they believe what is told to them , They will criticize you for one wrong thing & will forget the 10 good things before that or vice verse .

They are doing their best , but as long as the big heads have the protection of politicians the cant contain the situation 100% , that is why i said wait for interim govt , once these politicians are gone then agencies will have free hand .
Yara, nothing will happen with interim government or any other which comes after that. I am with @muse on this one. I have seen the same old sh*t going on for the past two and half decades. This is much more than bigger fish and their bosses in NA / SCP.

they keep tabs on them, but some time one or two things slip , it is humanly not possible to catch & prevent every incident , after all the restriction put on our intelligence agencies .

unfortunately our public is very innocent they believe what is told to them , They will criticize you for one wrong thing & will forget the 10 good things before that or vice verse .

They are doing their best , but as long as the big heads have the protection of politicians the cant contain the situation 100% , that is why i said wait for interim govt , once these politicians are gone then agencies will have free hand .
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Well next time THINK before you vote .When Intelligence Agencies act without permission , then you have a problem , when they dont then you have a problem .only thing i can say is you are confused , & i cant blame you , 90% of our population is .
Sir one quick question. If you see few children near that tanker, will you care about your orders and see them blown into pieces or forget the orders and save them ?

You have two choices, tell me one. And don't put blame on me on voting the wrong people as I didn't know they would stop you. Even if you do break the rule and save those kids, I will standing behind you for support before govt. take any action against you.

@somebozo Read or watch a video on what Maulana Abul Kalam Azad said about what will happen to Pakistan after partition.

He predicted exact same things that happened.
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Sir one quick question. If you see few children near that tanker, will you care about your orders and see them blown into pieces or forget the orders and save them ?

You have two choices, tell me one. And don't put blame on me on voting the wrong people as I didn't know they would stop you. Even if you do break the rule and save those kids, I will standing behind you for support before govt. take any action against you.

The thing is some time there is no choice , it is very hard to choose , for example if two of your best Friends are held captive & you can only save one & the other will be killed which one will you save ?

If Agencies move against them Now , it will cause problems , more people will be killed , elections will be postponed , and in the end , even if we capture the big fish , their spawns will be their , a new leader will be chosen & he will have the support of the same people & the loop will begin once again .

I am not saying it is Right , I am saying it is necessary . some times you have to make a choice , to loose 100 or to loose 1000 .
Well next time THINK before you vote .

When Intelligence Agencies act without permission , then you have a problem , when they dont then you have a problem .

only thing i can say is you are confused , & i cant blame you , 90% of our population is .

Yes we do have a big problem when intelligence agencies act without permission and create Talibans, JEM, JUI and SSP.
Yes we do have a big problem when intelligence agencies act without permission and create Talibans, JEM, JUI and SSP.

again your lack of knowledge effects your judgement , every thing you know you know through TV , newspaper & internet Articles , which is hardly 10% of what the truth is , but i am & will never go into that .

if you want system to change , Change yourself First .
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Issues Fresh Warning to Balochistan’s Shias

QUETTA: The banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, an underground Sunni militant group that accepted responsibility for Saturyday’s deadly bomb blast in Quetta which killed around 80 people, has said it would continue its anti-Shia operations despite the governor’s rule or even if the military takes control of Balochistan.

Abu Bakar Siddiq, a spokesman for the underground organization, told the local media on the telephone that government should not live under any illusions that his organization would stop its activities after the imposition of the governor’s rule. According to him, Saturday’s was a suicide blast carried out by “our friend Omar Farooq”.

“We wish to warn the government that the governor’s rule cannot deter us from our obligation [to kill the Shias] and we want to tell the Shias that they should not consider themselves safe under the governor’s rule. Until Islamic rule, as guided by the companions of Prophet Mohammad, is enforced, Shias should not feel safe. We will attack them even if the army is called in Balochistan”

The spokesman said it was the second attack his organization had carried out against the Shias this year (2013) but they possessed at least twenty more similar “ready trucks” such as the one used in Saturday’s attack on the Shias. All twenty of its “prepared suicide bombers” only await instructions from the top leadership of the organization.

“We do not fear the governor rule or the military regime. We love to embrace martyrdom. Inshallah [god willing] we will attack the Shias inside their homes on Alamdar Road, Marri Abad Road and Hazara Town. We urge all the Sunnis to support us. They should attach bombs to their bodies against the Shias and ‘support’ the LeJ.

The spokesman said, “either we or the Shias will live in Quetta.”

He dispelled the impression that some elements in the government were supporting his organization.

“We have never needed anyone’s help nor will we require that. We are solely fighting this war in Allah’s name which will end in making Balochistan a graveyard for the Shias.”
@F.O.X I got it. Sometimes one have to make the toughest choice and even after saving one, he can't accept it as a win. Its a loss-loss case and one has to make the hardest choice that a common man can't make or will ever face. Soldiers and intelligence agencies face them regularly.

Its not like I am fully against you, I understand your POV and your problem. If I were in your position I would have to think about it. No matter how revolting it sound to other person. I just expect things get better that such choices don't appear time by time. It takes a huge toll on the person.
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